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so when do we get to kill satele shan


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I actually really like Satele Shan. I hope that she remains unkillable.


Saresh on the other hand. I hate the Chancellor with a passion. I would like to kill her even with my light side rep characters.

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At some point we may see her die but we will not be the one to bring it about.


Maybe, otoh she is the only Jedi Grandmaster in that time periode, there are only two more before the end of the Republic (Fae Coven and Yoda). So who should give you the orders in future game expansions? Some unknown Jedi or even the annoying Chancellor Saresh?

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Hey guys ds jedi knight here, i was wondering if bioware will ever allow us to kill satele shan, i really hate that gurl and i just want to kill her


I hope not.

If you "I-want-to-kill-every-major-NPC" types got your way it'd be a pretty dull game with nothing but throwaway NPCs everywhere.

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It's not that i just want to kill every major NPC, it's that i hate her at least in DS JK story, she always said that i was like worthless, even if i saved the galaxy (I'm not complaining about not being master, i think that we shouldn't get the master title). Like why Tol braga and not satele shan. it's just the dark side inside me, haha it gives me focus makes me stronger, i think it would be great to kill her to show full conversion to the dark side, i think of something like she doesn't like one of your decisions and the only way to get the things your way it's to kill her.
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It's not that i just want to kill every major NPC, it's that i hate her at least in DS JK story, she always said that i was like worthless, even if i saved the galaxy (I'm not complaining about not being master, i think that we shouldn't get the master title). Like why Tol braga and not satele shan. it's just the dark side inside me, haha it gives me focus makes me stronger, i think it would be great to kill her to show full conversion to the dark side, i think of something like she doesn't like one of your decisions and the only way to get the things your way it's to kill her.


Jedi are all about moral ideology. So of course she's not going to approve of your dark side choices and think you're wasting your potential. Of course she wouldn't approve of you saving the galaxy if your "intentions weren't righteous".


It's the ambition of every Sith (and really that's what you're aspiring to be from the sounds of it) to kill their masters. The fact that you think you can kill a Grand Master alone proves you aren't ready.... and to require a group to gang up on her only solidifies that you aren't worthy of her murder yet.

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I don't need a group to kill her, I think I'm strong enough to get rid of satele. The fact of why i want to kill her is because I'm a dark jedi thus feelings and passion are my power, so I think it only be fair to have a shot at fighting her and get exiled or sth like that
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I actually really like Satele Shan. I hope that she remains unkillable.


Saresh on the other hand. I hate the Chancellor with a passion. I would like to kill her even with my light side rep characters.


I really like Satele Shan, I hope she doesn't become killable. I really like what they've done with the storyline in regards to her meeting her son. :cool:

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Hey guys ds jedi knight here, i was wondering if bioware will ever allow us to kill satele shan, i really hate that gurl and i just want to kill her


If you kill her, the father of her bastard son...will object.:p:p:p

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I gotta say I do hope we off Satele myself, but that's mostly because it feels cheap that The Empire lost their representative Sith (Malgus*) and Satele's been up and kicking for so long. Nevermind how the Republic's got Jace Malcom and the Smuggler dude to also represent Pubs, but the latter never gets exposure at all.


Also, because I like Gnost Dural more. He's got a soothing voice and I hope he elaborates in his next report.


*As much as I like Marr, the guy really feels like Bioware originally wanted Malgus to be in his place but- oops, they killed Malgus, so they looked at the Dark Council members who were given little characterization (sort of like how the JC is highly under populated, I don't think I've seen more than four our of twelve seats occupied at a time) and pulled Marr out from the riffraff.

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I actually really like Satele Shan. I hope that she remains unkillable.


Saresh on the other hand. I hate the Chancellor with a passion. I would like to kill her even with my light side rep characters.


Agreed on both parts. I also Dont want to kill Marr even though Im strictly anti-Imperial because I think it is important to keep certain major characters alive.

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I gotta say I do hope we off Satele myself, but that's mostly because it feels cheap that The Empire lost their representative Sith (Malgus*) and Satele's been up and kicking for so long. Nevermind how the Republic's got Jace Malcom and the Smuggler dude to also represent Pubs, but the latter never gets exposure at all.


Also, because I like Gnost Dural more. He's got a soothing voice and I hope he elaborates in his next report.


*As much as I like Marr, the guy really feels like Bioware originally wanted Malgus to be in his place but- oops, they killed Malgus, so they looked at the Dark Council members who were given little characterization (sort of like how the JC is highly under populated, I don't think I've seen more than four our of twelve seats occupied at a time) and pulled Marr out from the riffraff.



Nah Marr's already had some charcterization. you best see it in the SI finale

Edited by BrianDavion
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Personally, I actually like Satele as a character, and I don't want her to die. Instead, lets kill Sarash, and maybe at some point (preferably after Theron's had a child so he can continue Revan's bloodline) we get to kill Theron, turning Shan to the dark side. At the very least it would be cool to have an epic confrontation with her, ending with her surviving like Shae Vizla.
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Only way I could see players getting to kill Satele (given the 'shared storyline' they're going with now that means Republic characters would have the same basic progression) is if, in order to finally put down the Emperor, she somehow is able to pull in and trap Vitiate's spirit inside her, such that killing her will end the Emperor as well (basically pulling an Empatojayos Brand move). Of course, at the last moment the Emperor would begin to resist and would take over control of her body, making it a fight instead of a mercy kill (like a certain fight on Voss). Edited by DarthDymond
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I actually really like Satele Shan. I hope that she remains unkillable.


Saresh on the other hand. I hate the Chancellor with a passion. I would like to kill her even with my light side rep characters.


I don't like Satele only cause she gave up her son for what I think are stupid reasons. But otherwise, she's not that bad.


Saresh though? Can we kill her with lots of fire?

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I gotta say I do hope we off Satele myself, but that's mostly because it feels cheap that The Empire lost their representative Sith (Malgus*) and Satele's been up and kicking for so long. Nevermind how the Republic's got Jace Malcom and the Smuggler dude to also represent Pubs, but the latter never gets exposure at all.


Also, because I like Gnost Dural more. He's got a soothing voice and I hope he elaborates in his next report.


*As much as I like Marr, the guy really feels like Bioware originally wanted Malgus to be in his place but- oops, they killed Malgus, so they looked at the Dark Council members who were given little characterization (sort of like how the JC is highly under populated, I don't think I've seen more than four our of twelve seats occupied at a time) and pulled Marr out from the riffraff.


I think you miss a couple things. First there was a person to step into Malgus' shoes, Marr. Marr was not part of the Riffraff btw. He was always a power on the Council. Just because he wasn't "in your face" outside of the Sith storylines, doesn't minimize the importance of Marr.


Conversely there is no one to step into Satele's shoes.

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I think you miss a couple things. First there was a person to step into Malgus' shoes, Marr. Marr was not part of the Riffraff btw. He was always a power on the Council. Just because he wasn't "in your face" outside of the Sith storylines, doesn't minimize the importance of Marr.


Conversely there is no one to step into Satele's shoes.


Jedi Consular?

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Hey guys ds jedi knight here, i was wondering if bioware will ever allow us to kill satele shan, i really hate that gurl and i just want to kill her


Its a shame they will not let us kill her and we have an option only to kill off best of the sith.

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As far as there not being someone to fill her shoes, what about Otoh from the Maelstrom flashpoint story? <granted, I haven't played through Makeb, ziost and Yavin 4 yet, so I might be out of the loop.>


It would be natural though for an Empire character to want to confront her, after first "meeting" her on the Talon flashpoint.


As for Sareesh -I've wanted to kill her ever since I was on Taris. with her ANNOYING holospeech in the spaceport on that world EVERY freeking time I land on that planet. :rak_01:

And that even goes for my lightsiders, heh.

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