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PvP Utilities?


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So... kinda noob-y question, but despite what everyone's on here saying, I enjoy the Marauder atm and wonder what utilities are best for PVP ATM? There seems to be quite a lot that might come in handy at one time... also, I should notice, I'm playing Carnage...


So far, I only have 3 points available and chose: Defensive Forms, Maiming Reach and Overwehelm


I'm also thinking Phantom and Subjugation for Tier 2, although Interceptor and Displacement can be useful, too. Defensive Roll was important when Smash was still the go-to spec pre Revan xpac but I can't quite figure out how useful it is nowadays... :/ I could also see Cloak of Annihilation so you can have it up almost all the time, but how realistic is this scenario?


As for Tier 3, I'm really at a loss. I'm guessing it depends on playstyle and which defensive CD you value more. I'd personally skip the Undying talents (-30s CD is ok, I guess, but +2s duraiton is just 1 GCD, I don't think it's that good?) and go for Expunging Camouflage and maybe Unbound? Brooding is interesting for me because I know it was a Carnage talent pre 3.0, similar for Inescapable... I think it comes down to Unbound vs Inescapable, but I'm really not sure :/


Some insight would be very much appreciated, thx in advance! =)

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Considering most of the T3's are mediocre at best, I find that unbound is probably the best one out of all of them because it gives you the ability to break the 100 roots in this game and not be the most easily kited class in the game. I prefer it over inescapable because the predation lasts longer and you can use it to get yourself out of a bind where the 3 second root is nice but not more valuable than the root break and speed boost of predation.


Just one terrible mara's opinion though.

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If you do not have the Predation utility, you stand no chance in PvP period. It's a requirement in PvP because they have too many ways to CC a Marauder to kite them. The bane to a Marauder is lack of mobility in PvP and CC counters. Predation is godly and it's also an amazing group PvP buff if used correctly. You must know when to use your Predations though...that's key. You don't just spam it as it's up or someone is just going to counter with another CC ability. You use it as it happens so you can stick to your targets like glue. It's that or you pop it when you need a group buff to hit an objective faster.


Predation is also an amazing group buff in arena play if used right. I really don't see many scenarios where it makes sense to skip the Unbound utility. Sadly, a typical PvPer does not recognize how vital Predation is to a group. A smart group of PvPers know how much Predation can make the difference. It's the only buff like that in the game and Unbound can be used to break CCs on your group like healers. A group buff that has 10% dmg reductions, massive speed boosts and a group CC breaker is not something to overlook.

Edited by zeroeffectxoo
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I play Carnage.


Unbound is a must-have if you hope to be effective. I also use the healing on saber ward one and have been finding it hard to go with something else.


In masterful I use phantom and defensive roll. At the top, I'm using defensive forms, root on ravage, and the one that generates rage when controlled.

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Unbound for Carnage works extremely well. I've noticed more and more sent/maras using it in PvP and they are incredibly difficult to pin down. I'm currently using Fury discipline and foregoing Unbound in favor of Expunging Camo and Brooding. I can't seem to give up Brooding which annoys me. When they merge the Undying Rage utilities in the heroic tier that'll be a good option too.
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