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PTS 3.2.1 Closed, Death of Mara/sent incoming

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All in the title, they dare make this to live, no communication, tons of feedback ignore.


I'm fed up with this [put what you want here] dev team, and with his Community manager which manage NOTHING


And this is for the community manager : seriously where are you guys, not a word about our concerns, nothing ! 600 post and NOT A DAMN WORD ABOUT THIS ! Honestly Ziost has currently more chances to give us an answer than you.


And this for the dev team : maybe , when everyone is not happy when you made a change on a class, you should start considering that what you have done is BAD BAD BAD, take measure and to something BETTER not persisting and signing into the same direction !


Hopefully we go the xp 12 time to get a jugg/guardian, or going to another game




signed : someone pissed by this

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All in the title, they dare make this to live, no communication, tons of feedback ignore.


I'm fed up with this [put what you want here] dev team, and with his Community manager which manage NOTHING


And this is for the community manager : seriously where are you guys, not a word about our concerns, nothing ! 600 post and NOT A DAMN WORD ABOUT THIS ! Honestly Ziost has currently more chances to give us an answer than you.


And this for the dev team : maybe , when everyone is not happy when you made a change on a class, you should start considering that what you have done is BAD BAD BAD, take measure and to something BETTER not persisting and signing into the same direction !


Hopefully we go the xp 12 time to get a jugg/guardian, or going to another game




signed : someone pissed by this


Maybe I am living in denial, but I am holding out hope until 3.2.1 goes live. :confused:

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Maybe I am living in denial, but I am holding out hope until 3.2.1 goes live. :confused:



You know, I really hope to be wrong.


When I see all the work done by you, Waterboytkd, znihilist, and the community (sorry I know there is so much person who making good thing and I don't have every name in mind), being totally ignored, and getting absolutely no communication...


It's just so unfair...

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Maybe I am living in denial, but I am holding out hope until 3.2.1 goes live. :confused:


AHAHAHAHA, no I just canceled my subscription today, just to realize I can´t abandon my guildmates so I bought a game time card :rolleyes:


Hope for changes know, I will start trolling the Guardian Forums now, facerolling the old guard there who even the worst Sent could beat into oblivion once he rolled on a Guardian^^

Edited by Atlanis
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Maybe I am living in denial, but I am holding out hope until 3.2.1 goes live. :confused:


"We have implemented 1 final change into 3.2.1 that we didn't test on the PTS. We have increased the surge boost on all DoT abilities to 30% (from 5%). To make up for this, accelerating victory no longer builds stacks to make your next Force Melt free"


Bioware - Taking a stance on Marauders like they did on 3.1.1 Pyrotech.


But hey, maybe 3.3 will fix it :p

Edited by TACeMossie
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What did they exactly kill in 3.2.1 ?

Any semblance of a workable rotation for Watchman/Annihilation.


Maybe I am living in denial, but I am holding out hope until 3.2.1 goes live. :confused:

The problem is that if changes go live, it'll be either the horrible focus starved rotation that we saw on the PTS or something that wasn't tested. And based on how bad the PTS builds were, why would you have any trust in Bioware's internal testing for the spec.

Edited by DuckimusPrime
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I don't understand the whine about Watchman. With the change to duration(and the Surge), it now deals the most damage per interval out of all the DoT attacks. I know that it's more difficult to sync the discipline, but what if it wasn't meant to be synced? That reality is obvious to me.


Now, if only they did something about Zen in Juyo and DoT spread. You all know very well what I am talking about.


edit: Kwerty, when you told that they buffed the surge bonus, you mean the bonus that Searing Sabre/Bleedout gives, right?

Edited by Cuiwe
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I don't understand the whine about Watchman. With the change to duration(and the Surge), it now deals the most damage per interval out of all the DoT attacks. I know that it's more difficult to sync the discipline, but what if it wasn't meant to be synced? That reality is obvious to me.


Now, if only they did something about Zen in Juyo and DoT spread. You all know very well what I am talking about.


edit: Kwerty, when you told that they buffed the surge bonus, you mean the bonus that Searing Sabre/Bleedout gives, right?


You seem to have not invested a second of testing the changes. AS ALL MAJOR SENT PLAYERS have prooven from around the world have proven by their testing on the PTS for 3.2.1. that the MAJOR DROP IN DPS 300-1k, depending on Target (Training Dummy less, Boss encounters more), due to the current changes to Watchman/Anhilation. Arguably dropping DPS on a class that is underperforming on all Bossencounters compared to other ACs has brought ALL MAJOR SENT PLAYERS to the conclusion that they will not be able to participate in Hardmode Operations or anykind of competetive PVP anymore. Concentration and Combat have at no point as of 3.0. been viable for anykind of compettive Endgame and Watchman was the last spec very very very competent and skilled players were barely able to hit the required viability for competitive endgame.


There has been no buff instead Damage Dealt by Force Melt was nerfed by quite a large margin in the last iteration of the PTS. What kwerty posted is fake as none of what he worte is part of the official patchnotes. I can assure you there has been no change to any passive Talent in 3.2.1. other then the Accelarating Victory 1 effectivly nerfing it.


Please don´t post if you have not invested hours of testing the **** that was thrown at us like myself and the most honourable people like Norton, Adrell etc..

Edited by Atlanis
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edit: Kwerty, when you told that they buffed the surge bonus, you mean the bonus that Searing Sabre/Bleedout gives, right?


First off, /sarcasm


I don't understand the whine about Watchman...That reality is obvious to me.


This is wonderful; I am so glad the latest 3.2.1 PTS patch results in an obvious playstyle to you. Can you please share with the community how to make the discipline work?


Now, if only they did something about Zen in Juyo and DoT spread. You all know very well what I am talking about.


Actually, I have no idea what you are talking about.

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They are turning Watchman into a priority discipline(from a 3,0 rotation discipline). That's how it feels to me. Too bad kwerty was sarcastic. That change would indeed help.


And what I was on about DoT spread and Zen: the fact that they all crit and your zen is consumed in like 1 GCD. That is...counterproductive to the spec imo. I've read such things elsewhere and I must concur.

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They are turning Watchman into a priority discipline(from a 3,0 rotation discipline).


The issue with a priority Annihilation / Watchman as a priority discipline as I believe you envision it is resource. Every other class in the game has to manage a naturally regenerating resources, wheres Warriors & Knights have to build resource with weaker attacks in order to use bigger hitting attacks. This added complexity means any priority will be disrupted by the need to build resource. In theory all of this is till fine, but the end result of the 3.2.1 changes compared to the live version is a ~9% drop in damage output. And, many people, myself included, find the latest iteration more confusing to play and thus do not like it.

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The issue with a priority Annihilation / Watchman as a priority discipline as I believe you envision it is resource. Every other class in the game has to manage a naturally regenerating resources, wheres Warriors & Knights have to build resource with weaker attacks in order to use bigger hitting attacks. This added complexity means any priority will be disrupted by the need to build resource. In theory all of this is till fine, but the end result of the 3.2.1 changes compared to the live version is a ~9% drop in damage output. And, many people, myself included, find the latest iteration more confusing to play and thus do not like it.


And I agree there. If they want us to be a priority discipline, they better up the ante on resource generation. It's not that I like(I don't) this pseudo WoW Warrior resource system anyhow. But it's too large to be scrapped. If they sorted out the resource problem and implemented kwerty's suggestion, I think we'd be fine. More than it tbh.

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am i the only one who thinks every other class is OP some could kite us, others could tank us, some could CC us but our job was to just strait up get in there face and out DPS them (IMO) but now its as if every class in the game except maras can do all of that? and that's 2.0, they have all been buffed over and over. enduring bastion, enraged defense, the recent low slash range increase. what did maras get? a thank you message from jugs for our overwhelm? and ranged saber throw root? undying rage was a start, a good one! and i hope they continue to move forward with our potency in mind


Official prediction AKA biggest fear! is we get enrage, enraged defense and blade turning. or rather those abilities become warrior abilities. and we just become a variation of the jug class. but with the direction each class has been developed in. it seems the only alternative to giving us things like the off hand damage, accuracy buff and armour pen that were unique to disciplines in the same way things like fade out and bubble stun were

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While there are many things I don't get about the choices the devs make there is something nice to be here at the end.


There is talk that Fallen Empire will be the last thing released for SWTOR. I don't know if its true but with the cost of new content, the limits of the engine, the reliance on Story which is no longer considered to be canon by the LSG. It may well be that EA will take the licence and create a star wars MMO in the new era.


But should this be the case it will be almost poetic that the fall of the empire will also see the fall of the mara/sent AC. So years from now there will be one old marauder sitting in a hut in a desert telling a young farm boy how marauders used to be decent dps till the dark times till the fall of the empire.

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Maybe I am living in denial, but I am holding out hope until 3.2.1 goes live. :confused:


Oofalong, I have a great deal of respect and appreciation for all your feedback about the changes, the reduction in dmg output and the general mangling of our rotation. I really hoped your voice would be the rally point and all the rest of us expressing our universal agreement would get traction.


It's not going to happen. I have no more desire to be positive about this dire situation and ultimate end to the our class. I am intend to respond the only way that will garner attention eventually. I'll be unsubbing.


Best of luck to those that can hang on. I understand, I want to love my class, but it's soon to be a force ghost.

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Oofalong, I have a great deal of respect and appreciation for all your feedback about the changes, the reduction in dmg output and the general mangling of our rotation. I really hoped your voice would be the rally point and all the rest of us expressing our universal agreement would get traction.


It's not going to happen. I have no more desire to be positive about this dire situation and ultimate end to the our class. I am intend to respond the only way that will garner attention eventually. I'll be unsubbing.


Best of luck to those that can hang on. I understand, I want to love my class, but it's soon to be a force ghost.


Thanks for the kind words; I wish I could have done something more to make a difference.

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