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Force Storm needed damage nerf. But why remove snare?


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I know the ability after 3.0 was beyond OP'd, any sensible player would agree with the damage output being too much. The damage needed to be toned back, and it was. What I didn't like was the fact that part of the abilities utility and usefulness was it's snaring aspect.


If the ability had snare for literally years, why alter the ability with a damage nerf along with removing it's snare? I think this part was unwarranted, and is what actually ruined the ability and it's epicness, particularly in PVP. I liked that when sages/sorcs used this AE prior to 3.0, that it's main use was to annoy and snare lemmings that bunched up together in the warzones.


It wasn't the damage, it was the snare that made it fun. I hope that in all fairness, this ability at least is given back some of it's former glory, which easily could be done by restoring the original snaring effect. If the ability hits like a wet noodle, at least let it have some utility as it did prior to 3.0. Just my opinion.

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Personally I feel pvp has become bloated with slows and roots in 3.0. BW is mostly addressing it by adding more immunities to classes, but I feel they should go the opposite way, remove the cause of the problems. Sage/sorc is still very powerful in pvp largely because of the mobility and the amount of slows and roots the class has, so I think removing a slow from an ability that's primarily used for damage is sensible. Edited by ceazare
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Personally I feel pvp has become bloated with slows and roots in 3.0. BW is mostly addressing it by adding more immunities to classes, but I feel they should go the opposite way, remove the cause of the problems. Sage/sorc is still very powerful in pvp largely because of the mobility and the amount of slows and roots the class has, so I think removing a slow from an ability that's primarily used for damage is sensible.


I totally agree with you on the state of pvp, particularly 60s. I think the bloat of CC and CC immunities in 60s pvp is what has made the bracket less fun. I wish they would just tone back the CC immunities that some classes have in general.


I mean, being immune to snare, roots, etc. is nice as a very short duration ability but when you add that some classes get these immunities for extended period of times (many seconds) coupled with speed bursts of 30-70% (I mean really... 70% burst of in combat speed?) it all adds up to a lot of stupid.


The top pvp classes are the ones (no surprise) that have the longest duration CC immunities with speed increases attached (PT and Sins). Oh well. Saying that adding back the snare effect to FS is going to further bloat the CC in PVP is kind of like saying lipstick on a pig will make the pig cute. Not really.


Snare added back to force storm aint going to make CC any worse than it is now. The strong classes already wade through the current CC with no problem, force storm would just give weaker classes that use ranged a chance to slow up those ridiculously OP'd CC immune classes.

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Snare added back to force storm aint going to make CC any worse than it is now. The strong classes already wade through the current CC with no problem, force storm would just give weaker classes that use ranged a chance to slow up those ridiculously OP'd CC immune classes.


The problem with this statement is that the slow would affect the classes that already underperform much more than those who have immunities.

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Please tell me how many other PAoEs have a snare.


I'll wait.


Nobody whined about Force Storm until the damage was buffed too high in 3.0. While I don't care about the snare, it's wholly irrelevant that no other class has/had it.


Classes are entitled to have unique features. The 3.1.2 changes homogenized Force Storm so that it's now a weaker Hail of Bolts that's somewhat easier on resources.

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Nobody whined about Force Storm until the damage was buffed too high in 3.0. While I don't care about the snare, it's wholly irrelevant that no other class has/had it.


Classes are entitled to have unique features. The 3.1.2 changes homogenized Force Storm so that it's now a weaker Hail of Bolts that's somewhat easier on resources.


Frankly, Sorcs and Sages were lucky that slow lasted as long as it did. Freighter Flyby has been nerfed to oblivion and it didn't start doing its damage right away even back in the glory days. It's a darn good AOE attack on par with some of the other good ones and it even procs another AOE for TK.


Bioware needs to be smarter with its cc in the game anyway, and even if it smarts that some of it started here, it doesn't stop it from being a good choice with this ability.

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If the ability had snare for literally years, why alter the ability with a damage nerf along with removing it's snare? I think this part was unwarranted, and is what actually ruined the ability and it's epicness, particularly in PVP. I liked that when sages/sorcs used this AE prior to 3.0, that it's main use was to annoy and snare lemmings that bunched up together in the warzones.


It wasn't the damage, it was the snare that made it fun.


Agree +1

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I made a thread with this idea a few days ago, but this seems like a great thread to bounce the idea around in.


What if Force Slow were made into a dot, and Force Storm spread the dot? The honestly seems like a very reasonable solution to the problem. The base Storm/Quake ability itself would remain as is, but it would give the slow and damage increase without making the base AoE OP. This could also fix the Balance/Madness parsing problems, but that's a different matter entirely :p

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I made a thread with this idea a few days ago, but this seems like a great thread to bounce the idea around in.


What if Force Slow were made into a dot, and Force Storm spread the dot? The honestly seems like a very reasonable solution to the problem. The base Storm/Quake ability itself would remain as is, but it would give the slow and damage increase without making the base AoE OP. This could also fix the Balance/Madness parsing problems, but that's a different matter entirely :p


And I will repeat what I said in that, Giving a DoT to all specs is just adding to the poop ton already in the game. So imagine in a ranked match running Madness. Use DF and FS to DoT up the entire team. It would be worse than Hatred was before nerf. Madness DPS is mostly a Force management issue.


Force Storm doesn't need any changes. Personally I would revert it to original channel and put it on CD like DfA but I digress.

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I have to say the problem might have stemmed from players who were only and I do mean only spamming storm/quake all the time.


I am not saying everyone was guilty of it, but a rather large amount of the time, I would leap in and be in the immediate multiple spam storms which to be honest, was not the intended use of an AOE.


in the history of MMO's there is always a problem with balancing out a game where the same classes are involved in both PVE and PVP, lets hope they give you guys your channel duration back or something to make it worthwhile, but at this point, with how long it takes to level a 60, you could always chill, let your easy chair recline a little and get another toon going or even dust off an old one.


Oh and another note, I've seen a jugg/sorc pair running lately who jam together alot, you think a jugg is OP alone, try it with a madness sorc backup o.O it hurts us precious.....

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