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What do you think about the development of Watchman/Anni in the past and future?

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1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?

Yes. Playtime on all of them are 4161h.


2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?

I think it was about 1.7. I liked Savage Kick :rolleyes:


3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?

I don´t realy have a favorite ability but i can say that i hate Force Rent/Melt with a passion. It felt squeezed in at the first moment.


4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?

About 30% i would guess.


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?

Due to time reasons i didn´t had the chance to test everyone of them. I only tested the latest one. Even that i realy like to test changes and see which effect they will have i think that the latest one is a mess. It feel´s "chaotic" On the other Hand i did not see such a strong DPS loss after a while. In my personal case it was about 150. So i think the last one is the best from what i was reading about the other versions.


6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?

I don´t want to be unfair. So i think that this can be answerd after a proper Raid with my group. But im afraid that this will not be the case. It seems that this build is hard designed for DOT-Spreading. But in the actual Raids there are nearly no Bosses for that.


7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?

In my opinion the had missed a realy big chance for class balancing. They missed the class reprensentives. Sitting with all 8 (can´t remember 16?) together in an TS and diskussing the classes will be a realy big chance for that. Sure that will take a lot of time. Sure there will be a lot of class changes but also sure, after a hard debatte, that will be balanced. The dev´s should hear about that. That will be thousand of hours playtime sitting together.

But they missed it. The did one after one after one.(And if i remember right they didn´t finish it) This can be only an improvement when they are all balanced at once. If they are changed in a row the other classes can (and will) only reakt the the aktuall changes to any other classes.


8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback?

See 7)

So not realy. But i can understand that at my line of sight. If they would change 1:1 things we want, every other class or spec wantet the same. They will come in a thing that will be called in germand a "devil´s circle"

They could only change things we want 1:1 at an open diskussion with class representives. But i think that will never be happen, they can´t or won´t invest the time for that.


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)

Reload Mara/Sent 2.10 or earlyer;)


10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?

After tring ever other class i realized that my Mara is the only one i like to play. Ever other class has things i don´t like.

I don´t want to whine here but for me this update is a "go on ore quit". If these changes go life, and after testing it in my raid group i come to the realization that it isn´t playalble anymore, i will quit this game until they realy improve this class.


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Hey fellow Watchman Sents/ Anni Maras.


There's been a lot of rage about our beloved class going around in various threads. With the new changes inbound I would like to see the whole picture (at least according to people posting on the forums. But that seems a good reflection of players, since the people I talk to on my servers tend to pretty much say the same things I'm reading here). So would you be so kind to answer the following questions - and could I ask you to just do that, so we can collect a precise picture? Thanks in advance for your effforts!



1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?

November 2012

2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?

between 2.0 and 2.9

3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?

Cauterize, force melt

4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.? i kinda dislike it a lot, but in the impossibility of reverting to something pre-3.0 , at least leave it like it is. At least we have a rotation...


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?

dont like any tbh

6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?

OFC not

7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?

the way they test new content. Put PvP players on a PTS , destined to test PvP and make a feedback using a voice system to exchange feedback. Do the same with PvE . get players to test it using a voice coms, together with devs team, to exchange ideais and goals. Make this PTS a clised one, and invite the best on their classes. Im pretty sure players would like to give their feedback about being overpowered or not, ups and prós, etc etc

8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback?

no, but i hope this thread doesnt degenerate, and they can see the number of unhappy people playing senta, refuse to let it Dié, and this may be one of our last chances to make them be reasonable, and at least, leave the class as it is, ans next time design ops bosses equaly bad to mdps and rdps

9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)

make watchmen rotation as gracious and elegant as guardian rotation - if this cant happen, at least leave the spec as it is. We can endure the pain of how it is at least

10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?

if i cant figure out a proper rotation, i will leave it - if i wont be much of a drag to my semi hardcore raiding team, i will continue on playing. If i AM, will change to guardian or gs


Please try to be as brief as possible in your answers.


As a final note: i dont understand why one of the most iconic classes in the game, could lost its gracious and beauty. Why are this changes being implemented? Its ugly, its not fluid, and causes a lot if unhappyness to play it likw they want us to play :(

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1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?


Since the game went Free to play.


2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?


Pre 3.0


3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?


Favourite: Annihilate, Ravage, Force rend (long lasting), deadly saber.


Disliked: Force scream (Useless for Anni), Smash (Why does it cost us rage if it doesnt cost Vengeance jugs, the Jugg dot spec?) Rupture (Too little damage , ends too fast),


4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?


It is worse now.


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?


All of them were bad.


6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?


No it will make it worse.


7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?


Pre 3.0 had it right.

Annihilate : Not a dot spec, but high damage SINGEL TARGET spec.

Carnage: Burst pvp spec.

Fury: AOE spec.


Ravage on the move, better off hand saber damage for all disciplines.


8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback?


No, devs are incompetent and don't give a Monkey lizard's behind.


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)


Boost off hand saber damage greatly.


10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?


Make it deal as much REAL damage per second in PVE as a ranged character.

Which means, Marauders and other melees need to do more damage than ranged, since ranged dps can begin attacking from FAR AWAY while melee has to footslog and stay on target, which costs it a lot of dps.


So ranged and melee having the same damage against static targets is not working. You cant balance based on a test dummy you pummel from close range. Real TOR fights start at range, and melee needs a damage boost to make up for its lack of it.

Edited by PallyHk
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1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?


Yes, since Beta. I currently raid hard mode on a Commando though because reasons. I bust out my Sentinel for level 60 SM and all 50-55 content.


2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?


Just before 3.0 released so 2.10? The spec had great flow, the RNG wasn't too terrible, and while anyone could play it, playing it well required more work. It's fun being rewarded with higher DPS because of good planning and rotational awareness.


3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?


My favorite ability is Dispatch, love that animation. My least favorite is probably Leap because I'd rather use it for mobility rather than having it be required for a rotation.


4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?


Current spec is alright I guess... I don't despise it though I certainly don't love it. The chunkiness of the rotation coupled with the HM mechanics in this tier make it really hard to truly enjoy.


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?


I haven't liked any versions... so I can't pick a best. They are all bad in my opinion.


6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?


No, if anything it'll be more clunky than our current build. These boss encounters have a lot going on as it is, adding in a rotation that has absolutely no flow will make matters worse.


7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?


Tough question. There needs to be some leeway when comparing DPS potential between different ACs and Disciplines within those ACs. The DPS can't be so far off that it makes no sense to bring x Discipline. Adding in perks for each spec would be the way to go. Boss encounters should have reasons to bring any spec and leave it up to the player whether they want to bring burst for those burst phases or lose burst for favorable sustained during burn phases. A good balance on the team would be great. For the DPS only classes, the perks for each discipline need to be really set in stone. Right now, for Sentinels, things are more close together than ever, I'd like a little more separation. We should be rewarded for knowing all specs for a DPS class so that our contribution to the team is high no matter the encounter.


8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback?


As others have stated, at this point no. It saddens me to say this but I just can't ignore the last 6 months. I'll just take what they give us or play on a different class.


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)


Force Melt needs reworked. Either the dot set to 12/18s or the ability being reworked to be some sort of burst attack that is built up (think Cell Burst for Vanguards) or perhaps have it replace Force Leap so that Leap can be used as a gap closer and nothing more since mobility in this tier is so important.


10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?


I'll more than likely continue to play mine in Story Mode but if the rotation has absolutely no flow, it'll be hard to stick with the class for nostalgia reasons alone. Fix the flow of the rotation and I'm in 100%.

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Here's mine.


1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?


Yes since launch but spec is always subject to the state at the time.


2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?


2.10 The spec was not too complicated, but offered reward to players who knew it well. The spec was a delight visually and the rotation flowed extremely well.


3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?


Rupture is my favourite and Force rend is my least.


4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?


I don't, it is a shadow of what it used to be and really does nothing to keep my attention. The damage is on par with Carnage and the AoE is absolutely terrible. I play this spec in maybe 2/10 bosses in HM and absolutely not in PvP. Truth of the matter is, Carnage is better in almost every way.


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?


The latest one.


6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?


I do yes, even with the starvation of resources. The live rotation is so stagnant and scripted it is horrible. However I really must stress that we need a slight damage increase and also more rage!

7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?


Class balance is relative-

Nerfing over performing pvp utilities.

Buffing damage to underperforming specs.

Making content that does not massively favor certain classes.


The way other specs gain their identity is through their role, pidgeon holing all specs into (Can do great AoE and Single target, destroys this concept entirely)


8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback?


I feel that feedback I give is taken into consideration, after all I see posts from devs that seem like a direct response to points I have brought up. I just wish they took the points and actioned them.


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)


Remove force Rend, the skill is being shoe-horned into the rotation. It makes the rotation feel wrong. More importantly I think we got the raw deal when it came to new skill animations, it is by far the worst of 3.0. It looks atrocious.


10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?


Being totally honest, I respec for each fight, so it has to be competitive and as long as it is, I will always play it.


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Updated the second post of the thread with a summary of the answers given. I will update future contributions there.


Again, thanks a lot for your effort and contributions - and foremost for keeping it clean and civil. Please keep it like that !

<- There's enough threads full of discussions already and I think it might be more helpful this way. Thanks!

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Why not.


1/ i main a sentinel since january 2012


2/ 2.10


3/ favourite: merciless slash or dispatch

least favourite: force melt


4/ i totally stopped playing my main at all. new raid and boring spec which is also useless for the group.


5/ none. The only way is to rework force melt.


6/ no the spec is broken so the dps is bad.


7/ Don’t care as long as each is fun and not unfavoured in any operation


8/ I hope but it's not the case.


9/ Remove force melt


10/ for this one i copy/paste this which is perfect for me:

"Return to 2.10. like rotation, Melt as passive buff to Dot, fix resource generation, Force Leap doesn’t reposition

you in 4m range, bring back Dispatch in rotation"


Good luck to us.

Edited by alexthepadawan
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1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?

Since pre-launch.

2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?

1.2. This was when watchman was the most viable in pvp. Sents had just been buffed, and other classes nerfed. After this point, other classes in general got buffed, while watchman's self healing got senselessly nerfed in 1.5 (even though it was already the worst sentinel spec, after combat and focus got their respective buffs in 1.3/1.4).

3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?

Cauterize when it had the reset proc. Force Melt.

4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?

I refuse to play it now. 3.0 completely killed it. And not simply because I don't like change. I actually approve the 3.0 changes to focus/concentration.

5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?

Irrelevant, none of them have approached acceptability.

6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?


7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?

By the devs finally playing their own game/actually listening to feedback from top players. Ranged vs melee, and burst vs sustain are obviously factors to consider. As far as spec identity, I feel like the specs and classes have been increasingly homogenized, and I don't like it. I could rant about that for a good while, but I won't.

8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback?

Not really. They will only listen to suggestions if they fit within their existing vision. They are unwilling to step back and consider the possibility that they are completely wrong.

9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)

Cauterize proc.

10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?

It becoming fun again, and preferably finally viable in competitive pvp again for the first time in years.


Please try to be as brief as possible in your answers.


Responses in red.

Edited by Kakisback
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1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?


Since 2.X or Very Late 2013.


2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?


2.X or mid to late 2014.

Although the rotation was RNG based it had a great balance of dot application and burst damage which made it dynamic and interesting to play. Was less clunky, and Sentinels felt valuable because of how much damage the specification could dish out, also less ramp up time and it had far superior burst compared 3.0 Watchman

3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?


Merciless Slash. <-- (Favourite)

Force Melt. <-- (Yawn....)


4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?


I've re-rolled to Sage DPS which has basically become my new main unfortunately. I waited around for decent Watchman changes, this was not enough to make me want to progress on Revan with a Sentinel. Gave me more reasons not to use a derpinel.


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?


There was a best version...?


6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?


Utilities are an improvement. But due to how they are placed it basically cancels any sort of benefit we might receive, doesn't help at all to bring us in line with other classes.


Watchman rotation is a step in the right direction, but still far from any sort of rotation or class style that would make me interested again. Given how it stands right now, its a negative change.


7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?


If operations and PvP are to remain how they are. Melee should be given a fairly noticeable increase in DPS to ranged, I'm talking 300. At least this way, there is a trade off to bringing a melee into an operation, and a trade off to bringing a Sentinel into PvP - Squishy but has amazing damage. Obviously this change would not work for other classes and would break Guardians even more.


Most classes and specs had an identity pre 3.0.


8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the spec with your feedback?


Not anymore, at least changes wont be seen for many more months. I'm not waiting around months to have my favourite class interesting to play - especially when I've already waited for months.


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)


Utilities more effective and more in line with what other classes have. Our selection of utilities is pathetic compared to other classes.


10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?


2.X rotation. More streamlined Utilities.

Edited by CameoCream
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1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?

Since Beta


2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?

On release, because nobody gave a fck about standards, it was a lot easier to be absorbed in the energy of playing a Sentinel, rather that seeing and being conscious of a bucket list of Miss miss, dodge because some arrogant dev thinks that with all the training a Jedi or Sith could possibly acquire, it somehow wouldn't contribute to their ambidextarity, or Precision... despite the fact a spec's talent was actually named it...


3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?

Twin Saber Throw or Slash (Massacre) - It's the only abilities I see that actively uses the offhand on a visual level and looks cool at the same time.

Even the sound effect is unique. Hearing two lightsaber-contact sound effects instead of one. Especially with TST, the sound of the impact is significantly louder, which depicts a scenario where both thrown sabers hit the target around the same time.

Whereas all the others only have 1 impact sound, despite the fact that both lightsabers in theory would make contact.


Every other ability just looks like a modified version of Jugg/Guardian but with their 2nd hand lazily holding a saber


Impale -> Rupture

Overhead Slash -> Cauterize

Sundering Strike -> Merciless Slash

Vicious Slash -> Precision Slash

The list goes on


It's probably one of the biggest testaments that displays that any effort to design a dual-wield class was arbitrary at best.


4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?

Hate it

Riposte is gone, albeit a lacklustre ability in itself but it's the principle that counts. 0 replacement

Precision Slash lost it's damage pool, because somebody... ...called it overpowered. Still waiting for a name... or evidence that justifies this

Combat got an absolute trash level 58 ability. Sorry devs but, Blade Storm looks way cooler than Clashing Blast... and that name... dear lord

Watchman got an absolute trash level 58 ability. Though it's damage is nice, it could've easily been rolled into an already existing skill to increase it's usage, say Blade Storm, or Merciless dot after cast with a snowball based on the Merciless stacks. (could've made it tick faster on 4 stacks, or more damage or whatever)

Crit damage got nerfed to 5%

Cauterise Damage nerfed to 5%

Centering has no valuable snowball anymore, and Zen on Juyo doesn't even feel like the go-to on 75% of occasions.

Inspiration got nerfed... again

Nerf this and nerf that... I actually cannot spot a single buff or positive change for sentinels in 3.0, what the hell do you expect me to like about this expansion? Classes are expected to GROW in expansions, not shrink!


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?

None of them


6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?

Only somewhat, but it's still a lesser version than previously.

In short, it's just a play on effective dps because of faster tick/durations on burns. But hardly an improvement.

Transendance CD change was a nice idea, but putting it in the Utility defeats it's purpose entirely.


7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?

Pointless question: Balance is always going to be a subjective perspective and nothing else. Anybody can sit, cry all day long and b*tch about something being overpowered simply because they lost to it! Alternatively, anybody can whine calling something underpowered just because it doesn't pull off the numbers they'd expect it to.

When a nerf or a buff takes place, it's not innately designed to bring balance, it's designed to allow a player to rethink the values of said abilities that was changed in the first place.

Balancing should be about something being viable, plausible and beatable. Simply put.

However, it should never have to argue against a class' conceptualization or it's raw design.

Sentinel/Mara as a class in my opinion is a failed design and always has been. The class has close to no end-game snowball, and it's mainly due to too much respect towards other classes. I will say this now:

This class will NEVER be stronger than a Juggernaut, Shadow or a Sage. Why? Because BW are SCARED!!! Some people argued that Sent/Mara was unkillable back in 1.2 - 1.5 etc. Ignoring the very factors which made that possible in the first place.

This wasn't caused by any form of imbalance or an ability being too strong. It was based around the fact that it was easy for a Sentinel to get the combination of effects they needed to get the job done. Burn self-healing was magnificent! And 3.0 is a really huge insult to sents, not only failing to restore it, but making another class get the same effect, with a value that seems too familiar.

Despite all that, when other classes get buffed simutaneously to another getting nerfed, it create a huge void of class placement. Something that Sents are feelin a huge brunt of right now as it stands. Every class grew in 3.0. I feel like Sent's have not only grown, but has shrunk to a form even weaker than ever seen before.


8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback?

Anybody has the opportunity, whether they use it properly is a completely different matter.

Me, personally, of course I do, but I choose not to exercise it. I feel this game has no intention of balancing a Sentinel, and it will probably be another 2.4 Operative! The moment it gets a huge buff, everybody will run on the forums crying.


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)

Remove off-hand accuracy modifiers.

If your main-hand lands the attack, your off-hand will too.

If your main-hand misses the attack, your off-hand will too.

Simple, effective and less bullsh*t to look at! Merc's and Gunslingers benefit from it too if you're so inclined.

Tell Sniper's and Commando's to open their eyes and learn math before they cry about it.

Justification: Back in 1.x when Generators and Shields had no mods. There was a solidarity behind it.

Off-hand's with mods = Stronger off-hands, but the down-trade was there was a significant accuracy deficit.

One benefit, one liability. When Generator's and Shields (Vibros too i guess) got thier modification entitlement. It completely dispelled this paradox. Now you have an Off-hand Weapon with exactly the same entitlements as any other Off-hand... but it can still miss, still has a large accuracy deficit.

There's a simple rule for math: Anything that is done on one side... must be done on the other.

...go figure


10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?

Watchman specifically? The spec doesn't need much, just restore it's burn crit damage and it will probably kick butt again.

Maybe even give Merciless and TST a crit damage boost too, and this class would really float.


If you're THAT scared, then give them their Merciless/Dispatch/Slash cooldown reset talent back, but put it on Overload Saber.


Overload can only max stack at 3, so when the reset takes place, it will remain at 3 stacks, however just refresh the duration, which creates a consistent flow between Overload, Cauterize, and Rend. If you're awake enough, and able to keep your eyes peeled on the debuff, you'll be able to pull it off.

Overload is outside of GCD, so it doesn't necessarily interfere with a Sent's rythm... but still creates a ebb and flow feel, where Sent's get to have a trigger finger back on the reset mechanic with this spec

Anything else will simply end up on Utility or it will not necessarily contribute to a Sentinel's shortcommings specifically designed around Watchman as a spec

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?


January 2012


2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?




3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?


Merciless Slash Force Melt


4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?


After getting used to live a bit more but still way behind any 2.X state


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?




6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?




7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?


I liked the idea the Devs had prior to 3.0 Meele vs Ranged Sustained vs Burst.


8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback?


After the last PTS i don't see much intregation from Player Feedback


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)


Bring back Cauterize/Rupture proc.


10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?


Getting the spec as fun to play and fluid as 2.10

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1) Do you main a Watchman Sent / Anni Mara and if so, since when?


Yes. Since early access, December 2011.


2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?


Generally at release. The vision of every class, advanced class, and advanced class specialties were clear and undiluted. The executive summary, as still listed on SWTOR Databank has this to say. On our class: "Through years of disciplined training and meditation, the Jedi Knight hones body and mind into perfect harmony. Combining the foresight of the Force with unrivaled reflexes and practiced physical precision, the Knight turns combat into an art form..." Our Advanced Class has this to say: "Through years of training the Sentinel learns the art of using two lightsabers simultaneously to create an intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade..." The WM spec. has this to say: "Provides greater skill in single-blade offense and the ability to take enemies down quickly." I read "perfect harmony," "unrivaled reflexed," "turns combat into an art form," "intricate web of damage," "almost impossible to evade," and "ability to take enemies down quickly," and the launch version of our spec., extending through about 2.4 captured all of this perfectly. Unfortunately, ability misfire bugs plagued the whole game up through Patch 1.1.2, and were unduly harsh on WM/Anni, making WM/Anni sometimes maddening to play.


So more precisely, after Patch 1.1.2 which went a long way to fixing ability misfires and double-fires which had particularly vexed WM / Anni since launch; this brought them to the point where they were always intended to be, unfettered by the games' broken whims. This was the best time where it felt that a well-played WM / Anni turned combat into an art form. The feeling you got when an unbroken chain of 3-4 RNG proc'ced ability refreshes came in a row was amazing. In short, it was transcendent. Launch through about 2.4 achieved a state of perfect Zen for our spec.


I jest, but I say the first signs of trouble appeared when they took away our ability to Force Leap to Portable Holo Dancers. :o


But if I had to pick any specific point in time, I would say Patch 1.2 through 1.4 was it. This period benefitted from the ability misfire correction of Patch 1.1.2, and its quality of life improvements added to realizing our spec. vision. 1.3 further corrected timing of Riposte. 1.4 further corrected firing problems with Force Sweep. Along with our abilities, the game also provided us the cool named Rakata gear like named lightsabers Hatred, etc.


3) What's your favorite ability and what's your least favorite ability?


I'll say it's a tie between WM/Anni 6-second Force Kick and Riposte (noting both abilities are no longer in the game) for essentially the same reason. WM/Anni's 6-second Force Kick offered something unique to the spec. that was not game-breaking, gave tremendous utility in the right circumstances for both PVE and PVP and played to the spec.'s vision of "unrivaled reflexes." It contributed to our historical role as heal-killer, and made us a desirable choice in cases where interrupts were a necessary mechanic. For many reasons, the design of Riposte -- nevermind it's generally poor damage -- was excellent and spot-on for our vision: a context-dependent reactive ability that never missed (there is great benefit to this), did not respect the GCD, and had a very tight window it was available after the triggering event contributed to our frenetic nature that we were known for and defined by.


My least favorite ability is a CD-less Cauterize which lacks the RNG CD-refresh proc'ced by other abilities. Removing CD on Cauterize helped contributed to sucking the soul out of our spec., furthered by the sister mechanic of RNG-ability refresh on other ability proc -- losing the CD meant the RNG element of its refresh was pointless and also removed.


4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0 in comparison to 2.X?


Well, definitely less. But, then 2.X also wasn't my favorite period for the spec. either. If I could rephrase the question to be "how much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0 in comparison to your Question (2) response?" My answer is I greatly dislike the current state of my favorite class/AC/spec. in the entire game to when I most enjoyed it. The soul has been sucked out. The flame of the Watchman's burning heart has been extinguished. It feels boring. It is boring. I yearn for the time when a string of abilities refreshed randomly, some at the same time, and were competing for abilities that were triggered on event like Riposte. I yearn for the time when I had to assess 2-3, or even sometimes 4 competing abilities on the fly, as compared to what I gambled might come next. I yearn for the times when I took a chance counting on a random refresh that happened sending my DPS to the pinnacle of performance. The uniqueness is gone. We are now a lot like each other. And a lot more like other specs of much different classes. It is easier to play, more conforming to a standard norm, and less interesting.


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1?


Hah! A trick question! The correct answer is there were no good versions put on PTS for 3.2.1. It would even be difficult to choose the least worst option since they were all so horrifyingly bad.


6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1 be an improvement to what we have live atm?


Not really. But what we have live atm sucks so much bad kephii as well.


7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of an AC get their own identity.


Let's go to the most basic foundational level of game balance. You ideally balance classes based on the best standard gear in game (ex. full standard set {not modified bis components} of Revanite w/ 204 mainhand atm with 14 spec-appropriate augments) presuming equivalently skilled experienced players who know their spec enough to obtain the excellent possible maximum performance. However, you must practically balance as based on gamewide across-all-server average performance of the spec. vs. specs. of the same role.


The target needs to be a 5% band between the highest spec's performance average to the lowest spec's performance average; but also measured against the baseline mean of all spec's of the given role. Let's for sake of discussion talk about DPS role and presume that WM does the highest average DPS and Assault Specialist does the least average DPS; all other DPS specs fall within this band. Balance will be achieved when WM is then 2.5% above the arithmetic mean of all DPS specs, Assult Specialist is 2.5% below the arithmetic mean of all DPS specs and there is a 5% separation between the WM average DPS and Assault Specialist average DPS. Same goes for HPS for all heal specs. Same goes for Tanking Damage Mitigation (and/or threat for all tank specs.


The next question is why aren't they all the same? This plays to the abilities unique to each spec. Melee sustained specs should reign supreme. Ranged burst specs should not. Modifying parameters should include any/all of the following factors. Sustained (more) vs. Burst (less). Difficulty (more possibility) vs. ease (less possibility but better conforming to average), armor type (Heavy less vs. light more). High time on target (less) vs. less time on target (more). And of course also modified by utility and hybridized- abilities: Ability to exit combat (less) vs. not (more). Ability to "h2f/mtp" (less) vs. not (more). Ability to invis / pick start of combat (less) vs. not (more). Ability to heal on command (less) vs. not (more). Ability to taunt (less) vs. not (more).


So, for example, let's say there is a game which has a medium-armor wearing mDPS sustained spec. who cannot taunt, turn invis to exist combat, or heal-to-full-on-command, can't teleport away or anything, then it should reign at the top of the heap; dare we say it should have the highest DPS of all. Ranged should do less. A heavy-armor wearing mdps who can also taunt should do less. A bursting variant of the same AC should do less. A light-armor DOT mdps, if such a thing existed that could not invis, heal-to-full-on-command, teleport away, should be the only possible thing which could arguably do more.


You start with giving each spec. their own vision. Then give them primary performance abilities to support that vision. Then give them unique utility abilities generally in line with the vision and to help define a clear identity for the spec. relative to other specs. and those of its same AC. Sentinel is a good example. WM/Anni is built around DOT, whereas Combat is built around burst. The exact DOT mechanic of WM is burns, and so everything visionary about WM should relate to burns. The exact burst mechanic of Combat is speed, and so everything visionary about Combat is the way it sets up to drop massive discrete alpha strikes within its burst windows.


8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the spec with your feedback?


Yes. Actually, dare I say I am the reason why the devs told you WM performs well in its game metrics (*) and you all need to l2p. :p (* well, at least I tell myself that there's this one WM on Jedi Covenant who has busted the curve for everyone else). But, seriously. Yes. I feel no butthurt in the way others feel our voice is being or not being heard by the devs. I've tweeted to Musco. I post on the boards. I know they've read my posts in the past, as my signature can attest to. :o


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)


I would reintroduce ability refreshes and triggers based on situational and RNG triggers that were related to Riposte activation on direct attack and Cauterize CD refresh on random proc of Merciless.


10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?


Restore Inspiration to its at-launch mechanics. Restore self-heals on Zen back to 2%. Restore our ability to choose a 6s interrupt as a supplement to one of the existing first-tier utilities. Restore Riposte, with higher damage than it did last time it was in-game. Restore CD to Cauterize with RNG ability refresh of Cauterize CD on use of Merciless. Buff crits on burns and Merciless. Make our 2- and 4- piece set bonuses on PVE gear match the 2- and 4-piece set bonuses that were in-game prior to 3.0 (make Revanite and Resurrected 2- and 4- piece set bonuses match verbatim the Dread Forged / Dread Master 2- and 4- piece set bonuses). That is, give us back higher damage for slightly longer during Zen, and our increased damage to Master Strike.

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2 Sentinels since July 2014




2.10 was very interesting because of the cauterize proc, but 3.0 is also pretty ok




Rebuke - Blade Storm




The new DoT is not that bad because it doesn't have 4 meters ;-)




never played on pts




Changing the length of Force Melt and Cauterize doesn't sound that crazy good:rak_02:




mdps should make about 5% more dummy dps than rdps to manage dps and movement




as mentioned above i've never been on pts, so i never felt to give some feedback,

but devs ignoring most of the feedback shocked me a little bit




increase range of Cauterize to 10 meters




no changes as mentioned for 3.2.1 otherwise i'll go and play gunslinger


i'm sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, still learning english,

there should be nothing offenive otherwise my english skills failed ;)

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1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?

I did. Sent was my first toon started January 2013. Since 3.0, have been mainly playing gunslinger for ops.


2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?

Mid to late 2.X. I'd probably say 2.10, but I think that's just because it's what I remember most recently. :)


3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?

I don't have a single favorite, but to keep it simple I'll say Merciless slash. My least favorite now is a tie between strike and slash. Strike because, "ugh not enough focus and FL/ZS on CD, have to use it", slash because "have focus, but don't have anything better to do". (Which, in my opinion, is one of the reasons the Cauterize proc set-up made slash better. Slash is not a great ability, but having the chance to use Caut sooner because of it, makes it not seem so bland.)


4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?

Although I think 3.0 has some problems, and the "rotation" is too long, I do not hate it. It's just not as good as what we had. I have definitely not been playing Sentinel as much since 3.0.


5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?

Can't comment, haven't been on PTS.


6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?

Certainly doesn't seem like it, but I haven't played it yet.


7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?

Identity first for all ACs each of which should be unique. There are tons of factors some of which would include: melee/range, turret/mobile, aggressive/responsive, burst/sustained, defensive/offensive, resource builds/decays, etc. Once that is determined, then balance and tweak. Re-evaluate identities if something is way out of whack. Which I think is what is being done. As has been stated many times, part of the issue is the content that we have is not balanced across the different strengths of classes. There are clearly some skills/abilities which are way more important than others for most of the content. I also think the usefulness of mobility was severely undervalued for both PVE and PVP content when the initial balance was done. It's coming around, just very slowly.


8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the spec with your feedback?

Contribute yes. Improve, no. The devs have changed things in this last cycle directly as the result of player feedback. It may not be the changes that people wanted, but I think they are at least listening and want our constructive feedback. To me, the main issue still seems to be communication on both sides. BW could definitely do a better job of responding to player feedback and setting expectations. Players could definitely do a better job in how they give feedback, making it meaningful, reasonable, focused, and constructive (not saying that there was not good feedback, just saying it was drowning in sea of less than constructive posts).


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)

Watchman rotation/priority needs improvement. 24GCDs is too long for a melee spec (even one that is supposed to be the "most difficult"; and I actually think it was more difficult to play pre 3.0 than it is now). DOTs that don't sync with MS rotation are no good. Playing everything correctly, and then having to choose between letting a DOT fall off, clipping a DOT, or delaying MS is not dynamic it's simply not fun or rewarding.


10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?

It's my first toon, so I will always play it a bit. I'm going to switch disciplines if I don't like 3.2.1 though.

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Hey fellow Watchman Sents/ Anni Maras.


There's been a lot of rage about our beloved class going around in various threads. With the new changes inbound I would like to see the whole picture (at least according to people posting on the forums. But that seems a good reflection of players, since the people I talk to on my servers tend to pretty much say the same things I'm reading here). So would you be so kind to answer the following questions - and could I ask you to just do that, so we can collect a precise picture? Thanks in advance for your effforts!



1) Do you main a Watchman Sent/ Anni Mara and if so, since when?

I've played a sentinel/marauder since SWTOR beta.

2) What time was the best state of WM / Anni and why?

1.2 or 2.10. During both of those patches annihilation spec was viable for PVP and PVE.

3) What's your favourite ability and what's your least favourite ability?

Merciless slash is my favorite sentinel ability. Leg slash is my least favorite sentinel ability.

4) How much do you enjoy the spec after 3.0. in comparison to 2.X.?

3.0 watchman isn't very fun compared to 2.10 watchman.

5) Which was the best version put on PTS for 3.2.1.?


6) Will the planned build for 3.2.1. be an improvement to what we have on live atm?


7) How do you think class balance should be achieved and how should different specs of on AC get their own identity?

Melee dot, then ranged dot, then melee sustained (carnage), then melee burst, then ranged sustained, then ranged burst.


Watchman spec should be the highest parsing spec, then virulence sniper, then carnage spec, then other specs.

8) Do you feel you have the opportunity to contribute to the improvent of the spec with your feedback?


9) If there's just one thing you could change about the spec, what would it be? (please really do stick to the "one thing" bit here, this is important!)

Buff overload saber by about 10-15%. Overload saber seems weak right now, compared to 2.10.

10) What does it take to make you continue playing Watchman / Anni?

Overload saber and cauterize should hit for more damage than they currently do. Force rend doesn't dot spread well, and as a result spreading force rend in PVP does not work well. Watchman spec should be a single target, super high DPS spec. Dot spread on force sweep does not work well for watchman spec.


Please try to be as brief as possible in your answers.


Answers in red.

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