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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Think Positive! Devs will look into Commando / Mercenary and fix!


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Just keep positive laides and gents! It might take some time to get to, but the devs will get this class balanced and comparable to the other classes in PVP!


What do mercs need most?


1. An anti-focus ability that forces a target swap in PVP which in turn grants them added survivability when focused. This ability should be comparable to sorc bubble, ops out-of-combat-stealth, jugg heal-to-full defensive, and marauder's insta-stealth-drop-from target ability. As it stands now, the merc has NOTHING that grants them any effective survivability when focused by two or more enemies in PVP.

For the devs reading this, thanks for your time and I know as a long-time SWTOR supporter you will do something regarding mercs and the broken state they lie in at this time.


The players asking for improvements to the merc class do not want anything over-the-top, they just want the class to be equally viable as the other classes in PVP, regarding survival.


To say it's frustrating trying to play a merc particularly in ranked arenas is an understatement. They simply are sitting ducks, an automatic kill by any competent group who focuses them first.


Mercs NEED an EFFECTIVE survival ability, and that also includes the HEALING spec merc. The buff to chaffe flare was in the right direction, but still needs some improvement. Thank you.

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Its hard to be positive when you get no feedback, and what they do is not what any of us thought would help.

I have to believe you are right or i wouldn't keep playing... perhaps once they are done worrying about sin "quality of life"... maybe then, whenever that will be.

I would bet they fix sins and melee issues in PVE before they even give us a second thought.

Here's to hoping they prove me wrong...

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Just keep positive laides and gents! It might take some time to get to, but the devs will get this class balanced and comparable to the other classes in PVP!


What do mercs need most?


1. An anti-focus ability that forces a target swap in PVP which in turn grants them added survivability when focused. This ability should be comparable to sorc bubble, ops out-of-combat-stealth, jugg heal-to-full defensive, and marauder's insta-stealth-drop-from target ability. As it stands now, the merc has NOTHING that grants them any effective survivability when focused by two or more enemies in PVP.

For the devs reading this, thanks for your time and I know as a long-time SWTOR supporter you will do something regarding mercs and the broken state they lie in at this time.


The players asking for improvements to the merc class do not want anything over-the-top, they just want the class to be equally viable as the other classes in PVP, regarding survival.


To say it's frustrating trying to play a merc particularly in ranked arenas is an understatement. They simply are sitting ducks, an automatic kill by any competent group who focuses them first.


Mercs NEED an EFFECTIVE survival ability, and that also includes the HEALING spec merc. The buff to chaffe flare was in the right direction, but still needs some improvement. Thank you.


You forgot the Operative rolling (with immunity), I think are passed 3 years from the first time player asked for a skill to evade and in the player best fantasy it's related to the jetpack, fly away..


My son is 3yo now and started speaking and reading some letters so I'm positive that when he will start playing swtor the mercs would use the jetpack in a proper way...

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You forgot the Operative rolling (with immunity), I think are passed 3 years from the first time player asked for a skill to evade and in the player best fantasy it's related to the jetpack, fly away..


My son is 3yo now and started speaking and reading some letters so I'm positive that when he will start playing swtor the mercs would use the jetpack in a proper way...


lol. Well, that's not very optimistic, but perhaps a bit more realistic. :p

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It's really hard to think positive when BW treats us like the pet they didn't want, starves us, beats us, and leaves us to rot.


You keep hitting my soft spot with all these references to pets and stuff, stop doing that. :p

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Like the hunter from WoW.


1. Allow to start in stealth.


2. Allow of a jet pack. For mandos is can be like throwing a made on the ground and blowing himself back or something.


3. Remove rocket punch from merc/mando and allow explosive dart to root till it explodes.


4. If 3. Can't happen at least have old school knock back rocket punch.

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To say it's frustrating trying to play a merc particularly in ranked arenas is an understatement. They simply are sitting ducks, an automatic kill by any competent group who focuses them first.


Then don't play in ranked on a Merc.


Look at it from a different perspective for a second, if no-one plays the class in ranked then perhaps they'll take a little more notice. They probably will not, but at least they will not screw over balance for PvE in the process of trying to balance for PvP.


We've all been shunted over to Disciplines since 3.0, and that was "meant" to make balancing easier. If anything the combat team have completely screwed it up and made it far worse than it ever was pre-3.0. Stop asking for changes to the class, it's become quite clear they're incapable of delivering the single one ability pretty much all Merc / Mando players have been asking for, for years. They don't comprehend what is being asked for.

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Then don't play in ranked on a Merc.


Look at it from a different perspective for a second, if no-one plays the class in ranked then perhaps they'll take a little more notice. They probably will not, but at least they will not screw over balance for PvE in the process of trying to balance for PvP.


We've all been shunted over to Disciplines since 3.0, and that was "meant" to make balancing easier. If anything the combat team have completely screwed it up and made it far worse than it ever was pre-3.0. Stop asking for changes to the class, it's become quite clear they're incapable of delivering the single one ability pretty much all Merc / Mando players have been asking for, for years. They don't comprehend what is being asked for.


While logical, why should we have to make that choice? The fixes should be relatively simple without impacting PVE... there have literally been dozens of options posted.

Why should we be forced to re-roll or skip content due to the devs lack of desire to fix the class?

If we stop asking for it we ensure it will never happen.

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I'm telling you I'm a sent in advance. I agree that merc/mando need an anti-focus ability because they are indeed very easy to kill (although sent/mara is easier imo, but thats not my point now). But you also need to consider that mercs/mandos are very OP in PvE and if you add new abilities you will make them even more OP than they are now. So I thought, would it be enough if Reactive Shield with Electro Shield/Pyro Shield dealt much more retailatory dmg for SINGLE TARGET ATTACKS. This way by focusing you during shield I would probably kill myself faster, but you wouldn't get god-OP in PVE.

Yes, I know best solution would be separate PvE-PvP trees, but that will never happen since BW doesn't care. PvE merc/mando doesn't need a teleport, it's already almost impossible to compete them for places (especially for melee).

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I'm telling you I'm a sent in advance. I agree that merc/mando need an anti-focus ability because they are indeed very easy to kill (although sent/mara is easier imo, but thats not my point now). But you also need to consider that mercs/mandos are very OP in PvE and if you add new abilities you will make them even more OP than they are now. So I thought, would it be enough if Reactive Shield with Electro Shield/Pyro Shield dealt much more retailatory dmg for SINGLE TARGET ATTACKS. This way by focusing you during shield I would probably kill myself faster, but you wouldn't get god-OP in PVE.

Yes, I know best solution would be separate PvE-PvP trees, but that will never happen since BW doesn't care. PvE merc/mando doesn't need a teleport, it's already almost impossible to compete them for places (especially for melee).


The only mercs/mando set up that can be considered OP in in PvE is the IO and even then, the rotation is fairly difficult to maintain and easy to screw up. Doing so leaves the mercs/mando either using their hammer shot/rapid shots to try and regain ammmo or lose heat or they over heat and run out of ammo.


Arsenal and gunnery both have parses that are considered low to middle of the road in PvE.


Besides, no one is asking for a dps bufff, just an anti focus ability. Getting one would have very little effect on PvE content.

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The only mercs/mando set up that can be considered OP in in PvE is the IO and even then, the rotation is fairly difficult to maintain and easy to screw up. Doing so leaves the mercs/mando either using their hammer shot/rapid shots to try and regain ammmo or lose heat or they over heat and run out of ammo.


Arsenal and gunnery both have parses that are considered low to middle of the road in PvE.


Besides, no one is asking for a dps bufff, just an anti focus ability. Getting one would have very little effect on PvE content.


It's interesting: you never reacted to my idea.

I main a sent, but I play Gunnery mando and IO merc, so you don't need to tell me how difficult they are. Try Watchman sentinel, then you can tell me how hard is IO being still ranged (hammer shots build supercharge gas, strike doesn't build centering...). And I'm aware that you aren't asking for dps buffing. My idea was to give you a dps buff on a long CD ability that forces target swap. Isn't target swap you want?

Oh and btw Force Camo for sents isn't that wonderful since it cleanses debuffs only with utility and we don't have point for that because of utility taxes, also you can re-target us immediately.

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Btw what is the anti-focus ability for Vanguard/PT and Slingers/Snipers? Especially against ranged enemies.


Why would a PT need an anti-focus ability? Are they healing? What about a sniper? The whole argument is that the other two healing classes have anti-focus abilities baseline, not even restricted to their healing specialization. All mercs want is similar treatment, to have an anti-focus ability like the others.

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I'm telling you I'm a sent in advance. I agree that merc/mando need an anti-focus ability because they are indeed very easy to kill (although sent/mara is easier imo, but thats not my point now). But you also need to consider that mercs/mandos are very OP in PvE and if you add new abilities you will make them even more OP than they are now. So I thought, would it be enough if Reactive Shield with Electro Shield/Pyro Shield dealt much more retailatory dmg for SINGLE TARGET ATTACKS. This way by focusing you during shield I would probably kill myself faster, but you wouldn't get god-OP in PVE.

Yes, I know best solution would be separate PvE-PvP trees, but that will never happen since BW doesn't care. PvE merc/mando doesn't need a teleport, it's already almost impossible to compete them for places (especially for melee).


I keep hearing this thing how were op in pve and would have to be nerfed to get the help, and its just plain wrong.

I've suggested at least 6-10 ways we could be helped without affecting pve, as have others.

To suggest one is tied to the other is your agenda talking, and not fact.

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I keep hearing this thing how were op in pve and would have to be nerfed to get the help, and its just plain wrong.

I've suggested at least 6-10 ways we could be helped without affecting pve, as have others.

To suggest one is tied to the other is your agenda talking, and not fact.


Not to mention the fact that many other classes get buffed much higher without giving anything up. *Cough* CC immunity *Cough*

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While logical, why should we have to make that choice? The fixes should be relatively simple without impacting PVE... there have literally been dozens of options posted.

Why should we be forced to re-roll or skip content due to the devs lack of desire to fix the class?

If we stop asking for it we ensure it will never happen.


I absolutely agree with the points you are making, I really do.


I just don't have the will to continue providing that feedback to the developers who simply choose to hide behind metrics on a class, without actually going to find out exactly what Merc / Mando players are trying to inform them of in terms of the "status quo" in PvP (especially arenas).


Honestly, I just can't really be bothered to keep repeating myself. I'm beginning to feel like a bloody parrot at this stage.

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I have been playing commando gunnery dps and assualt spec for a while now

I have suffered alot seen improvements even destored everyone in the warzones.

At the moment for me playing against melee dps is being immobilized or just focused on first i pop everything an maybe 40% of the time just manage to kill 1 before i die to give my 4vs4 team a chance

you just have to read chat on 4vs matches and if there is a merc/commando he will 99% of the time be targeted.

Solution 1 our adrenaline rush can be beefed up to full power over 6 seconds instead maybe drop diversion back to one tech or force attack.

solution 2 our shield generator can give us better chances at taking damage

solution 3 could be hold the line cant be stopped for 6 to 8 seconds an speed increased by 50% or 70%

solution 4 and my favourite is conccusion charge sends them back the 4 metres but freezes them for 6 seconds giving you some time

solution5 could be grav round instead of 5% it could be 10%for thew barrier and diversion could be 40% for an extra 5 seconds there are so many easy ways to fix the commando dps survivability in ranked an normal pVP

I have been playing since patch 2.0 commando and i beg you for some better survival[]bility DEVS i will still play swtor as i love this game but i would love to see one of the devs play for a week during primetime on harbringer as a commando gunnery or assualt specialist because thats the only way They will understand the problem and that is hands on .

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Seriously I'm about damn getting sick of waiting and waiting for the damn developers to do something about mando/merc in pvp. I wish they could get their **** together and DO something. Until they do, I'm gonna unsub cause this is getting downright ridiculous...
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