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6+ Months Later, How Is Ravagers still bugged???


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Seriously, I just don't understand. It's sad enough that there are only 2 level 60 operations. But one of them still consistently bugs on the last fight? My guild ran it in Group Finder early this week when Ravagers was in there, sailed to the Cortani fight, and after we killed her and the bird and clicked the shuttle, instead of taking us downstairs it reset. We did that a total of 5 times in a row, leaving after each time to drop group, reset phase, and make someone else in the group leader just in prayers that somehow our shenanigans would match the games, but to no avail. Over the course of the last week, we've gone back in there at least once a day to try and finish, and the same bug happened everytime. We made a total of 20 attempts, and everytime we flawlessly executed the Cortani/Bird fight only for it to reset when we hit the Shuttle.


As someone who works for a Software company in real life, countless developers would immediately lose their job if something ridiculous like this happened. I honestly can't think of the words to express my frustration without getting banned. Time is money, and bioware has consistently flushed that money down the toilet for many of us for months. It's honestly reprehensible when you consider this is a game we play for fun......


And to add insult to injury, when you put in a ticket to complain about, you get a bogus auto-reply several days later that says....and I'm just summarizing...."Thank for your concern, but you should submit a bug ticket instead. No one will every reply to it or do anything about it, but do it anyway."

Edited by DarthNillard
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As someone who works in the software industry, you should also know how to write a good bug report. Your post here, sadly, is not a good bug report. I can only hope you included more details in your ticket to Bioware.


Your post does say what happens and when, but it's missing an important piece of information. Perhaps even the most important: how to reproduce the problem. If the problem is not apparent (and it probably isn't, since many players are able to get through the fight just fine), it can be extremely frustrating to try and guess exactly what the user did to trigger the bug.


So: if you want other forumgoers to help you with your problem, please tell us how your are doing the fight. If not, I'm not quite sure what your goal with your post is.


For reference, my group takes bird down to about 25%, then beats Cora until she escapes (a bit under 20% IIRC), and finally finishes bird. We often put one dps on Cora from the beginning. Extinguishers are triggered on cooldown starting from the second ricochet shot (first fire dot comes at about that time). If anyone dies during the fight, they'll get stealth rezzed before using the escape pod. This tactic has worked well for us, especially since BW fixed the door and changed Cora's escape method to stealthing instead of activating the escape pod. We usually only get one shot from the deck guns too. I'll be happy to provide other details if you want to compare notes.

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As someone who works in the software industry, you should also know how to write a good bug report. Your post here, sadly, is not a good bug report. I can only hope you included more details in your ticket to Bioware.


Your post does say what happens and when, but it's missing an important piece of information. Perhaps even the most important: how to reproduce the problem. If the problem is not apparent (and it probably isn't, since many players are able to get through the fight just fine), it can be extremely frustrating to try and guess exactly what the user did to trigger the bug.


So: if you want other forumgoers to help you with your problem, please tell us how your are doing the fight. If not, I'm not quite sure what your goal with your post is.


For reference, my group takes bird down to about 25%, then beats Cora until she escapes (a bit under 20% IIRC), and finally finishes bird. We often put one dps on Cora from the beginning. Extinguishers are triggered on cooldown starting from the second ricochet shot (first fire dot comes at about that time). If anyone dies during the fight, they'll get stealth rezzed before using the escape pod. This tactic has worked well for us, especially since BW fixed the door and changed Cora's escape method to stealthing instead of activating the escape pod. We usually only get one shot from the deck guns too. I'll be happy to provide other details if you want to compare notes.


This botched operation has been reported and dicussed ad nausum since 3.0 was released. Either way writing detailed bug reports is something you should get paid to do not something you are PAYING to do. As much money as Bioware is making from their gamble packs not fixing these basic issues has gone from bad, to farsical, to tragic, to just **** this game peace out.

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This botched operation has been reported and dicussed ad nausum since 3.0 was released. Either way writing detailed bug reports is something you should get paid to do not something you are PAYING to do. As much money as Bioware is making from their gamble packs not fixing these basic issues has gone from bad, to farsical, to tragic, to just **** this game peace out.


^ This...


This is NOT the first, second, or 20th time this has been posted about...


It works... "most of the time" for me, but I've seen it more than once do what the OP says. He/she isn't lying...

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Either way writing detailed bug reports is something you should get paid to do not something you are PAYING to do.

But spending an extra 15 minutes writing a more detailed report might save the developers 15 hours or more of trying to figure out what went wrong. Posting the details here might also enable other players to suggest workarounds. Of course, you're free to be an entitled jerk about it. Meanwhile, I'll be the nice cooperative guy who works with the developers, rather than against them. Want to bet which approach gets more results?


Also note that bugs are rarely solved by brute force. A single occurrence might be a random glitch. Two in a row might be coincidence. But if it occurs three or more times in a row, that approach probably isn't going to work right.


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

This is NOT the first, second, or 20th time this has been posted about...

So why make the 101st post about it? Especially if it has no useful content. Either the developers already know what's wrong and the post is redundant, or they still don't and the post is useless.

It works... "most of the time" for me, but I've seen it more than once do what the OP says. He/she isn't lying...

I never claimed the OP to be lying. I simply asked for more details.


Oh, and knowing which server it occurs on might also be helpful. The different servers are different entities, so it's entirely possible that a patch has been botched on one.

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As someone who works in the software industry, you should also know how to write a good bug report. Your post here, sadly, is not a good bug report. I can only hope you included more details in your ticket to Bioware.


Your post does say what happens and when, but it's missing an important piece of information. Perhaps even the most important: how to reproduce the problem. If the problem is not apparent (and it probably isn't, since many players are able to get through the fight just fine), it can be extremely frustrating to try and guess exactly what the user did to trigger the bug.


So: if you want other forumgoers to help you with your problem, please tell us how your are doing the fight. If not, I'm not quite sure what your goal with your post is.


For reference, my group takes bird down to about 25%, then beats Cora until she escapes (a bit under 20% IIRC), and finally finishes bird. We often put one dps on Cora from the beginning. Extinguishers are triggered on cooldown starting from the second ricochet shot (first fire dot comes at about that time). If anyone dies during the fight, they'll get stealth rezzed before using the escape pod. This tactic has worked well for us, especially since BW fixed the door and changed Cora's escape method to stealthing instead of activating the escape pod. We usually only get one shot from the deck guns too. I'll be happy to provide other details if you want to compare notes.


Not sure if you are trying to "friendly troll" or if you are being sincere, but the follow-up replies by others pretty much have me covered. I just said I work at a SW Company, not that I am a QA Engineer. That said, and despite knowing how to write a detailed bug reports, I am not paid to do so for bioware. And as I mentioned in my OP, any bug reports you submit gets a generic reply which provides no motivation to even try.


Regardless, as someone said this is a known issue so there was no reason to go into more detail. But to play along, the same night I spoke of where this first happened, we first ran it in GF on the Republic side with a 1 shot clear with no issues. So the problem isn't our method, and the bug is random and nobody seems to know why. For the record, we keep 1 person on Cortani the whole fight and burn the bird to 20%, kill the girl until she jumps away, and then finish the bird. But I've also done your 25% method before, as well as (just for fun) killed the girl straight up and then dealt with the enraged bird. I've cleared it with both these methods, and been bugged with them both also. So it's completely random.


Ultimately my post was not intended to find workarounds, as there are no sure fire ways or else everyone would universally be using them. I was simply stating my utter shock at the fact that this issue still exists after 6 months in one of the few end-game raid environments this game even offers. It's fortunate that they threw elite and ultimate comms heavily into the old 55 raids to get people to play them again, which was a good smoke screen for a little while. But let's be honest; end game content is at an all time low right now.


TOS is easy now that they nerfed the underlurker. Ravagers is still bugged so people don't want to run it. And Ziost came and went in a ridiculously fast amount of time (i.e. peak hours this weekend on The Shadowlands, there was 1 imperial instance of Ziost and no groups trying to do either WB; meanwhile the fleet had 2-3 instances and plenty of guild & PUG raids for everything else). Granted, lots of people are enjoying the 12x XP to play and level new toons, but that's also just another distraction from the lack of end game content. And as someone with 22 60's, that does nothing for me.


I run 2 of the largest most active guilds on my server, and am relegated to hanging out on our flagship while chilling in vent, or helping fresh 55's & 60's learn old ops and grind comms for gear. While that comes with the GM territory, there needs to be more to the game and there just isn't. Even the Gree event has kind of fallen flat this go round, and I love open world PVP.


Sorry that this reply post just turned into a long rant after a cranky bug filled week of issues. All I'm saying is that shenanigans like this Ravagers bug make all the other issues that still exist even more annoying when they stack on top of each other. I love this game, but Bioware is making it hard.....:(

Edited by DarthNillard
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OP sounds like someone had a pet out, which seems to bug the whole group.

From now on have everyone put their pets up before entering the fight. Shouldn't bug out then.


Thanks for the suggestion. 2 of our DPS had pets out when we cleared it without a problem on the Pub Side. On the Imp side we ran it with and without pets out, still bugged. I don't think that's the clear issue, but moving forward will make sure everyone tucks pets just in case it helps even 1%.

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Bugged underluker? More like people ducking suck at this game!!!


If it is news to you that the Underlurker is bugged I suggest you visit the OPS forum and read through the feedback many players provide. It is also not nice to say that players suck only because they experience bugs, may it be the cross not updating or some other thing.


In your world perhaps the Underlurker is perfect but for many other players it is still bugged.

Edited by Icestar
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yeah it sucks that it's still bugged, but it's because of pets during the encounter. the escape pod is only able to take 8 characters, a pet counts as one so it bugs the encounter out. just dismiss pets and have at it, you'll get through to the other side
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yeah it sucks that it's still bugged, but it's because of pets during the encounter. the escape pod is only able to take 8 characters, a pet counts as one so it bugs the encounter out. just dismiss pets and have at it, you'll get through to the other side


I believe that what you say is true, but if the answer is this easy, then it seems to me that it should also be pretty easy for BioWare to fix. So I wonder, why don't they?

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I believe that what you say is true, but if the answer is this easy, then it seems to me that it should also be pretty easy for BioWare to fix. So I wonder, why don't they?

you would think so but me not being a coder, i have no clue at how easy or hard these things are. will just have to take it as they come and move past it as best we can.

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^ This...


This is NOT the first, second, or 20th time this has been posted about...


It works... "most of the time" for me, but I've seen it more than once do what the OP says. He/she isn't lying...


This doesn't change the core point though... while frustrating as hell "waaaahhhh its bugged!!!!! It resets!!!!!" Does nothing to help identify a problem. No one was saying that the OP was lying, what they were saying was that in order to figure out how to fix a bug to need to know the cause. To know the cause you need to give the devs enough info to be able to replicate the bug you are reporting.


Now most of the complaints I have seen about this have been just like the OP a passionate thread expressing their frustration that ultimately boils down to.


the fight is bugged. What isn't it fixed yet.
. If this is the extent of the bug reports BW is getting its not surprising it isn't fixed yet.
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And even if the OP didn't provide enough details, it still is on BW to address the issue by doing one or more of the following:



  • Sending a follow up email asking for more information like Instance Owner, Time and Dates of the runs, Strategy, etc
  • Creating a proper bug report form that has separate entries for Expected Results, Actual Results, Steps to Reproduce, Attempted Workarounds, etc.
  • Implement better logging on server side, bonus points if they actually create a logging system that can actually feed a replay system (replay all the actions of the characters and npcs through a debugger enabled test system)
  • Test it themselves under various conditions



What BW (and apparently some in this thread) needs to realize is that not all are familiar with Software Development and QA testing. BW needs to improve their feedback processes so that they get the information they need to actually fix the issues.

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What BW (and apparently some in this thread) needs to realize is that not all are familiar with Software Development and QA testing. BW needs to improve their feedback processes so that they get the information they need to actually fix the issues.


Exactly, the first reply has an obvious CS bias. "What you don't understand the software development cycle? Do you even code brah?"

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I have experienced the situation described by the OP once and it was because the escape pod had been clicked by someone that had been rezzed rather than a survivor still in combat. It was the first time I have heard of this particular quirky behavior much less experience it, but ever since then I or someone else in the group has made sure the escape pod is clicked by someone that is still in combat and I have not had the fight bug out like that again.


No clue if that is what happened so many times as described in the original post, but as far as my personal experience goes, that is how I was told to deal with it and it seems to work.

Edited by iacon
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And even if the OP didn't provide enough details, it still is on BW to address the issue by doing one or more of the following:


  • Sending a follow up email asking for more information like Instance Owner, Time and Dates of the runs, Strategy, etc
  • Creating a proper bug report form that has separate entries for Expected Results, Actual Results, Steps to Reproduce, Attempted Workarounds, etc.
  • Implement better logging on server side, bonus points if they actually create a logging system that can actually feed a replay system (replay all the actions of the characters and npcs through a debugger enabled test system)
  • Test it themselves under various conditions


What BW (and apparently some in this thread) needs to realize is that not all are familiar with Software Development and QA testing. BW needs to improve their feedback processes so that they get the information they need to actually fix the issues.


Ummm the first one yes, and I have gotten exactly said emails when I have not provided enough info. The rest don't happen ANYWHERE. No MMORPG gives you what amounts to a form letter to fill out basically holding your hand on how to do a proper bug report, because tbh it should be freaking common sense. 2 they have a METRIC butt ton on logging server side....the amount of the data is so freaking dense that without an adequete bug report they don't even know where to start looking. 2. you think they have enough people on the pay roll to be able to run through the OP, testing every possible iteration (because even just the number of people involved in a fight can change dynamics) of a fight? If they did they wouldn't need PTS.


Imagine going to an auto mechanic with your car on a tow truck and just saying "it doesn't work right." This is in essence what you are saying should be acceptable.


I suppose yet again people expect a video game company to operate in a COMPLETELY different fashion than every other company in adult life.

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This game has bugs three years old, older. Since Beta, Alpha... The bugs have not been fixed. The same bugs, over three years old! Not fixed.


Six months is nothing.

Google ANY MMO as in "<insert game name> bugs" or "...unfixed bugs."


The nature of MMOs and their incredibly complicated code is broken bugs>new content>class balance>annoying bugs. The simply "annoying bugs" sometimes never get fixed. Why? Portions of the code in an MMO that you would not think are even remotely connected can often be connected and fixing a bug that is just "annoying" can lead to that bug being fixed but then a cascade of new bugs in what you thought were unrelated portions of the game.



Annoying? Yep. Sucks? Maybe. Is it the way every MMO has functioned since EQ launched in 1999? yepper.


Maybe I am just getting old and stuff but I stopped wasting energy raging about stuff like this about a decade ago.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Imagine going to an auto mechanic with your car on a tow truck and just saying "it doesn't work right." This is in essence what you are saying should be acceptable.


I'm pretty sure you can do this. They would hook the car up to computers to see what was going on, check for outside damage,etc. A competent mechanic could diagnose the issue and fix it without more input from the owner. Sure it would be helpful to get additional details, but I think they would still able to fix it.

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Seriously, I just don't understand. It's sad enough that there are only 2 level 60 operations. But one of them still consistently bugs on the last fight? My guild ran it in Group Finder early this week when Ravagers was in there, sailed to the Cortani fight, and after we killed her and the bird and clicked the shuttle, instead of taking us downstairs it reset. We did that a total of 5 times in a row, leaving after each time to drop group, reset phase, and make someone else in the group leader just in prayers that somehow our shenanigans would match the games, but to no avail. Over the course of the last week, we've gone back in there at least once a day to try and finish, and the same bug happened everytime. We made a total of 20 attempts, and everytime we flawlessly executed the Cortani/Bird fight only for it to reset when we hit the Shuttle.


As someone who works for a Software company in real life, countless developers would immediately lose their job if something ridiculous like this happened. I honestly can't think of the words to express my frustration without getting banned. Time is money, and bioware has consistently flushed that money down the toilet for many of us for months. It's honestly reprehensible when you consider this is a game we play for fun......


And to add insult to injury, when you put in a ticket to complain about, you get a bogus auto-reply several days later that says....and I'm just summarizing...."Thank for your concern, but you should submit a bug ticket instead. No one will every reply to it or do anything about it, but do it anyway."


well it hasn't been fixed because they haven't fixed it. You have an expectation that doesn't match reality.

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