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Referral link abusers?

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I would assume absolutely no bitterness.

I have a lot of referrals and they have all been gained through these forums via my signature only (with the exception of the two mates who I referred genuinely).

I've never posted my link in-game, I've only self-promoted myself once, and the post was quickly deleted and I was warned.

I've never paid a single credit to anyone using my links (two people contacted me in game after using my link and I sent them both some free stuff I had in storage).


Bottom line is that if you post genuinely on these forums, so take part in discussion etc, then you will pick up referrals. There is no need to SPAM and it simply shouldn't be allowed.


It isn't allowed to spam, offering to pay people for clicking your link isn't spam. Posting the link directly is against the rules in chat though I believe and people don't tend to do that.


Just like you can't advertise your link directly on the forums - it does make me wonder what would happen if I made a topic in my server section asking people to PM me if they wanted some credits for using my referral ... has anyone tried this? You're not directly advertising it and just repeating what is done in chat.


Anyway nice to see how you get your clicks, that's cool, not everyone has to do it your way though and how people currently do it in chat shouldn't be against the rules solely because you do things differently.

Wars have started over that sort of attitude. ;)

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Wow - what waffle.

If you must get that final word in then please feel free to reply again, it'll be all yours.

I do have the moral high-ground over those people who feel the need to spam general chat. Myself making the point that you don't need to spam anywhere to get a lot of referrals.


Lol what moral high ground? Is capitalism against your morals or something? We've already established it's not spam so it can't be moral high ground against spam.

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I always report them for spam. No idea if it does any good.


Depends if they are actually "spamming". I called and asked about this a while back because I too wondered and they said you can advertise the referral link in general chat if you like just don't spam it over and over. So yeah it doesn't do anything unless they are going over board.

Edited by Motovator
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Depends if they are actually "spamming". I called and asked about this a while back because I too wondered and they said you can advertise the referral link in general chat if you like just don't spam it over and over. So yeah it doesn't do anything unless they are going over board.

And this is the "solution" to this "problem." If someone really thinks posting once an hour in gen chat "Hey, guys, I will pay you 500k (or whatever) if you are a subscriber and you use my referral link. /w me if interested" is spam, they can report it and let BWEA make the call. Getting all huffy here on the forums is not going to do anything.

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And this is the "solution" to this "problem." If someone really thinks posting once an hour in gen chat "Hey, guys, I will pay you 500k (or whatever) if you are a subscriber and you use my referral link. /w me if interested" is spam, they can report it and let BWEA make the call. Getting all huffy here on the forums is not going to do anything.


That reminds me, if I'm not mistaken I think recall them also saying something about how if you offer credits for clicking your referral and you don't give them the credits as promised they will come down on you hard for that. So be sure to report people who lie and don't pay you for clicking their referral. :D

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I, to be honest, never looked at this that way.


I quite slipped into this as I was offering people to give them Cantina Links for free. I just offered it, not wanting anything for those links. Those who were interested in the links could have them as I am happy to make people happy with the items you'll get from such a Cantina Link.


However, some people did react quite annoyed or even offensive at my nice offer which I found quite rude.


Then, a few days ago someone asked for the Cantina Links but it was kinda weird. He said none of them are working even though I only generated them half an hour ago. So he sent me a referral link, which I didn't knew about before. I honestly had no idea what it was good for but I accepted and saw what it was. It added 7 days subscription to my account and a few ingame modules that can be pretty helpful if I drop off subscription. I don't always have the money to pay subscription for SWTOR so I liked the idea of giving this opportunity to someone else as well.


As a matter of fact I did ask once or twice in the general chat if someone would like to click my referral link. I could really need the little bit of cc it gives me, as above mentioned I do not always have the money to pay. But again people were reacting quite offensive even though I explained that after all you'll get 7 days extra subscription and ingame modules. I did not think about paying people to click my link, I am not much of a game farmer either at the moment and I am happy when I have credits myself. Some people did tell me they would click it for 700k plus and I declined. I offered Cantina Links if they find the offer still too unfair but it only brought up negative reactions as well.


However, I kind of stopped asking due to the fact that people were reacting so negatively about that topic. My intentions were 100%ly nice, to help people and have a little bonus for myself as well. I do not support those who really abuse those links cause reading through this thread kind of opened my eyes why people were reacting that negatively and that there are some out there who really abuse it.


Thanks for posting this thread.

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I put the link in my signature, if people want to. I try to post up all my game codes, and help when I can so if someone happens to help me so I can buy some stronghold crud I think that is fair. I don't think paying people to click your link is something I would personally do, but to each their own. I usually ignore the ones that spam that. Was sad the guy on Harb. that did that in tatooine chat then ripped off everyone by not paying them and just logging out. :rolleyes:
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I put the link in my signature, if people want to. I try to post up all my game codes, and help when I can so if someone happens to help me so I can buy some stronghold crud I think that is fair. I don't think paying people to click your link is something I would personally do, but to each their own. I usually ignore the ones that spam that. Was sad the guy on Harb. that did that in tatooine chat then ripped off everyone by not paying them and just logging out. :rolleyes:


Well I had posted a thread here recently too about who'd like to click my referral link. Someone told me I am not allowed to post it anywhere but in my signature so I thanked him for the tip and put it in my signature but still I got a warning from SWTOR and the thread had been put down. So I honestly am scared to post my link anywhere. I don't like to be reported or get a warning in some sort when I only tried to help people in some way. After all, I was quite shocked about the warning too cause after all this was not really a third party link but the referral link you actually get with your account itself.


However, I also think it's wrong to just pay people for giving you bonuses. Even though my actions got me two referrers I did explain them exactly what I get from that and what they get from that. I only thought it's fair to five them the two Cantina codes. I am sharing them anyway for free and do not expect people to give me something back. I liked how thankful people were for the gift when I was sharing the links but due to such offensive replies I don't know if being nice is really welcome in this game.


I had my referral link in the signature too after all this but I took it off again as I don't wanna make people feel like I tricked them somehow. If they someone is up for clicking the link I will tell them what it gives them and what it gives me. I am also willing to help with ingame issues or leveling if they'd ever need something.

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I don't see a problem with offering it in game. You figure there are a lot of players that don't use the forums and have no idea what a friend referral is.


Once you offer it, many will opt in to use it.


There is a difference between offering it once in chat and spamming. :rak_03:

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I don't see a problem with offering it in game. You figure there are a lot of players that don't use the forums and have no idea what a friend referral is.


Once you offer it, many will opt in to use it.


There is a difference between offering it once in chat and spamming. :rak_03:


Also taking the time to deal with scams as well, so they don't allow it

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I don't see a problem with offering it in game. You figure there are a lot of players that don't use the forums and have no idea what a friend referral is.


Once you offer it, many will opt in to use it.


There is a difference between offering it once in chat and spamming. :rak_03:


That is a very good point as well. So far I didn't see anyone spamming it on my server (maybe also because I never really use the chat that much). The two I had clicking on my referral link were introduced about the topic and what it gives them and me. But I suppose many who would have clicked on the link as well had been scared away by the people who put that topic down and reacted that bad. I only mentioned the referral link twice, each on different days. One of those who were calling me rude and tried to talk **** about it even put me on their ignore list. Funny thing, he called me a spammer while he was posting about his guild almost every 30minutes. Some even said this were a topic for the trade channel which I find ridiculous.

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OP makes it obvious that he/she is jealous of all those people earning a ton of coins each month. And FYI op, it's not spamming. So put your 100oz super gulp of hateraid down.


Hardly, and clearly you missed the whole point. Like I said my issue is with the fact that the system doesn't work the way it's supposed to and that the broken system is being massively exploited.


Want a couple hundred cc's extra a month? I don't care, my issue is with the players who rake in 5K+ free cartel coins a month, the abusers.


As for "It's not spamming" that fact that I see the messages posted every 40 seconds or so and they fill up my chat windows begs to differ



/end rant

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  • 2 weeks later...
I dont pay for using my link. I post once an hour if at all. People make rude comments about me not paying. Either use it or move on. I dont complain about the fast chat due to people spamming for ops group. Use your ignore button. If you were leveling you wouldn't notice chat anyway. Go sit down and drink your hateraid.
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OP makes it obvious that he/she is jealous of all those people earning a ton of coins each month. And FYI op, it's not spamming. So put your 100oz super gulp of hateraid down.


Go sit on Harb on the starter planet or Coruscant and tell me its not spam lol

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Go sit on Harb on the starter planet or Coruscant and tell me its not spam lol

If it's spam, report it as spam. Does not matter what the content is. Spam is spam.


Wow - what waffle.

If you must get that final word in then please feel free to reply again, it'll be all yours.

Mine, all mine.

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