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sith Inquistor on Balmorra


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soooo This officer guy in the main questline sent me to go save his son, so I went there full primed to do so and I get there. I was about let him out so he calls me Alien scum...... soooooo I decide to kill him for being rude [serves him right for annoying the person freeing him] My only problem with this is when you get back to his really upset father there is no option to say I killed him because he was rude and all the options seem like bad options. Power Sith way and idle fun... None of thats gonna calm the guy down!


Escalted quickly into the guys death.... ... i hope he wasn't too important to the empire I didn't mean for him to dieeee!


But seriously would of been nice to actually say the real reason I killed his stupid soon for

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This is the right place to post this right?


soooo This officer guy in the main questline sent me to go save his son, so I went there full primed to do so and I get there. I was about let him out so he calls me Alien scum...... soooooo I decide to kill him for being rude [serves him right for annoying the person freeing him] My only problem with this is when you get back to his really upset father there is no option to say I killed him because he was rude and all the options seem like bad options. Power Sith way and idle fun... None of thats gonna calm the guy down!


Escalted quickly into the guys death.... ... i hope he wasn't too important to the empire I didn't mean for him to dieeee!


But seriously would of been nice to actually say the real reason I killed his stupid soon for


He saw the whole thing, he doesn't care that his son was rude to you and dismissive of him, that's how many children are these days. You kill his son in cold blood, in real life most people would have gotten a mite angry at you as well.

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I killed him for being a fool and getting captured, and then having the gall to not even thank me for coming to get him. Clearly I was the POWERFUL one out of the two of us...but hey, one less moron in the universe.
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I was a little disappointed that all the options to respond to this guy were just "for the lulz" and basically two more variants of "for the lulz".


I'd have liked a more meaningful answer for those of us who play more pragmatic dark siders and not just puppy kickers and baby punchers. No matter what you answer, he'd have attacked you anyway. You killed his son. After hearing him speak so highly of his boy, how proud he was of him, and most importantly (from an Imperial standpoint), how his son's new social status reflected on his family as well.


And you took not only his boy from him, but clearly "the golden child" because he won't take off his rose colored glasses, and some social clout that would eventually come with being connected to a Sith.


He was going to try to kill you no matter what your reason was, but I'd have liked to reply more along the lines of "he was a rabid dog, and probably would have killed you too for having the gall to send "rescue" he "didn't need"."

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he crossed the line when he tried to force me to help, he is a lowly officer and he has no right to order a Sith.

I doubt he was that important if i recall he was replaced by the other imperial who was there when u first meet him.

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he crossed the line when he tried to force me to help, he is a lowly officer and he has no right to order a Sith.

I doubt he was that important if i recall he was replaced by the other imperial who was there when u first meet him.


lol My inquisitor had JUST ENOUGH admiration for the kind of balls you'd have to have to extort/blackmail a Sith that it just slightly overrode her indignation. Sort of like "I admire your spirit, but I really oughtta hit you for that."


Given the character I was playing (rather neutral) I really am bummed that there isn't a more neutral approach. I think next time it would be more character appropriate for me to just let the kid go.

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