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best class story


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list of storys i have done


thats it


anyone have suggestions on my next


Back when game started I tried and Inquis but didn't like it. Since I have come back I love the play of them and the story.


Before my 2 year absence I had slinger at max level for that time. A sith warrior in chapter 3 and a Jedi knight in 3. I enjoyed the story of them all

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if you want to get most out of the current stuff JK story is great, at one time would be default for ALL classes until went individual.


Imp Agent is a great story as well just so much going on.

Smuggler is so,so, but you get some good one liners if you choose the right options.

beyond that,

counselor has a lot of KOTOR cameos and plays well with the JK story.


beyond that, SW

then Sorc

last BH (least favorite).


I would say JK then Imp agent then counselor

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The Imperial Agent is generally considered to be the best story line.


After that it's generally a toss up between fans. The Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior are the most connected to the current story line.


The SW is probably better at portraying a "power fantasy" than the other 7 classes. In other words if you want to basically play Vader and crush everyone under your boot the SW is the best class suited for that.

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The Imperial Agent is generally considered to be the best story line.


After that it's generally a toss up between fans. The Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior are the most connected to the current story line.


The SW is probably better at portraying a "power fantasy" than the other 7 classes. In other words if you want to basically play Vader and crush everyone under your boot the SW is the best class suited for that.

That is the reason I enjoyed my BH even if the story after ch 1 was so so at best.

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I've only played through the Jedi Knight & Trooper stories thus far, Knight was... Pretty good, not bad, but not great. You were important in it though. You got the feeling that your actions mattered. Trooper, other than the last mission, you were an odd job man doing absolutely nothing of any consequence.
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IDK which story line is the best. i have done all of the story lines for each class, and tell u the truth i like them all and each one is great. I guess for me it depends on the mood i am in i guess lol just my opinion.


Imperial Agent - the James bond kinda mood with theories and Spy hunting

Sith Inquisitor - sinister mood with a twist lol

Bounty Hunter - Honor (mandolerian) and money

Sith Warrior - just kill everything (bad day at work)

Trooper - Duty and service (but Down with the Man (if dark side) lol

Smuggler - Comedy

Jedi Consular - more of a caring and logical kinda mood (but than again don't have a dark side)

Jedi Knight - Duty, Honor, and Service with a lightsaber. (or a real big jerk lol dark side)

Edited by jjjojo
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Jedi Knight is probably the most iconic of the stories given the arc it takes but it looks like Ziost and fallen empire is going to be a rehash of it. You get destroyed worlds the same big bad the same goal. So in that respect it may be a little dull to play through it twice.


Other than that

Trooper is fun,

Smuggler is good


The others are a little lacking in choice with the worst being the Jedi Councilor who if you play DS comes off as a child. I don't wanna to help them. Alright I'll help them wah wah wah why is the council praising me?

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list of storys i have done


thats it


anyone have suggestions on my next

This is my personal rank system of stories I enjoyed and I'm damned picky about my storys:


1) Smuggler; not the most epic of stories but finding all the one line quotes was worth even a subscription

2) Inquisitor; seeking the darker secrets of the galaxy is fun

3) Agent; this one is the most relatable to players because of its real world comparisons, it unfortunately has too many plot holes to make the top of my list

4) Knight; it's a cliche story of a hero but never disappoints along the journey or the ending

5) Trooper; ex-military myself, I found this story to be very accurate when describing a soldier and how much their hands can be tied. It also renewed my hate of red tape in the political system.

6) Bounty Hunter; wanna be a bad*****, they play this class

7) Consular; didn't know what to expect of this one, it wore and tore a bit on me and the ending had a great moment of seeing a spider web of plots intertwine.

8) Warrior; rather boring as this toon had no real amazing moment, he acted bored and the character (male and female) was not very interesting at all. And get used to be alone with this one

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Only played 3, Smuggler, Knight and Consular.


They're all very good in different ways. Smuggler is funny, the plot isn't amazing but the characters are and it can be really funny.


Knight is a very "Star Warsy" story in that it's very much that you're the unbeatable amazing hero but Bioware perfected it to make it a very good version of this cliche and it is entertaining to play.


Consular despite being the one to go most in depth in Star Wars lore is also the one that feels the most like other Bioware games and since I am a big fan of Bioware's games I am also a big fan of this one. Plus of the 3 it probably has the most interesting and in depth plot.

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Imperial Agent


I've recently started a 5th agent after finding out about a few more major plot changes/choices for their story line.


Things that change the story.


Being Light Side, Dark Side, Neutral.

The ways you resolve the situation with Jadus.

The ways you deal with that SIS team in chapter 2

The way you deal with the Ghost Cell Informer in chapter 1

The ways you deal with the Black Codex

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list of storys i have done


thats it


anyone have suggestions on my next


Bounty Hunter.


DON'T GO WITH IA! Leave it for one of the last two or so! It is prolly the best, but let's just say that it doesn't even have half of its weight like it has when you play the others.


BH is literally the perfect character for you at this juncture, followed by smuggler.

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Bounty Hunter was my favourite, although Chapter 3 kind of sucks in my opinion.


Sith Warrior was pretty good, solid Antagonist. Not a bad story, not really great compared to some of the other stories.


Agent was kind of meh in my opinion. Although the antagonist from that story line is good, at least the Chapter 3 Antagonist.


Trooper was all right, but you already said you completed it, just felt like saying this for anyone who may not have played it.


Inquisitor was probably my least favourite so far, of the stories I finished. Nothing really memorable about it for me.


Haven't finished the Smuggler story, half way through I reckon and I don't really feel like I smuggled much of anything.

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Bounty Hunter was my favourite, although Chapter 3 kind of sucks in my opinion.


Sith Warrior was pretty good, solid Antagonist. Not a bad story, not really great compared to some of the other stories.


Agent was kind of meh in my opinion. Although the antagonist from that story line is good, at least the Chapter 3 Antagonist.


Trooper was all right, but you already said you completed it, just felt like saying this for anyone who may not have played it.


Inquisitor was probably my least favourite so far, of the stories I finished. Nothing really memorable about it for me.


Haven't finished the Smuggler story, half way through I reckon and I don't really feel like I smuggled much of anything.


This is a mistake EVERYONE makes:


A smuggler isn't meant to smuggle. REMEMBER Kotor! They actually misnamed a class. Let me ask you this: would you experience the story differently if it were named Scoundrel? Because that is just what it is! A story about a Scoundrel, not a smuggler. Smuggler fits better with what is currently known as a Scoundrel AC anyhow: stealth, underhanded, Kolto...


Just view it as a story of a Scoundrel!

Edited by Cuiwe
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this is a mistake everyone makes:


A smuggler isn't meant to smuggle. Remember kotor! They actually misnamed a class. Let me ask you this: Would you experience the story differently if it were named scoundrel? Because that is just what it is! A story about a scoundrel, not a smuggler. Smuggler fits better with what is currently known as a scoundrel ac anyhow: Stealth, underhanded, kolto...


Just view it as a story of a scoundrel!


but han shot first

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