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annihilation/watchman is a priority rotation instead of fixed rotation?

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There is no way.... None of the abilities are off the gcd..... Makes it impossible to have a priority.


Overload Saber is off the GCD


Anyway, a Priority List is what happens when you have too many abilities to use them all on cooldown. Watchman just so happens to have that situation. Another example of this would be Saboteur, which has about 4 abilities too many to use them all on cooldown


Hell, even tactics is a priority rotation, though top priority is "Proc Tactical Accelerator"


Anyway, the priority for watchman is:


Overload Saber



Force Melt

Zealous Strike

Force Leap

Twin Saber Throw (Proc)

Master Strike (Clip at second hit)



Just make sure there is a GCD of seperation between Merciless and Cauterize, and the first 5 will end up being used on cooldown, leap will have a 3 second delay, and the only actual delays will be in TST + Master Strike, with them averaging a 22.5 second cooldown.


Its still a stupid rotation and still a DPS loss, but what can ya do. Other than hope the devs realise if we are gonna do a 15 second rotation, they better make it a damn 15 second rotation instead of a hybrid of 12 and 15 second cycles


Oh and one other thing. You can still write a rotation out for this, but since its 180 seconds long, its not practical. This is true of every priority list. Well, the part where its too long to be practical. Except in engineering/saboteur's case. It used to be the case for pre-3.0 Engineering/Saboteur though...

Edited by TACeMossie
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To be honest, you're better off thinking of most specs as a priority system... it'll serve you better when you get interrupted by mechanics.


I've always wondered how people run some of the more elaborate rotations, especially in pvp. I'm wondering "Does nobody ever run away, or stun you, or anything?" I've always treated my stuff as priorities.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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Overload Saber doesn't count as its a buff and not an attack I don't consider it pertaining to damaging attacks. As far as priority goes overload is the highest priority regardless. In the interest of dot management, in order to be doing max potential dps on a target one must have 3 stacks of overload plus two other dots.... that's technically 5 casts for 3 fully effective dots. ****** rotation and ****** design. All other dot dps classes have 3 applications for 3 dots ie op, assassin.
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I've always wondered how people run some of the more elaborate rotations, especially in pvp. I'm wondering "Does nobody ever run away, or stun you, or anything?" I've always treated my stuff as priorities.


Eegad, I hope people never thought of rotations as fixed and absolute. Encounter mechanics, whether PvP or PvE, trump everything. Still, a rotation is meant to be the optimal damage done assuming no mechanics (ie a dummy parse).

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Eegad, I hope people never thought of rotations as fixed and absolute. Encounter mechanics, whether PvP or PvE, trump everything. Still, a rotation is meant to be the optimal damage done assuming no mechanics (ie a dummy parse).


I get it. It's just that there are a lot of dummy parse warriors out there, and I think they sometimes forget that circumsances sometimes call for a deviation. I can count on my fingers the number of times I've been able to deliver a "perfect" rotation with the new Fury in PvP.


I tend to keep a mental inventory of 4-ability "mini-rotations" that I choose from depending on what is on cooldown. *For me* about 4 abilities is what I can land *reliably* before something pulls me off target. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but I've *never* managed to work flawlessly through an 18 second rotation.

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