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Referral link abusers?

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I am grateful that random people click mine. I clicked some random guys link when I first played. I feel there is a really good community on this game. And to be friendly and supportive you should find some random post that asks for help and click their link. Call it good karma or what ever.


While I wouldn't stretch the community aspect too much, I think there is no harm in doing what was described in the OP. Of course, as long as it doesn't become spam.


You know, it is not like he is ripping off new players. Of course he or she is paying for the referral because the cc is a very good way to make credits. But truth be told, is the new player/"clicker" in any way deceived or cheated out of something?


Let's assume that the clicker is a new player. The person advertising gives him 350k credits, which is enough to cap a f2p player, just for him to click a link. The new player gets a good amount of credits to supply him during his adventures or buy one or two cosmetic items he likes. The new player plays the game for a week and thinks he likes it, thus creating a subscription. A new player had an easier time accessing the game and the advertising player gets some benefits for it.


I really don't see the issue behind doing that. Of course the advertising player is doing it for his own benefit, but he's not harming anyone per se. It's a "win win" situation. I agree that it should not become spam, but as long as he or she waits an average of five to ten minutes before posting the message again...who cares?

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Going to start this by saying I have nothing against people who post their referral link in the description.


What this thread IS about it all the players who advertise in gen chat with "Paying 300K for you to click my referral link" who then buy cartel market items and make a fortune which allows them to pay for yet even more referral clicks.


Given that a subscriber get 100cc a month plus 500 instant for the click I have heard of players reaching more than 15K monthly cartel coins alone or more if they go at it for long enough.


surely EA could fix the referral system so it works as it should have for day one, or better yet suspend players who advertise their referral links with large credit bonuses (to a player who is new 350k would be easy money).


Who else is with me these abusers shouldn't get away with this???

I don't see any "abuse" in the OP ... unless (as many responders have noted) we're talking about spam. Where is the inherent evil in paying someone to click a referral link so a player gets more CC? As I understand the nefarious scheme:


1. Abuser announces he will pay mad creds for referrals.

2. Victim clicks on Abuser's referral link, passes Go, and collects $500 (in SWTOR bucks).

3. Abuser receives scads more CC than he would without referrals.

4. Abuser uses his scads more CC to buy Cartel Items, which he sells on GTN for super-mad creds.

5. Abuser uses the super-mad creds he profited from his ill-gotten Cartel items to repeat Step 1.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


Still not seeing abuse. Not seeing how anyone is being compelled to do anything. Not seeing anything untoward in either (a) "Victims" getting credits or (b) "Abusers" getting CC. This is not the scam you're looking for. Move along.


I, again, emphasize that I abhor spamming. But spam has little to do with content. The guy who spams Fleet, filling the chat screen with his Ops search is a spammer worthy of reporting and/or ignoring. The gal who spams General (because no one uses Trade) with her sales advertisements ("Selling <insert item> for less than GTN price") is a spammer. The poor unfortunate who spams Fleet with endless proclamations that "THORONMIR IS AWESOME!" is a spammer ... and I'd be the first one to report/ignore him. So, yeah, if the referral link harlot spams the channel, report them. If not, it's a victimless crime.

Edited by Thoronmir
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Just put in your forum signature, you´ll get some clicks for sure.


while this is going to be read the same way, but it is not only seems that way.


and find a way to post in every discussion...even if it has little to add and just repeating what others have said, but be creative with your response so it doesnt come off that way.


[several paragraphs about the current state of the rails space game] and [continued discussion on said space game]


your response could be, "yea, i played the rails game and it wasnt to my liking, but i am sure others like it :rak_01:"


they say more people will remember your name the more you say it in conversation; and the same can be said by product placement.

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Don't forget the Friends of SWTOR bundle on every character you make, which comes with some unlocks and an inventory slot, and a free server transfer (which cost roughly $20 if you buy them regularly).


That free inventory slot alone was worth clicking for me, i had all but the last row unlocked account wide, now every character i make gets the bundle and can use it to have a fully unlocked inventory.


(No one paid me to click their link, clicked a friends so he could get the mount)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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This is funny.


Well, it isn't funny to the stormtrooper looking for a scam, now his brain is all mushed up thanks to some jedi telling him it's not the scam he's looking for. Please jedi, think of the stormtroopers when you force persuade them, they have tiny little brains to begin with.

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while this is going to be read the same way, but it is not only seems that way.


and find a way to post in every discussion...even if it has little to add and just repeating what others have said, but be creative with your response so it doesnt come off that way.


[several paragraphs about the current state of the rails space game] and [continued discussion on said space game]


your response could be, "yea, i played the rails game and it wasnt to my liking, but i am sure others like it :rak_01:"


they say more people will remember your name the more you say it in conversation; and the same can be said by product placement.


Or just post on the forums as you normally would. If you are fairly active (it doesn't take much) you will get clicks. Im pretty sure new players just visit the forum and click the first link they get to in most cases.

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Going to start this by saying I have nothing against people who post their referral link in the description.


What this thread IS about it all the players who advertise in gen chat with "Paying 300K for you to click my referral link" who then buy cartel market items and make a fortune which allows them to pay for yet even more referral clicks.


Given that a subscriber get 100cc a month plus 500 instant for the click I have heard of players reaching more than 15K monthly cartel coins alone or more if they go at it for long enough.


surely EA could fix the referral system so it works as it should have for day one, or better yet suspend players who advertise their referral links with large credit bonuses (to a player who is new 350k would be easy money).


Who else is with me these abusers shouldn't get away with this???


get over it

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Selling referral links? You got things twisted 180 degrees, Hoss. Selling a referral link would be "Send me 100k and I will send you my referral link." That's the exact opposite of what actually happens.


Sell, buy, whatever jones... If I'd said what they're actually doing "p****n referral links" the filter would've probably blocked it out anyway, And if I'd said they "poppin cone", chances are you wouldn't have had a clue as to what I was talking about. Stop being extra...


And once again, advance the Inapt Internet Analogy counter by 1. Paying others in game creds to use a referral link does not involve real money, is nothing like an election, referers are not politicians and referees are not voters.


It doesn't involve real money huh.....those extra cartel coins they get every month. How else can you get them in EVERY month without spending real money? And since BW ain't finna send erbody a check every month, they give you something that has a real life monetary value. Because they know no-one would even bother with referral links if they offered "100 extra in game credits every month".So in essence, they giving you REAL money every month.....miss me wit that "I take everything literally" b.s. kinfolk.



I ain't even gotta break down the politician part cause all you doing is turning crumbs into bricks.


*Drops mic & chunks deuce

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It doesn't involve real money huh.....those extra cartel coins they get every month. How else can you get them in EVERY month without spending real money? And since BW ain't finna send erbody a check every month, they give you something that has a real life monetary value. Because they know no-one would even bother with referral links if they offered "100 extra in game credits every month".So in essence, they giving you REAL money every month.....miss me wit that "I take everything literally" b.s. kinfolk.



I ain't even gotta break down the politician part cause all you doing is turning crumbs into bricks.


*Drops mic & chunks deuce


Lol the poor imitation of what I think was meant to be some sort of hip hop star gave me a giggle but beside that it was rather hard to have any idea what you're talking about but I think I got the gist of it and can reply ...


Cartel coins still aren't real money. I can't go buy a new car with them thus they are game currency only.

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Sell, buy, whatever jones

Yeah, I'm going to accuse you of taking money from the collection plate at church next time I see you drop money on to the collection plate. Take, give, same thing.


And while we're at it: tall, short, same thing; dead, alive, same thing; plus another pair of (more or less) antonyms you'd to like claim are actually synonyms.

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Even if someone does that, the like user suffers no harm (and actually does get something for his "trouble"). If it's anyone's business to complain, it's the link clicker's.


Ahh but I suffer because every link clicker who gets tricked into this is one less link clicker who I can pay them to click mine. ;)

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Just wanted to thank the OP for telling me about the referral system, I had no idea this was in-game! Getting a decent amount of coins from people, and they get cash plus a bunch of other perks in return.


Everybody's happy!

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My biggest problem about people posting about referral links in general is when they beg for current subs to click it just so they get their 100cc every month. Now if they were asking for f2p players to use it I wouldn't have a problem since that is the intended purpose of a referral link
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The rules on referral links should be the same "in-game" as they are on the forums - very basically, no self promotion.

People are allowed to place their links into their signature and that is it. No Spamming, no posting into the body of a post, no posting and drawing attention to your signature.

So it should be the same in-game - no posting of links allowed. If reported, continuously, then action should be taken.


Referral system was badly thought out anyway - on just who can click the links and benefit etc. But there simply should be no promotion of said links allowed.

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So it should be the same in-game - no posting of links allowed. If reported, continuously, then action should be taken.


Referral system was badly thought out anyway - on just who can click the links and benefit etc. But there simply should be no promotion of said links allowed.

I always report for spam anyone who directly posts their referral link in chat. So I tend to agree (but I report as spam anything that looks like a URL and let BWEA sort it out).

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My biggest problem about people posting about referral links in general is when they beg for current subs to click it just so they get their 100cc every month. Now if they were asking for f2p players to use it I wouldn't have a problem since that is the intended purpose of a referral link


F2P can do it too, just most people won't pay them to do so. :)

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My biggest problem about people posting about referral links in general is when they beg for current subs to click it just so they get their 100cc every month. Now if they were asking for f2p players to use it I wouldn't have a problem since that is the intended purpose of a referral link

Why is this a problem for you, assuming they are not spamming? Bitterness that you don't have the creds to do it?

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Why is this a problem for you, assuming they are not spamming?


Because it encourages people to constantly troll for referrals in fleet chat? Pretty simple stuff.


Bitterness that you don't have the creds to do it?


Don't act like a child.

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Why is this a problem for you, assuming they are not spamming? Bitterness that you don't have the creds to do it?


I would assume absolutely no bitterness.

I have a lot of referrals and they have all been gained through these forums via my signature only (with the exception of the two mates who I referred genuinely).

I've never posted my link in-game, I've only self-promoted myself once, and the post was quickly deleted and I was warned.

I've never paid a single credit to anyone using my links (two people contacted me in game after using my link and I sent them both some free stuff I had in storage).


Bottom line is that if you post genuinely on these forums, so take part in discussion etc, then you will pick up referrals. There is no need to SPAM and it simply shouldn't be allowed.

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I've never paid a single credit to anyone using my links (two people contacted me in game after using my link and I sent them both some free stuff I had in storage).

So? Does that make you morally superior? I have not done so either, but I don't feel like it puts me on the road to sainthood.


Bottom line is that if you post genuinely on these forums, so take part in discussion etc, then you will pick up referrals. There is no need to SPAM and it simply shouldn't be allowed.

Has anyone ever said "It's OK to spam in chat your referral link or to spam offers to pay others to use your referral link?" Bottom line, we call your argument a strawman. If you think someone is spamming, report them for spam. It does not matter what the content of the spam is.


You, me, everyone with a link in their sig, we are all getting CC for something BWEA never intended, i.e., "referring" current subscribers. The referral system does not work as intended and BWEA has apparently decided to let it slide. If you really took the moral high ground, you would request that BWEA remove any of the CC you got from your link users who were already current subscribers when they used your link.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Wow - what waffle.

If you must get that final word in then please feel free to reply again, it'll be all yours.

I do have the moral high-ground over those people who feel the need to spam general chat. Myself making the point that you don't need to spam anywhere to get a lot of referrals.

People when looking for a link to click will often click one at the bottom of a post they agree with, etc.


But as for your idea of "moral high grounds" nope - you've got me there.

Anyway, done with thread. Answered OP original question and then I decided to repond to you earlier (which you obviously didn't take well).

All yours.


So? Does that make you morally superior? I have not done so either, but I don't feel like it puts me on the road to sainthood.



Has anyone ever said "It's OK to spam in chat your referral link or to spam offers to pay others to use your referral link?" Bottom line, we call your argument a strawman. If you think someone is spamming, report them for spam. It does not matter what the content of the spam is.


You, me, everyone with a link in their sig, we are all getting CC for something BWEA never intended, i.e., "referring" current subscribers. The referral system does not work as intended and BWEA has apparently decided to let it slide. If you really took the moral high ground, you would request that BWEA remove any of the CC you got from your link users who were already current subscribers when they used your link.

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