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People who undersell by 1 credit.


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If I see someone selling something for 10,000 and someone else selling the same item for 9,999, I tend to always buy the one for 10,000 cause the other guy is being a douche bag.


Now if they undercut them by 500 or 1000, then I might go with them instead.


But everyone has the right to put there item of for sale at what ever price it is. There should never be a restriction on that. Even the jerks trying to scam you for selling something for 10,000,000,000. If your not smart enough to sort by price or take the time to actually compare prices, then you deserve to be had. TAKE YOUR TIME. Best advice the Dev's ever gave in my opinion.


Well said.

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Then why did you say people who undercut by large amounts are a "problem?"


Because it's still an a-hole move to see items consistently selling at one price, and then selling the same item for 2/3rds less. It destabilizes the economy and in-general is a pain in the arse.


I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed to do it, not asking for bans...just saying - those people are a-holes. if you do that, guess what - you're an a-hole!

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This is far worse than slightly undercutting. You undercut by a "healthy margin", then the next person undercuts you by a "healthy margin" and so and so on. This cause items to sell for far less than they're worth and that kills the economy.


Actually, it doesn't. It expands the economy. Economics 101. In a free-market economy competition forces products to approach cost of production and that makes goods more affordable for the consumer. The only way a company can force higher margins is through some sort of proprietary scheme to prevent competition. A good example: Apple. Their margins have historically been notoriously high. Why? Basically because they have been successful in legally preventing competition by preventing clone makers from even showing that a lower cost of production were possible. Compare the cost of a Mac to a cost of a typical PC, what we used to call an IBM-clone.


The idea that items sell for "less than they are worth" is rarely true. The idea of "worth" rests with the buyer. If he is willing to pay $X for an item, that's what it is "worth" to him. If the seller vehemently disagrees, then he will go out of business. There are lots of issues here, including scarcity of items. If I'm the only one who can craft dye packs, I will be able to charge way over my cost and make myself some money. When crystal capacitors were new and everyone wanted them for conquests, one of my toons became a multi-millionaire very rapidly. Why? because I took advantage of scarcity to craft items with very high gross margins. People wanted them badly and would pay anything for them. Today those crystal capacitors are not worth nearly as much because people tired of conquests coupled with too many crafters trying to cash in on the deal. They approached cost of production. Margins are lower, therefore they are less attractive to craft.


This entire thread is really about one thing: Players' inability to understand basic economics and getting angry over someone better understanding the issues than they do.

Edited by MSchuyler
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Because it's still an a-hole move to see items consistently selling at one price, and then selling the same item for 2/3rds less. It destabilizes the economy and in-general is a pain in the arse.

Then buy the "too cheap" item and resell it. If you are not willing to do that, it's obviously not "too cheap." If you are willing to do that, you obviously think it'll be a "win" for you. How is either of those things an "a hole" move?


If I see someone selling something for 10,000 and someone else selling the same item for 9,999, I tend to always buy the one for 10,000 cause the other guy is being a douche bag.


Now if they undercut them by 500 or 1000, then I might go with them instead.

Exactly how much of an undercut is required to exit "d-bag" territory? 2 creds? 10? 50? 500? 1000? A certain percentage? :rolleyes:

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Because it's still an a-hole move to see items consistently selling at one price, and then selling the same item for 2/3rds less. It destabilizes the economy and in-general is a pain in the arse.


I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed to do it, not asking for bans...just saying - those people are a-holes. if you do that, guess what - you're an a-hole!


So those items sell first and the majority of the items still sell at going rate. People aren't necessarily a-holes for underpricing (and I'm talking real underpricing, not one credit nonsense), they may just not know the value of what they have, or they just need some quick cash and want to see it sold in five minutes.


I mean, if it wasn't for these people, where would I get my cheap-*** gear? Sometimes I don't want to spend 75k for an upgrade that I'll outlevel, but if there's one for 30k or less, I will. I'm not taking anything away from the people posting at higher prices, as I would not buy at those prices anyway. It wouldn't be that much different at level cap. I am more than patient if I see the "going rate" isn't to my liking. I'll shop around for days looking for a deal. Does that make ME an a-hole? I think not.

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If I ever use the market (which is fairly rare) and I sell something, I usually undercut the going rate by a decent amount (not 1 credit, haha), because frankly, I don't care about the economy. I just want to offload my goods. Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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I will never get why this is such a hot button issue for people.


I pretty much make all my money off the GTN. If your items are not listed first, i.e. cheapest, they will not sell. Period.


Therefore, getting upset about undercutting is illogical, because it'sthe name of the game. I get undercut constantly. You either make the decision to try to wait it out (i.e. make your sales after the person who undercut you) or undercut them back.


And from a seller's perspective? I'd rather have an item undercut by 1 credit than to have a market totally tanked by people trying to be "nice" and pricing for half of what everyone else was selling it for.


Nothing rude about it, just business.


Absolutely... Although if I see some fool under cut an item that is selling well by 50%, I will buy and resell... What I find really funny is when 10 others try to undercut him by 20-50%... So I'll buy the lot... I may have to sit on them for a few weeks while the price fixes it's self after such stupid undercutting... But I will then relist for the same or more than I was selling them previously... And surprise... I'm making a truck load of credits because people are stupid like that

An example would be covert gear that was selling for 400k a piece... They drop to as low as 10k because people see the price drop from undercutting and want to off load them... I purchased 2 character cargo holds full... I am now selling them between 600k-1mil per piece... Demand is there or they wouldn't sell... Most of the time there is only one or two others selling them too... We know not to undercut more than a credit and not to list more than one or two at a time... It becomes a bit of a game between us... I'm guessing I've made 100mil in credits just because of that undercutting fiasco


If you are ever going to undercut... Why give your credits away?... One credit is enough to make yours the cheapest

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i kinda feel that undercutting by just one credit is kinda dumb... i tend to by from the other person that has theirs listed the one credit more.. if i see an item for 1000 credits and another to 999 ill buy the 1000 item.


now when i actually list things on the market i take a look and tend to mark mine the lowest i can... i have never listed anything over 1 million credits mostly because i dont think anything in this game is worth more than 1 million credits. the lowest i have marked things is usually 1000 credits except for the cybernetic armors i cant hardly give those stupid things away :confused:

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Absolutely... Although if I see some fool under cut an item that is selling well by 50%, I will buy and resell... What I find really funny is when 10 others try to undercut him by 20-50%... So I'll buy the lot... I may have to sit on them for a few weeks while the price fixes it's self after such stupid undercutting... But I will then relist for the same or more than I was selling them previously... And surprise... I'm making a truck load of credits because people are stupid like that

An example would be covert gear that was selling for 400k a piece... They drop to as low as 10k because people see the price drop from undercutting and want to off load them... I purchased 2 character cargo holds full... I am now selling them between 600k-1mil per piece... Demand is there or they wouldn't sell... Most of the time there is only one or two others selling them too... We know not to undercut more than a credit and not to list more than one or two at a time... It becomes a bit of a game between us... I'm guessing I've made 100mil in credits just because of that undercutting fiasco


If you are ever going to undercut... Why give your credits away?... One credit is enough to make yours the cheapest


because some people dont like to price gouge other players. also people know a lot of players dont have millions of credits to spend on one part of a costume. so why limit yourself on potential buyers??

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because some people dont like to price gouge other players. also people know a lot of players dont have millions of credits to spend on one part of a costume. so why limit yourself on potential buyers??

If you want to help "poor" buyers by pricing low, go right ahead. Chances are, though, who you are helping is the person will buy you stuff and re-list it at a higher price. These are the people who are trolling the GTN constantly because they enjoy the GTN mini-game and are thus more likely to see your bargain first.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If you want to help "poor" buyers by pricing low, go right ahead. Chances are, though, who you are helping is the person will buy you stuff and re-list it at a higher price. These are the people who are trolling the GTN constantly because they enjoy the GTN mini-game and are thus more likely to see your bargain first.


you just gotta watch and know when to post your items

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