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Is force camo working as intended (control immune) ?


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Tooltip: granting immunity to controling effects. Dealing direct damage ends effect prematurely.


Yes, it working against knockbacks at PvE but at PvP situation is sucks.


I'm using watchman in pvp, maybe that's the reason why I'm alway suffering from slow or root in camo. First I accidently used camo before was damaged by force wave + root but even this doesn't help. Are dots removing effect ?


The only tooltip on buff itself is "difficult to detect". Checked tooltips on mara - same. But didn't play as mara on pvp.

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When a tooltip reads "controlling effects" it typically only means CC, not slows and roots which are termed as "slows" and "immobilizing effects" respectively. Knockback immunity falls under "physics immunities" when it comes to tooltips.


The "difficult to detect" on force camo is a misnomer, as to my knowledge it's not possible for a enemy player to see a marauder in camo, although some PvE mobs have the ability to do so. The Trooper's "Stealth Scan" ability can however remove you from camo.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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When a tooltip reads "controlling effects" it typically only means CC, not slows and roots which are termed as "slows" and "immobilizing effects" respectively. Knockback immunity falls under "physics immunities" when it comes to tooltips.


The "difficult to detect" on force camo is a misnomer, as to my knowledge it's not possible for a enemy player to see a marauder in camo, although some PvE mobs have the ability to do so. The Trooper's "Stealth Scan" ability can however remove you from camo.


So on practice it's granting immunity only against flash nades and awe ?


I meant by accident flash or awe, when player in camo.

Edited by StreetPunk
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So on practice it's granting immunity only against flash nades and awe ?


I meant by accident flash or awe, when player in camo.


Well that and stuff like Carbonize, bubble stun, and cybertech grenades. It used to be a legitimate strat to pop a AoE CC the moment a marauder camos so that his camo is wasted stuck in one spot.


But yeah, the immunity is fairly underwhelming most of the time.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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When a tooltip reads "controlling effects" it typically only means CC, not slows and roots which are termed as "slows" and "immobilizing effects" respectively. Knockback immunity falls under "physics immunities" when it comes to tooltips.


Old Unremitting/Unstoppable only said "immune to all controlling effects." Current Gravity Vortex for Conc/Fury says "immune to all controlling effects," as well. All controlling effects is supposed to include movement-impairment and physics. When it's just stuns/mezzes, it actually goes through and lists them (ie Robust/Brawn from Vig/Veng, or Sturdiness/Dark Stability from Shadow/Sin utilities). Force Camo is supposed to prevent re-rooting/re-snaring via AoEs, as well as knockbacks and whatnot. That was the intent of adding immunity to all controlling effects.


OP, you're Watchman. It's the DoTs. As soon as a DoT ticks, it'll break your Camo, thus ending your control immunity, too.

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Old Unremitting/Unstoppable only said "immune to all controlling effects." Current Gravity Vortex for Conc/Fury says "immune to all controlling effects," as well. All controlling effects is supposed to include movement-impairment and physics. When it's just stuns/mezzes, it actually goes through and lists them (ie Robust/Brawn from Vig/Veng, or Sturdiness/Dark Stability from Shadow/Sin utilities). Force Camo is supposed to prevent re-rooting/re-snaring via AoEs, as well as knockbacks and whatnot. That was the intent of adding immunity to all controlling effects.


OP, you're Watchman. It's the DoTs. As soon as a DoT ticks, it'll break your Camo, thus ending your control immunity, too.


Then that's a bug, it's supposed to be Direct Damage, DoT ticks are not Direct Damage.

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Then that's a bug, it's supposed to be Direct Damage, DoT ticks are not Direct Damage.


Good point...hmm...


Just tested Camo on a dummy. DoTs aren't breaking it. So, OP, my bad on that explanation.


Perhaps there was a timing/lag issue for the OP? Or maybe Force Camo is bugged?

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