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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Changes to Qyzen Fess


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Furthermore, the range of a Trooper is irrelevant - Trooper is not an AC. Trooper has a choice between Vanguard and Commando. That is 50/50 between range and melee. Additionally, only two Advanced Classes in this game use Rifles - Operatives and Vanguards. BOTH ARE MELEE. Well, except for heals. So 5/6 of the rifles in this game are melee. I don't understand how you can claim a Trooper, which only has proficiency for a Rifle, uses a ranged weapon.

A rifle is a ranged weapon. Before you pick an AC, Trooper is a ranged class. But that doesn't negate your assertions about VGs, Ops and their combat style.

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Ummm Trooper and BH tanks are melee tanks and use Aim... just saying.


rocket punch and jet charge make you a melee tank or is it all the short range lasers and missiles? Because I know it isn't the survivability and when did missile launchers shield cannon get nerfed..I was away for that when you were able to heal yourself fast now theres a cooldown so you fire a missile while a dude is wailing on you for 6k-10k dmg and heal 2000...or is it because you could use kolto overload then 6 missiles to heal for full? but now it isn't so good...

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Unless you want to play the game with a Sage Healer or a Kinetic Combat Shadow, and plan on totting your Final Companion everywhere (Whom is, in my opinion, the strongest AoE clearer in the entire game when it comes to Companions) then Consular really has some crappy Companions when compared to other classes.


Still, Qyzen is a lot more viable than Xalek as a Companion Tank T.T

Edited by Kuronan
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Unless you want to play the game with a Sage Healer or a Kinetic Combat Shadow, and plan on totting your Final Companion everywhere (Whom is, in my opinion, the strongest AoE clearer in the entire game when it comes to Companions) then Consular really has some crappy Companions when compared to other classes.

What? Unless you are talking personality, they are all the same. The only reason to claim Consular companions are weaker is so you (if you're a Consular player) can claim you must be a superior player because you get the same job done as everyone else yet you have to labor under the burden of lame companions.


Still, Qyzen is a lot more viable than Xalek as a Companion Tank T.T

If Xalek is not a good tank, you don't have him geared properly.

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I'm just entering Hoth on my Consular now, and I get the feeling that they didn't like Consulars much by the choice of companions:



I mean you've got the Wookie slaughtering hunter, the Tony Stark wannabe without the money, courage and charm, the psychotic murderous Twilek, and (I'm told) the spoilt rebellious child. I don't even want to know what other companion is going to be inflicted upon me.


Odd. You've just insulted my favorite group of companions, no hard feelings though. Just chiming in to say that overall I have zero issue with Qyzen being a melee tank who uses Aim. He's from my experience easily one of the best companion tanks in the game. Leagues ahead of Xalek, Scourge, Khem, Skadge, Vik. He's definitely my favorite of the Melee tanks.

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If Xalek is not a good tank, you don't have him geared properly.

Let me put it like this: Xalek is wearing Purple level 55 Tanksin Armor with the Allied Forces Lightsaber and otherwise complete 55 gear IN ADDITION to 1043 Presence AND me being a Healer and Khem Val STILL does his job better. All he really needs in my opinion though is buffing his Force Barrier's Bonus Armor from 47% to 90% or higher. He has great clear and all, he just needs a bit more armor than he has.

Edited by Kuronan
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Let me put it like this: Xalek is wearing Purple level 55 Tanksin Armor with the Allied Forces Lightsaber and otherwise complete 55 gear IN ADDITION to 1043 Presence AND me being a Healer and Khem Val STILL does his job better. All he really needs in my opinion though is buffing his Force Barrier's Bonus Armor from 47% to 90% or higher. He has great clear and all, he just needs a bit more armor than he has.

I don't know what to tell you. I prefer Xalek to Khem, but that's just for personality.

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I don't know what to tell you. I prefer Xalek to Khem, but that's just for personality.

All he really needs in my opinion though is buffing his Force Barrier's Bonus Armor from 47% to 90% or higher. He has great clear and all, he just needs a bit more armor than he has.
Going to just repost my suggestion to improve Xalek. In comparison, Dark Charge/Combat Technique is 150% Bonus Armor. 90% won't make Xalek OP but it will help his survivability. And I honestly love Xalek more than Khem Val


but Xalek could just stand to get a slight buff... It's nothing game-breaking, Characters will still make better tanks later on, but that 43% more armor will go a long way.

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  • 2 months later...
How is it a pain in the butt? Any moddale techblade will do. Make an Armstech alt and craft him one.


Making an alt to make a weapon for the companion of your main is pretty much the definition of a pain in the butt.


Seriously, why are you defending this? He should have the same raft of choices every other companion in the game gets, In particular, he should use the Cathar War staff so people spend more in the Cartel Market.

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