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Maintenance. What... ?


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They should just rotate it 4 hours every week, it's the ONLY way to be fair.


Fair to who? Is it fair to the Bioware employees (and their families) who have to be at work at odd hours (and different hours every week) so that somebody, somewhere doesn't have a fit about maintenance times?


Life isn't fair. As the poster above said, if this game was based in Europe, Americans would be told to deal with it.

Edited by KippTabor
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Then get off your "arse" and make your own MMO. If these games were run out of Europe, and we were getting shafted by the maintenance times, you'd all be telling us to suck it up. The game is run out of the US. It's run by US business hours. You cannot expect companies in other countries to be able to do things on your time schedule.


We can when their EU servers are hosted in Ireland, along with their customer support team.


Although I play on a US server and thus fully expect the down times to be occasionally inconvenient for me personally. I don't expect it to be the case for other people in the EU playing on EU servers though.

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Fair to who? Is it fair to the Bioware employees (and their families) that have to be at work at odd hours so that somebody, somewhere doesn't have a fit about maintenance times?


Maintenance on systems is frequently done out of hours, precisely so it affects the minimum number of users. If you look at the times you'll see they're in the middle of the night in the US, so if the operations teams are based in the US, they are having to work odd hours. Just like operations teams everywhere.

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They should just rotate it 4 hours every week, it's the ONLY way to be fair.


That's ridiculous and borderline childish. Bioware is going to do what any sensible developer ever has done in regards to maintenance: they're going to do it during the time where statistics have shown the least amount of players to be playing.


I understand that you're upset that you had to take the (extremely minor) blow, but someone has to. So it might as well be the smallest group of people.

Edited by Vgbeee
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The only two days of the week I'm off are Tuesday and Wednesday so this will effect my playing time as well, but it is what it is. There is no perfect time for everyone, they base it on what they project will have the least impact on the game. The key word there is "game", it's not the end of the world if it's not available to play every free moment I have.
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No matter what time they pick someone will complain. Just deal with it.


Same thing happened when WoW first launched, back then it was understandable to complain because MMO's were a new thing, but MMO's have been out there for years now and people still complain? I love it when MMO noobs come here not knowing how an MMO works at all.

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Off-peak time is ... During the day, for European gamers? Fun. This is ridiculous. On my Christmas break I can't even play a game because late morning to early evening is counted as "off-peak" in the eyes of Americans?!


Yeah, why on Earth would a company define off-peak as the time which is off-peak for where the company and the majority of the servers are located. Pure insanity, lol.

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I'm sorry bioware but saying 'off peak time' and doing it in the middle of the day for EU is redicilous. There is no excuse for the timing UNLESS your saying that there is an american team living in EU, in their own time zone making these changes.


Why can't you just give EU anotther day so we don't have to take the brunt of the patches nd hot fixes since your atm. going to do a weekly maintanence and patches when people come from work, at peak hours start and you will end up with a flamefest on your forums every extended maintanence for a reason. This is the worst possible solution you can do as it is.


Edit: PS for my time the maintanence will END at _6pm_.

Edited by Sohtaraz
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I'm sorry bioware but saying 'off peak time' and doing it in the middle of the day for EU is redicilous.


The middle of the day on a Tuesday is off peak...


Most self sufficient, financially equipped people are working at this time and generally their kids are in school.


Don't judge busy times by playtime's during holidays, this is an area they will want to be routine in.

Edited by dekey
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The middle of the day on a Tuesday is off peak...


Most self sufficient, financially equipped people are working at this time and generally their kids are in school.


Don't judge busy times by playtime's during holidays, this is an area they will want to be routine in.



I'm glad you took your time to read the entire post and ignoring the point about how any extended maintanence or damage done during maintanence will fall of immidietly to the peak times.

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I'm glad you took your time to read the entire post and ignoring the point about how any extended maintanence or damage done during maintanence will fall of immidietly to the peak times.


Ok so you would prefer they run the normal maintenance during peak times instead, just incase it goes bad and they have to overrun into peak hours?


When would YOU have maintenance?

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Okay, cool.




Off-peak time is ... During the day, for European gamers? Fun. This is ridiculous. On my Christmas break I can't even play a game because late morning to early evening is counted as "off-peak" in the eyes of Americans?!


Seeing as most adults work, in the middle of the day, yes...

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Ok so you would prefer they run the normal maintenance during peak times instead, just incase it goes bad and they have to overrun into peak hours?


When would YOU have maintenance?


In the night like any sensible person would in case you bunch it up you still have close to 12 hours to actually do it? It's not like they would actually be in the same room.

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Okay, cool.




Off-peak time is ... During the day, for European gamers? Fun. This is ridiculous. On my Christmas break I can't even play a game because late morning to early evening is counted as "off-peak" in the eyes of Americans?!


Oh no! You won't be able to play for a few hours once a week...WUT WILL YOU DO!?!?!?!!! :rolleyes:

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See, the thing about a globe is that it is round. Thus, it gets split into regions of time. Thus, there is no universal time (It's not both 1pm in Texas and China at the same time).


You cannot make everyone happy. piss of EU and make NA happy? Piss off both to make the Oceanic people happy? You could stagger, but unless they completely cut off new character creation during those times, people would swarm over to the open servers, causing lag, massive queue times, and possibly crashes.


What they probably did is take the average of playing time EVEVRYWHERE and chose the hours least played ON AVERAGE, regardless of region. I am sorry that its affecting you at your most available time, but i distinctly remember on the 19th, SWTOR shut down at my prime play time of 6pm cst and we all delt with it :p


edited for spelling. Cashes =/= crashes, although id love to get cash!

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Oh no! You won't be able to play for a few hours once a week...WUT WILL YOU DO!?!?!?!!! :rolleyes:


Bigger question is what will bioware do once the first maintanence goes badly for the first time and they end up pissing their entire EU customer base.


This is something that is more or less bound to happen over time if they keep it happening at 4 pm gmt.

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Bigger question is what will bioware do once the first maintanence goes badly for the first time and they end up pissing their entire EU customer base.


This is something that is more or less bound to happen over time if they keep it happening at 4 pm gmt.


Then what would be your solution that doesnt involve masses of people swarming open servers due to staggering?


Switching times per week isnt an option either. Consitancy is highly valuable, and helps people make plans. I certainly know quite a few people who make sure their days off are NOT on Tuesdays.

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What they probably did is take the average of playing time EVEVRYWHERE and chose the hours least played ON AVERAGE, regardless of region.


Exactly this.


This service is ran by a real company, not some dudes in a basement. Projects like this use clever little tricks like forecasting to decide these time frames. They don't just spin the big hand on a clock and go with where it stops.


TLDR: If They have decided that this is the least impacting time to do it, you can be sure it is. Maybe not for YOU, but for the MAJORITY.

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Then what would be your solution that doesnt involve masses of people swarming open servers due to staggering?


Stepped maintanence isn't a bad solution of dealing with the issue, locking down servers with region lock isn't out of the realm of possibility. Yes you have to proxy to get over that but that still limits the choises of what to do. Also if you cut them down at 2 am or so for 7 hours the changes of people swarming to open server's can't be as bad as a backwash from ending up botching up an entire european peak hour.

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This is stupid. Staggered maintenances have been performed by Blizzard for what, seven years now ?


Furthermore, other games like Rift have shown that it is not require to do more than server restart to perform non-critical maintenance and that all updates can be performed while the servers are live.


Overall, Bioware is going the cheap way.

Edited by Silversable
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Okay, cool.




Off-peak time is ... During the day, for European gamers? Fun. This is ridiculous. On my Christmas break I can't even play a game because late morning to early evening is counted as "off-peak" in the eyes of Americans?!


American company, American times. Come up with your own game in the UK and you can determine the maintenance times. Move on ya Sook!

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Apart from the fact that most people wont be in work tomorrow (annoying but its only one day). LotRO always did server maintenance in EU at around the same time on a Thursday and it wasnt a big deal. Youll be in work after this week so who cares?
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