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So Bioware, about people bypassing the locked part on Ziost to fight the OP Boss etc.


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I am talking about the Dev Tracker which every single player has access to and which tracks every single post a dev makes. If you are too lazy to check that but not too lazy to check the blog then thats on you not the Devs


Dev tracker is not a blog. People aren't sent notifications when there's a new post in the dev tracker like they are in the blog. The forums are NOT visited by the majority of the public. The first year I was in the game, I didn't know there WERE forums, much less check them regularly. And even if you do check them periodically, recently the dev tracker is mostly filled with comments about what's on the test server and the few comments about the real game get lost in the noise.


And even then, the dev post only happened after 3.2 launched, after people were crawling over the content, and only because people were asking why the story mysteriously stopped.


That lack of communication is unacceptable. At a minimum, it should have been mentioned in the blog post "Welcome to 3.2" and in the patch notes. And should've been mentioned earlier. Actually, the split never should have happened, just a week "aren't we clever" sop to May the 4th - no, delaying part in one week doesn't avoid the problem of "I blew threw the content in one afternoon", it multiplies it into "I blew through the content in one afternoon then got stopped by this stupid bug" "What do you mean it's not a bug?" "OK, it's a week later I blew through the rest of the content in one afternoon". It's going to be months before there's new content, that this content was broken in two over a week solves nothing.

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It's not so much QQ as it is established that the bypass was not working as intended. They've laid out the deal for how they wanted it to go, and it was so it could be a staggered release. Trying to say, "Well, staggered release was basically asking for us to cheat... therefore we should be forgiven" is not a strong stance to take.


Rationalize it however you want, fact is it is declared as being an exploit over a bug. They have handled this well (which is a reassuring surprise).


Hm, did I say that?


You saying that "the bypass was not working as intended" tells me that there was a bypass intended for use!!


I stand by what I said... more QQ pls

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Dev tracker is not a blog. People aren't sent notifications when there's a new post in the dev tracker like they are in the blog. The forums are NOT visited by the majority of the public. The first year I was in the game, I didn't know there WERE forums, much less check them regularly. And even if you do check them periodically, recently the dev tracker is mostly filled with comments about what's on the test server and the few comments about the real game get lost in the noise.


And even then, the dev post only happened after 3.2 launched, after people were crawling over the content, and only because people were asking why the story mysteriously stopped.


That lack of communication is unacceptable. At a minimum, it should have been mentioned in the blog post "Welcome to 3.2" and in the patch notes. And should've been mentioned earlier. Actually, the split never should have happened, just a week "aren't we clever" sop to May the 4th - no, delaying part in one week doesn't avoid the problem of "I blew threw the content in one afternoon", it multiplies it into "I blew through the content in one afternoon then got stopped by this stupid bug" "What do you mean it's not a bug?" "OK, it's a week later I blew through the rest of the content in one afternoon". It's going to be months before there's new content, that this content was broken in two over a week solves nothing.


When you're looking at a gated bit of content, you don't need the Developers to personally sit you down, hold you by the hand and tell you 'now, sweetie, we don't want you going beyond this point that's blocked off, okay dumpling?'


It's a goddammed gate. It was walled off. People snuck in, they patched it and they found a new way in. This ain't rocket science, sparkles.


Christ, the whining is getting annoying.

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Dev tracker is not a blog. People aren't sent notifications when there's a new post in the dev tracker like they are in the blog. The forums are NOT visited by the majority of the public. The first year I was in the game, I didn't know there WERE forums, much less check them regularly. And even if you do check them periodically, recently the dev tracker is mostly filled with comments about what's on the test server and the few comments about the real game get lost in the noise.


And even then, the dev post only happened after 3.2 launched, after people were crawling over the content, and only because people were asking why the story mysteriously stopped.


That lack of communication is unacceptable. At a minimum, it should have been mentioned in the blog post "Welcome to 3.2" and in the patch notes. And should've been mentioned earlier. Actually, the split never should have happened, just a week "aren't we clever" sop to May the 4th - no, delaying part in one week doesn't avoid the problem of "I blew threw the content in one afternoon", it multiplies it into "I blew through the content in one afternoon then got stopped by this stupid bug" "What do you mean it's not a bug?" "OK, it's a week later I blew through the rest of the content in one afternoon". It's going to be months before there's new content, that this content was broken in two over a week solves nothing.


The fact that people don't check a tool the Devs has provided isnt the Dev's fault. Its the players fault. Even if they had provided every single player with an email, a note on the splash page, AND a pop up message in game people would still have done the exploit and then *****ed about how poorly Bioware informed everyone. And besides, the fact that they didn't provide enough communication that it was a staggered release beforehand, which I actually agree with, doesnt mean people should look at a gate they cant pass and immediately assume it just means Bioware wants them to go through some serious platforming looking for a bugged way to get behind the closed gate.

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The fact that people don't check a tool the Devs has provided isnt the Dev's fault. Its the players fault. Even if they had provided every single player with an email, a note on the splash page, AND a pop up message in game people would still have done the exploit and then *****ed about how poorly Bioware informed everyone. And besides, the fact that they didn't provide enough communication that it was a staggered release beforehand, which I actually agree with, doesnt mean people should look at a gate they cant pass and immediately assume it just means Bioware wants them to go through some serious platforming looking for a bugged way to get behind the closed gate.


The only thing that really bothers me about the bans is the people who, arriving on the fleet were invited to join a new op in the new content, joined, got flagship-ported to the content, and are now banned. Those who found a way past, well, I remember on my datacron hunts I was finding a way past apparently locked areas (and in the content there are a few gates you have to figure your way around), but not having tried to go to the area, I don't know how obviously it was blocked off. As a general principle, I believe it's inappropriate to ban someone for using the in-game mechanics until it has been labelled as an exploit, unless the rewards are way out of kilter. (You fight a big boss and it drops loot, not out of kilter - invite lots of people in to get loot without doing anything, out of kilter.)


But my anger at the high handed way the devs are treating those whose who participated is mostly a reflection of my anger at the way this was rolled out. I logged in on Tuesday expecting to enjoy the whole of Ziost. I found a few missions and "enjoy" was questionable. And then I hit something where the mission just wouldn't go further with a response that looks like a bug or "go back, you forgot to do something". That's lousy design, and a lousy way to treat the customers. So at the moment, yeah, I'm going to be less forgiving and more on the side of the customers who deliberately got frustrated than Bioware's sanctimonious "oh no you can't have that yet you have to wait for Monday."

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No one got banned just for going past the glaringly obvious locked gate and huge wall. They got banned for that and sticking around long enough to kill the WB and get loot, comms and an achievement.


If they blindly accepted an Ops-group inv, blithely accepting the flagship summons and ended up somewhere absolutely new, they could have used Fleet Pass to exit the area, opened a ticket, explained the situation and probably avoided a ban.


As it was, they didn't do that. So, they got what they deserved.

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OOOooooooohhhh maaaaaaaannnnnn!!!!!! YES!!!!! Watching people complain about getting caught cheating makes me just so happy I can't begin to describe it... The fact these tools are banned makes me even happier... Oh my goodness I am so elated right now.... they can go cry on WoW now.


Bypassing known locked area? Getting gear that isn't available to people yet? Committing fraud by charging people millions of credits to join the exploit? OH MAN I am so happy you tools got banned.

Edited by DupontTX
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OOOooooooohhhh maaaaaaaannnnnn!!!!!! YES!!!!! Watching people complain about getting caught cheating makes me just so happy I can't begin to describe it... The fact these tools are banned makes me even happier... Oh my goodness I am so elated right now.... they can go cry on WoW now.


Bypassing known locked area? Getting gear that isn't available to people yet? Committing fraud by charging people millions of credits to join the exploit? OH MAN I am so happy you tools got banned.




There is another way to look at all this.... it's possible the ones whining are the ones who just aren't good at platforming or exploring. So they are jealous, upset, mad, confused, don't have anyone to tell them about things or maybe ride their "cat tails" etc... After all "Gamers" have solved Scientific equations before when the Scientists who specialize in the field couldn't, so they turned it into a game and got their answer....so to justify why they aren't good at anything they feel the need to QQ on the forums...


Oh and lets not forget the "this is too hard, impossible, omg are they serious" QQ'rs who come to the forums for the same reasons when new OP's or HM''s are released and BW nerf's them to satisfy the QQ baby's. Here's my favorite that I hear all the time, "BW discriminates against melee" QQ...lol. No they don't, if you are trying to play melee and die every second, minute or every other fight its OK to pull the "FALL BACK, FALL BACK" and get your ranged! Anyone can click-move a little-click-move a little etc... Ranged is for everyone but Melee is for people who want and are good at challenges! So again, BW doesn't discriminate against Melee, players who aren't good at Melee discriminate against Melee...

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There is another way to look at all this.... it's possible the ones whining are the ones who just aren't good at platforming or exploring. So they are jealous, upset, mad, confused, don't have anyone to tell them about things or maybe ride their "cat tails" etc... After all "Gamers" have solved Scientific equations before when the Scientists who specialize in the field couldn't, so they turned it into a game and got their answer....so to justify why they aren't good at anything they feel the need to QQ on the forums...


Oh and lets not forget the "this is too hard, impossible, omg are they serious" QQ'rs who come to the forums for the same reasons when new OP's or HM''s are released and BW nerf's them to satisfy the QQ baby's. Here's my favorite that I hear all the time, "BW discriminates against melee" QQ...lol. No they don't, if you are trying to play melee and die every second, minute or every other fight its OK to pull the "FALL BACK, FALL BACK" and get your ranged! Anyone can click-move a little-click-move a little etc... Ranged is for everyone but Melee is for people who want and are good at challenges! So again, BW doesn't discriminate against Melee, players who aren't good at Melee discriminate against Melee...


I could have probably climbed the wall if I had wanted to. I am good at platforming. Even if I couldnt have myself, I definitely could have joined one of the groups that were getting summoned. So no this isnt me whining because I couldnt find a way to do it. This is people upset because we play the way we are SUPPOSED to play, and other people got access to gear and content through violating the ToS. People shouldn't be rewarded for breaking the rules, and those of us who follow the rules shouldn't be punished for following the rules which is exactly what it would have been like if they had gotten away with it.

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I could have probably climbed the wall if I had wanted to. I am good at platforming. Even if I couldnt have myself, I definitely could have joined one of the groups that were getting summoned. So no this isnt me whining because I couldnt find a way to do it. This is people upset because we play the way we are SUPPOSED to play, and other people got access to gear and content through violating the ToS. People shouldn't be rewarded for breaking the rules, and those of us who follow the rules shouldn't be punished for following the rules which is exactly what it would have been like if they had gotten away with it.


very fast reply, copy/paste much?

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For the second time. No time off, no ToS breakage occurred on my part....


You just stick up for them and think they should have gotten away with it, since obviously anyone who thinks the rules should be followed is obviously just a QQ'er. Maybe the reason you werent banned, and your so upset about us is because you hadnt figured out how to do it before they banned people then.

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I'm utterly amused at the final outcome of this. Exploiters get everything taken away and banned for a few days. The only thing that'd make it better is if they were completely locked out until May 5th.


And I'm sure you deleted the armorings/mods/enhancements/decorations/mats/tokens. You're satisfaction with this is actually more hilarious than anything considering how hypocritical it makes you look

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You just stick up for them and think they should have gotten away with it, since obviously anyone who thinks the rules should be followed is obviously just a QQ'er. Maybe the reason you werent banned, and your so upset about us is because you hadnt figured out how to do it before they banned people then.


LOL, I'm far from upset! Better programming to keep people out of an area they aren't suppose to access in a game to begin with where exploring is encouraged is my whole point...

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And I'm sure you deleted the armorings/mods/enhancements/decorations/mats/tokens. You're satisfaction with this is actually more hilarious than anything considering how hypocritical it makes you look


If I was actually concerned with how I was viewed by internet people, I'd be hurt by that sentiment.


We were all warned against exploiting after the Ravagers thing. I listened, they didn't, they got a hammer upside the head for their troubles.


I bet they'll listen next time.

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LOL, I'm far from upset! Better programming to keep people out of an area they aren't suppose to access in a game to begin with where exploring is encouraged is my whole point...


There are going to be flaws in any game. Yes they could have made it in exhaustion zone, or set it to require it to port you out if you made it in. Perhaps the reason they didnt do either of those things would have meant another patch on Monday which they didnt want to do. But just because the design they came up with didnt prevent players from accessing the area doesnt excuse the exploiters. It was quite obvious that it was an area that people werent allowed to get to. People werent hunting for datacrons. The people that went and did it were the same ones that did it on PTS and they knew exactly what they were doing. Bioware fixed the area they knew about, these people just decided to find another way. They are completely to blame.

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LOL, I'm far from upset! Better programming to keep people out of an area they aren't suppose to access in a game to begin with where exploring is encouraged is my whole point...


"If he didn't want me stealing his bike, he shouldn't have used such a cheap lock. It's obviously all his fault."

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