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Maintenance. What... ?


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Stepped maintanence isn't a bad solution of dealing with the issue, locking down servers with region lock isn't out of the realm of possibility. Yes you have to proxy to get over that but that still limits the choises of what to do. Also if you cut them down at 2 am or so for 7 hours the changes of people swarming to open server's can't be as bad as a backwash from ending up botching up an entire european peak hour.


Actually it can be, because you have all the aussies to deal with. Never mess with angry Kangaroo people. Then theres the West Coast hippies. I have seen people crash servers when their servers were down because they still wanted to play. It was easier in the long run to just have everything down at once, especially on the hardware.

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Actually it can be, because you have all the aussies to deal with. Never mess with angry Kangaroo people. Then theres the West Coast hippies. I have seen people crash servers when their servers were down because they still wanted to play. It was easier in the long run to just have everything down at once, especially on the hardware.


Wait are you actually saing australian servers are not in Asia/australia? I actually kinda understood that EA would actually have the money to do that.

Edited by Sohtaraz
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Now maintenance for a MMO usually takes 2-4 hours tops. Except.....well, except if they are installing an update or big patch with fixes. I wonder if they are going to do a number of fixes of stuff that people have been reporting/complaining about...
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This is stupid. Staggered maintenances have been performed by Blizzard for what, seven years now ?


Furthermore, other games like Rift have shown that it is not require to do more than server restart to perform non-critical maintenance and that all updates can be performed while the servers are live.


Overall, Bioware is going the cheap way.


I believe it works in WoW because they have completely seperated the regions. A NA player cant just join an EU server when NA is down if I'm recalling correctly. Here, I think you can considering I'm seeing the options to join EU servers and Im a NA person.


To stagger, they need to completely remove Eu from NA first.

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Wait are you actually saing australian servers are not in Asia/australia? I actually kinda understood that EA would actually have the money to do that.


Theres a reason Swiftsure and Harbinger were the 2 longest queue times. They are the "unofficial" oceanic servers. They may have added them in since release, but I'm not seeing it.

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Theres a reason Swiftsure and Harbinger were the 2 longest queue times. They are the "unofficial" oceanic servers. They may have added them in since release, but I'm not seeing it.


Im facepalming so much on that. Well that does (needlesly) complicate the situation by quite the big margin. Oh well, Im expecting alot of free days from botched maintanences then.

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Now maintenance for a MMO usually takes 2-4 hours tops. Except.....well, except if they are installing an update or big patch with fixes. I wonder if they are going to do a number of fixes of stuff that people have been reporting/complaining about...


Actually before launch, it was quite common for the entire website AND the beta to be down for long periods without resulting in patches.


Just recently Bioware took the entire site down to do extensive maintenance, but nothing much seemed to be different when it came back up. Aside from removing search functionality.


Why on earth the website and forums are linked to the game in this way is beyond me.

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Im facepalming so much on that. Well that does (needlesly) complicate the situation by quite the big margin. Oh well, Im expecting alot of free days from botched maintanences then.


Well hopefully they arnt botched. I do kind of expect a learning curve the first couple weeks but as long as the servers arnt down half the day, I'd regard it as a success.


Although, I know it took Blizz til cata to get major content patches rolled in without lots and lots of overtime mait. so who knows.

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I agree with the OP, taking the game down during the day so soon after Xmas is not the best time.


Other MMO's have managed to stipulate particular "local time" for server downtimes (e.g. 2am), therefore allowing the game to be available for the majority of the time when players are most likely to want to play. So why Bioware cannot do it, I don't know.

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I believe it works in WoW because they have completely seperated the regions. A NA player cant just join an EU server when NA is down if I'm recalling correctly. Here, I think you can considering I'm seeing the options to join EU servers and Im a NA person.


To stagger, they need to completely remove Eu from NA first.


Firstly, I think EU servers are denoted as such. However, it wouldn't take much to have separate "region" lists for the servers.


Also, a "version check" could conceivably be done by the login server prior to connecting to any game servers. And if the client happens to be of a later patch version (new one) than some servers, then those game servers could be temporarily locked out for that particular client until they are patched.


Side note: Doesn't Rift allow cross region connections and therefore deals with this kind of situation already? I think it does.

Edited by Tarka
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Alot of people will get the game for Xmas, kids and adults have this week off as a good time to get in some playtime before work kicks back in and play time is limited.

Than Bamm o btw you wont be able to play for a whole day, why not just do this maintenance from next week give people at least the Xmas break to play there new game, not all got to play it from the 13th.

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I agree... these server maintenance times are poorly thought at best, discriminating at worst. Just serves to increase frustration, and imo to say that our money isn't has good has the Americans.


Just my 2cents

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Lot of fanboys running around in this thread using dogmatic arguments. :')


The fact remains most of europe is off from both work and school for the next 2 weeks.


But they do maintenance every single time from morning to late afternoon/early evening for EU.


Servers for EU are in Ireland.

They have no trouble doing it during nighttime for USA/NA apparently.


There simply is no valid argument to excuse bioware for this.

I dont care if people are working or not.

These are the wrong hours to do them in.

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Bioware is Canadian so what is the deal with insulting Americans? Why don't they make North American off peak just to stop QQ; I don't care! Come on now.


The game is awesome so you want play but have some respect for maintenance which makes the game even more playable.


Thanks to Bioware for even releasing this several days BEFORE Christmas break so we could all play the best MMORPG in history. Just take a chill pill and enjoy your break.




Bioware WAS canadian, they are NOW EA. Also Bioware AUSTIN made and maintains the game.

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Okay, cool.




Off-peak time is ... During the day, for European gamers? Fun. This is ridiculous. On my Christmas break I can't even play a game because late morning to early evening is counted as "off-peak" in the eyes of Americans?!


Seriously, the first page of these forums is riddled with threads with this complaint. You feel the need to start your own??

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I still think it's entirely silly to complain about this.


There will be complaints no matter what. So for one day in your holiday you have to stop playing for the afternoon....seriously, is this a real complaint. See if you're creative enough to keep yourself busy for one afternoon without SWTOR....c'mon people.

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Oh, come on.


Somebody is -always- going to be inconvenienced by maintenance times. There's no universal time that is good for everyone. Suck it up and deal with it - whining just makes you look bad.


You don't get it... these server maintenance times are an inconvenience to the entire continent...

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You don't get it... these server maintenance times are an inconvenience to the entire continent...




If North America gets shafted, they'll whine too.


If Australia gets shafted, they'll whine too.


There's no winning situation here. That's the point.

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