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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Block Master Loot once a boss fight has begun


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So with the release of the 204 main hand from the upcoming boss and the increasing amount of "schmucks" in the game bio should block master loot once a battle has been initiated so that individuals cant swap to master loot to make sure that they or their friends get it.
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No the ops leader can turn it on in the middle of the boss fight. Sometimes referred to as "ninjaing" it.


The only "ninjas" that I have met are the ones that Need on something that everyone else Greeded on so they guarantee a win. (and something that nobody needs like a crafting mat/pet/etc.)


In fact I have never even heard of this in SWTOR until this post, so sounds like a fairly uncommon issue...

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(and something that nobody needs like a crafting mat/pet/etc.)


I always tend to assume that "everybody clicks need" is just going to be the default in such situations when it comes up anyway, and I'll watch for the first 1 or 2 people to click need on it to verify that that's what we're doing. Of course if I see the first 1-2 people clicking greed or pass instead then I start moving towards greed as well to be fair, but if one of the others that haven't clicked yet push need before I actually click it then I might just switch back to need to spite them for making it no longer be a fair roll. (At least then it's basically 50/50 instead of just automatically going to them.)


Because honestly "everybody clicks need" is really the only logical assumption to make there. If everybody clicks need it's a fair roll. Anybody could get it. If most click need and 1 clicks greed, that 1 person screwed themselves out of a fair chance at the item but it was "fair enough" for the other 3. If most click greed and 1 clicks need, it can never be a fair roll and that 1 person is pretty much guaranteed (like, 99.9% chance at least) to get it. It's almost irrelevant whether the other 3 clicked greed or decided to pass because there's practically no difference between those two options so long as at least 1 person clicked need.


Really though, this kind of thing is the sort of thing that should always be mentioned and agreed upon when the group first starts running... but nobody EVER remembers to think of it until something drops and it's too late for discussion. And some people do seem to think that "everybody clicks greed" is going to be the default in that situation for some reason (which just leaves them open to getting cut out of the roll when that one person sees their greed clicks and clicks need anyway).

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The only "ninjas" that I have met are the ones that Need on something that everyone else Greeded on so they guarantee a win. (and something that nobody needs like a crafting mat/pet/etc.)

If my character doesn't have a particular pet or speeder, it "needs" it just as much as it "needs" upgraded gear. Speeders and pets are just as much a part of the game as gear is. If you think pets and speeders are "not needed," then by all means greed on them if that makes you happy. I will always roll need if the character does not have one.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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So with the release of the 204 main hand from the upcoming boss and the increasing amount of "schmucks" in the game bio should block master loot once a battle has been initiated so that individuals cant swap to master loot to make sure that they or their friends get it.


Once the battle has begun?. Remove Master Loot permanently, that **** has nothing to do here in game.

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I'd agree to removing it from Groupfinder groups, but master looter does have a place in the game. Plenty of progression raid teams use it, and assign the loot in ways that provide the greatest benefit to the raid team as a whole.
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Give everyone their own loot table. Much better solution.


No that just results in the players blessed by the RNG gods winning the same item 15 times over, with it bound to them, and the players that can't roll anything other than snake eyes to save their lives stuck with no loot drop even after running the content hundreds or even thousands of times.


Happened to me in LOTRO--I had an entire guild trying to help me get a specific drop, we ran the instance something like 1200 times, several of my guildies won the same item (and they could only ever use one) 6-7 times over and I could not ever get it. Because it was individual loot table, there was nothing they could do; they couldn't even trade it even though they were specifically trying to help me get the drop. But ultimately RNG boss too stronk and I ended up burning out on the game, leaving, and not looking back.


That's not to say loot ninjas and unethical ops leaders aren't a problem. They are. But giving everyone their own loot table isn't the panacea you think it is--in the situation described above I would've reached the point I was the only one in my guild still rolling on that item in about a third of the time under the need/greed system we have here. You'll still have people who can't get the loot even though they clear the content--the only difference is they'll repeatedly lose the RNG on who gets assigned the drop instead of seeing someone "ninja" the drop from them.


(Granted we have a two hour grace period to trade bound drops, which LOTRO doesn't have...but individual loot tables have left a really bad taste in my mouth LOL)


TL;DR: I could support loot rules having to be set before combat/unalterable in combat, but individual loot tables simply screws over people with bad RNG, sometimes permanently, while master looter at least gives people with bad RNG a shot at the loot after others in the group have it.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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or just change the loot system into personal instanced loot like in GW.


Remove ninjaing, griefing & disputes about loot forever. That ancient looting system is copied from 15 year old mmos without even thinking about it.

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