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so when do we get to kill satele shan


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why do people think Malgus was the "best of sith" he ahd some good ideas sure but had no idea how to impliment them


Probably because the Imperial/Sith leaders in this game are are idiots so when a leader shows up that Republic players would say "He is okay, he is competent at least" Sith players treat him like the second coming of Christ.


Same thing with Darth Marr.

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Hey guys ds jedi knight here, i was wondering if bioware will ever allow us to kill satele shan, i really hate that gurl and i just want to kill her


I used to dislike her, but recent events have started to reveal her true nature. There is something "dark" in her that she tries very hard to cover and control. She is a descendant of Revan after all. I wouldn't surprised if we would see her resigning from leader of the order and going gray, possibly assisting her son and joining forces with his father who also resigns from his position ;).

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Hey guys ds jedi knight here, i was wondering if bioware will ever allow us to kill satele shan, i really hate that gurl and i just want to kill her


Is that your role, or your RL opinion / feeling ?


Do you want to kill her because your dark side Jedi hates her,

or because you, as the RL person, hate her ?


Anyway, the Empire faction got the "world's first kill" on Revan anyway ... The one considered most "cool" of all ...

But still, Empire faction players are not satisfied ...

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I used to dislike her, but recent events have started to reveal her true nature. There is something "dark" in her that she tries very hard to cover and control. She is a descendant of Revan after all. I wouldn't surprised if we would see her resigning from leader of the order and going gray, possibly assisting her son and joining forces with his father who also resigns from his position ;).



not likely, she made her choice in that regard awhile ago.

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Her invasion of Ziost alone is an example of her stupidity. There is a situation on an Imperial metropolis where the Emperor is possessing basically everyone he can and is causing shenanigans. What's the best course of action? Oh well send in our troops to try and contain the situation who will probably just end up getting possessed and cause all sorts of war crimes in addition to whatever guilt they'd have later if they survive. That sounds like a brilliant idea.


She's a massive warmonger who really needs to get expelled from every political office ever.

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Why do so many people hate Saresh again?


As the two under me posted, she is an idiot.


I personally have hated her sense my first character (Trooper) where at the completion of the story she

suggest turning over one of the highest ranking officers of the Empire, and the master mind behind their doomsday weapons who you just spent an entire chapter trying to capture sacrificing soldiers to do it, for a thousand POWs that would have instantly been returned to their families instead of continuing the fight. The stupidity behind that idea is unbelievable


In which case my lightside trooper promptly told her to **** off.



She came off poorly in Shadow of Revan when she got on the case of the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order for using the Grandmaster's fleet to destroy a major threat to the Republic which was supported by Supreme Commander of the Republic's military.




Now we have the Ziost invasion which was bad timing.

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As the two under me posted, she is an idiot.


I personally have hated her sense my first character (Trooper) where at the completion of the story she

suggest turning over one of the highest ranking officers of the Empire, and the master mind behind their doomsday weapons who you just spent an entire chapter trying to capture sacrificing soldiers to do it, for a thousand POWs that would have instantly been returned to their families instead of continuing the fight. The stupidity behind that idea is unbelievable


In which case my lightside trooper promptly told her to **** off.



She came off poorly in Shadow of Revan when she got on the case of the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order for using the Grandmaster's fleet to destroy a major threat to the Republic which was supported by Supreme Commander of the Republic's military.




Now we have the Ziost invasion which was bad timing.


Bad timing? Please, she threw gasoline into the fire. Wonder how many pubs got Om Nom Nomd.

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  • 2 months later...

I think Satele is overrated as a combatant (did no one else notice how badly she was getting whupped by Malgus before that Trooper stepped in?), but I actually like her as a person. Light side or dark, she's always supported my characters and their actions, even while shrugging off my attempts to flirt with her (a rare chance, but it happens - one of the FP intros lets you make a flirty comment that she smoothly disregards).


Saresh, though? I've wanted to Force Melt her face ever since stepping foot onto Taris. I don't know why BioWare thought that obnoxious propaganda hologram would be a good idea, but it only served to annoy the hell out of me and make me despise the character. And this was before she turned into a spiteful war-mongering hate-demon that needlessly threw lives away.

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  • 1 month later...

Its worth mentioning this. Go back and look at SWTOR cinematic "Hope"

3 minutes in.

Malgus and his master is dueling Satele and her master. At 3 minutes in we can see Malgus disarming her, stunning her and is about to land the killing blow but she is saved by her master.

Without her master Satele would had been killed that day. And now she is much much older, meaning her physical abilities are much worse.

Every class in the game can defeat Malgus. Malgus could defeat Satele. Not much question about it, Satele would be slaughtered by any class in the game.



All that aside, as much as i would like to rip out her intestines and strangle her with them, i do doubt we'll be able too. There is simply too big a bias towards the Republic and too many Satele fans for Bioware to do it.

I despise her more than anyone else, but its not going to happen. It might, but i wouldn't hold my breath.

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Its worth mentioning this. Go back and look at SWTOR cinematic "Hope"

3 minutes in.

Malgus and his master is dueling Satele and her master. At 3 minutes in we can see Malgus disarming her, stunning her and is about to land the killing blow but she is saved by her master.

Without her master Satele would had been killed that day. And now she is much much older, meaning her physical abilities are much worse.

Every class in the game can defeat Malgus. Malgus could defeat Satele. Not much question about it, Satele would be slaughtered by any class in the game.



All that aside, as much as i would like to rip out her intestines and strangle her with them, i do doubt we'll be able too. There is simply too big a bias towards the Republic and too many Satele fans for Bioware to do it.

I despise her more than anyone else, but its not going to happen. It might, but i wouldn't hold my breath.


You seem to forget that she was a padawan at the time, that despite using a double-bladed lightsaber, she is much more of a Sage than a Shadow and what she lost in physical strength, she easily compensate by being an extremely powerful force-user.

Malgus, at the time, was an apprentice too but one already capable of defeating a Jedi Master, and a very skilled duelist.

And he didn't go down easily if the cutscenes on Illum are to be believed (And, lorewise, he technically went against at least classes of either faction before going down, the cutscenes never acknowledge you doing it alone).

Simply put: Malgus beating Satele in Return is no indication of how difficult/easy to kill Satele should be.

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You seem to forget that she was a padawan at the time, that despite using a double-bladed lightsaber, she is much more of a Sage than a Shadow and what she lost in physical strength, she easily compensate by being an extremely powerful force-user.

Malgus, at the time, was an apprentice too but one already capable of defeating a Jedi Master, and a very skilled duelist.

And he didn't go down easily if the cutscenes on Illum are to be believed (And, lorewise, he technically went against at least classes of either faction before going down, the cutscenes never acknowledge you doing it alone).

Simply put: Malgus beating Satele in Return is no indication of how difficult/easy to kill Satele should be.


Fair enough. But as you say, Malgus was also an apprentice at the time. So comparing the two is fair, yes Malgus had killed jedi masters, but that is only more of a testament to how he is a better duelist then Satele. Whilst i don't doubt that she is, as Marr says over and over again during the Revan fight, "Strong with the Force" she is over 60.

I doubt that she could do some crazy swinging around maneuvers and powerful force augmented punches and kicks at that age.


We've really only seen Satele fight twice, and both times was against Malgus, both times she would had died, both times she got her *** saved. First by her Master, then by Jace Malcom.



Overall i would say, she is over rated. She may be wise but she would not be able to even stand a chance against JK,JC,SI or SW

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<<We've really only seen Satele fight twice, and both times was against Malgus>>


we DO see her fight - although not one on one - in the final battle vs. Revan. And although the other NPC opponents do end up - by the same mechanics, inside the "stunned" circles - she's the only one that seems to end up - as messaged during the fight - "incapacitated" on numerous occasions.


That said though, I don't really want to see her be taken down. <although my Sith characters would disagree - rp wise:>

Now Sareesh-the-twillik-from-hell on the other hand: .... <starts building a Death Star with her name on the "to be shot" list>....

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<<We've really only seen Satele fight twice, and both times was against Malgus>>


we DO see her fight - although not one on one - in the final battle vs. Revan. And although the other NPC opponents do end up - by the same mechanics, inside the "stunned" circles - she's the only one that seems to end up - as messaged during the fight - "incapacitated" on numerous occasions.


That said though, I don't really want to see her be taken down. <although my Sith characters would disagree - rp wise:>

Now Sareesh-the-twillik-from-hell on the other hand: .... <starts building a Death Star with her name on the "to be shot" list>....


Forgot about the Revan fight. Well to be fair she did just mostly stand with a thumb up her *** and shouting stuff.


But yeah, Saresh can go fall in a Sarlaac pit.

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You mentioned the Hope cinematic when you should have said "Return" Yes Satele lost in that fight but that was mostly because the Jedi hadn't been training for war until after the Sith returned to Korriban. During the "Hope" cinematic she had only a bit of combat experience and almost beat Malgus solo after dealing with a good number of his troops. It was her force blast attack that put him in his mask.


Personally I doubt we will kill Satele but I do think she will die somewhere further along in the story. If only because there are so many plot threads that can be pulled on from her death.

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<<We've really only seen Satele fight twice, and both times was against Malgus>>


we DO see her fight - although not one on one - in the final battle vs. Revan. And although the other NPC opponents do end up - by the same mechanics, inside the "stunned" circles - she's the only one that seems to end up - as messaged during the fight - "incapacitated" on numerous occasions.


That said though, I don't really want to see her be taken down. <although my Sith characters would disagree - rp wise:>

Now Sareesh-the-twillik-from-hell on the other hand: .... <starts building a Death Star with her name on the "to be shot" list>....


Agreed. Saresh is becoming kinda evil, I think. She has way too much zeal. She needs to be replaced. I started to see that back on Taris.

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You mentioned the Hope cinematic when you should have said "Return" Yes Satele lost in that fight but that was mostly because the Jedi hadn't been training for war until after the Sith returned to Korriban. During the "Hope" cinematic she had only a bit of combat experience and almost beat Malgus solo after dealing with a good number of his troops. It was her force blast attack that put him in his mask.


Personally I doubt we will kill Satele but I do think she will die somewhere further along in the story. If only because there are so many plot threads that can be pulled on from her death.


Yes i meant Return, sorry about that, my bad, my memory is not that great.

And don't get me wrong, Malgus isn't that much better in a fight. He is better though, he got the upper hand in both duels.

On Korriban she just manged to escape with her life and on Aldeeran she would had been defeated if it wasn't for the fact that Jace Malcom severely wounded Malgus.



That being said, i don't think she will be killed by the player either. She is too much of an important character. I hope we can wear her skull as a belt buckle. But i dont think we will :/

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