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Looking for help with my new Hangar tutorial video

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I've noticed that there are many videos out there now explaining a lot of stuff in game but I haven't come across a single one explaining the actual Hangar interface, I'm looking to remedy that.


I've been working on my notes for the video when I realized why not get the forums to help me figure out what to put in it.


The goal of the video is to explain as much of the interface and important stats on as possible for both brand new players and maybe players that don't know absolutely everything about the game yet.



So far these are the things I'm going to be covering. Feel free to add to any of these notes if you feel like your addition would fall in the same category.


-Where the Tutorial button is.

-Where all your stats are.

-The difference between Ship requisition and Fleet requisition and how you can transfer it with cartel coins.

-How to purchase ships, which ships might be better first purchases and what the "cartel" versions of ships give you.

-How to purchase different components for your ship and which components to avoid. (If seeking to get the maximum amount of potential out of your ship instead of just a "for fun" build)

-How to purchase upgrades for your components and which upgrades might be more important. (Showing swaping different upgrades at T4/T5 of weapons and T3 of engines/shields)

-Tooltip errors and bugged/broken components/upgrades.

-How the Crew system functions and which passives and copilot abilities are more powerful.

-How to change between the ships on your loadout bar (Tunewalker)

-Default Hotkey to open Hangar is "H" and where the Icon to click to open it is located

-You can't change components once you are queue'd because that is one of the things that helps the matchmaker decide who to put you up against. (Because of this when group queue ing it's customary to ask if everyone is ready to queue) (Jediminerbob)

-You can change crew members while in queue, however you can't purchase new crew members. (Jediminerbob)

-Daily/Weekly tokens apply to all ships you have purchased. (Saving them up until you have more ships can help you get requisition faster) (jmjeffw)

-Showing to avoid buying components or upgrades with fleet requistion and the warning attributed with such a purchase. (jmjeffw)

-Talk about Locations of the pvp terminals (Dailies require a level 10 character) (Linuxizer)

-Talk about queue ing in groups, solo and dropping and re queue ing. (Linuxizer)

-Daily requisition bonuses, the x2 per ship icons. (Ramalina)


Possible other video Idea

-Scoreboard analysis and performance breakdown.


So that's my list so far, keep in mind I'm trying to keep the video under 15 minutes in duration.


Thanks for help guys. :)

Edited by Drakkolich
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How to change the 5 ships on your bar.


Some dont know that just clicking on the name of the ship on the LEFT hand side rather then on the bottom tool bar isnt what changes the bottom tool bar... If that made sense to you with what I am talking about.

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How to change the 5 ships on your bar.


Some dont know that just clicking on the name of the ship on the LEFT hand side rather then on the bottom tool bar isnt what changes the bottom tool bar... If that made sense to you with what I am talking about.


Yep that's perfect I'm already glad I decided to put this up. :)

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'H' to open the hanger window. Maybe not that important, but when explaining to new people what you want them to do it is easier to tell them press 'H'. (I did not know about that one for quite a while.)


That you cannot change components after queuing, but you can change crew (apparently?). Which might lead to "courtesy" rules when queuing with others. ("Ready?")

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The fact that daily/weekly requisition tokens apply only to ships you have currently "purchased", meaning you should use them after buying whatever ships you plan to use (although when starting a new char I usually use a few right away to get over the hump of not having any decent components).


Also in general not to use fleet req on components other than to "top off" a component if you only need a couple points.

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- locations of PVP Mission Terminals, for GSF rewards (level 10 or higher): Coruscant, Kaas City, Combat Training section in the fleet, Starfighter Launch Deck in the fleet, Makeb, Oricon, not sure where else

- how many people can queue together

- what happens if you were already queued when you join a group

- what happens if you were group-queued and you click "leave queue"

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The fact that you can switch T4 and T5 weapons/system upgrades and T3 engine and shield upgrades after purchasing (buying one does not lock you in on that branch) I didn't figure this out for a few months after starting and would take a long time to figure out which one I wanted lol since I thought it was permanent.
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I remember myself thinking the stats of not yet purchased ships were the stats of their chassis. It didn't occur to me those stats already were affected by their default components. I seriously thought the Flashfire would have more shield strength and hitpoints than the Nova Dive and therefore the Flashfire would be the stronger ship.


If you talk about components and stats, I think it's worth mentioning the choice of components because of their active abilites is more important than to just look at their raw stats changes.

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Spent some time talking to one guy on Shadowlands impside on Saturday who hadn't realised the blue border around an upgrade on tiers 4/5 meant that was the active one, that he'd been running shield repair on his Legion simply because the left side is where he clicked when he bought it and that it was an either/or toggle.


So what I'm say is a few visual hints - ie look at this part of the UI to check which upgrade is active.

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Daily requisition bonus icon, and the graphical bug where it doesn't reset until after first game of the day.



Not actually an element of the Hangar interface, but if you include a screenshot of a post battle scoreboard, knowing about the performance tab that tells you what you got requisition for would probably be very helpful for new players.


The list so far looks more like an hour of video than 15 minutes or less, you might want to consider splitting it up a bit.


Cover the UI, "Where do I find the button, and what's the brief one sentence summary of what it does," and go into more depth about good vs bad ships, components, how to max requisition gain etc. in follow-up guides.

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I tried some attempts at the video on stream today just to see what the length would be like and after two attempts it was clear there was no way to put all that info in a 15 minute video. The closest I got was like just over 20 minutes.


If you're interested in those attempts just to see what I'm going for you can find them here. The first one is at around the 2-3 minute mark and the second at 31 minutes I believe.


I don't think I want to cut anything from the tutorial so I'm thinking I'll do 2 videos instead a part 1 and part 2 of the same thing.


To anyone that did watch the attempts let me know if I missed something or if anything was unclear thanks.


I really want to get this right as it seems like it will be a very valuable resource for new players.

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Not sure if it's relevant to this in particular, since it's not REALLY about the Hangar, but one of the things that would be pretty stellar would be to go over the "hidden" keys while in-game. Things like strafing, keybinding for power management, etc, and where to find all of that would be pretty awesome.


Honestly, that's one of the very few ways where you can actually find out what the default keybinds actually are, and will let you know about some of the abilities you otherwise wouldn't know about.


WASD and basic mouse movement is relatively intuitive. R, Tab, V, X, F, Strafe, etc aren't.


Also, just to note, if you're going through the picking of t3/4/5 selected abilities, it would probably be solid to point out that they default to the left options every time you swap components, so it's easy to swap to a wrong loadout if you're not careful.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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Not sure if it's relevant to this in particular, since it's not REALLY about the Hangar, but one of the things that would be pretty stellar would be to go over the "hidden" keys while in-game. Things like strafing, keybinding for power management, etc, and where to find all of that would be pretty awesome.


Honestly, that's one of the very few ways where you can actually find out what the default keybinds actually are, and will let you know about some of the abilities you otherwise wouldn't know about.


WASD and basic mouse movement is relatively intuitive. R, Tab, V, X, F, Strafe, etc aren't.


Also, just to note, if you're going through the picking of t3/4/5 selected abilities, it would probably be solid to point out that they default to the left options every time you swap components, so it's easy to swap to a wrong loadout if you're not careful.


Next tutorial one I want to work on after this will be showing everything I can in the actual ingame tutorial, I think that is a better place to show all the keybinding stuff.


I will definitely add the default components upgrades start on the left in my next attempt. (Just added it to my notes now)

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