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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What Happened to Increased Legacy Storage?


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A bit before Shadow of Revan came out the Community Team stated that it was agreed that 5 storage bays for legacy storage wasn't enough, and that more would be coming. Almost 5 months later we haven't heard anything more. Can we get an idea of when we might get this additional space added into the system?
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The game already chokes when you open up your Legacy bank. Wouldn't be surprised if performance is a concern.


Also, did they definitely say that more would be coming?


They said they agreed that it wasn't enough storage, and they would be addressing it. While not a super definitive, its probably as good as you'll get from a dev team.


I'd consider it at least enough of a "yes" that if they have decided performance issues are a show stopper that they need to now come back and say so.


They could also increase crafting mats stacks to 999 which would stretch the limited storage a bit further as well, since crafting recipes take so many mats its probably not uncommon to keep multiple stacks of mats on hand.

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If it's a performance issue, maybe increase the stack limit of materials.


Other thing is chance to zip a group of things like they do in cartel packs, so you can regroup an entire set in one package, using only one slot. Even if it works only with unbound itens, that would be great.

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If it's a performance issue, maybe increase the stack limit of materials.


Other thing is chance to zip a group of things like they do in cartel packs, so you can regroup an entire set in one package, using only one slot. Even if it works only with unbound itens, that would be great.


That's a fantastic idea...I have at least one whole tab in both my cargo and legacy holds that is nothing but gear sets - if I could collapse those sets to a "box", rather than have each individual piece out, it would save a tremendous amount of room. Also, stacking higher than 99 would be nice. Also...rounding up to an even number as opposed to an odd would be spiffy. 99...really? That's how you get pennies.....no one likes a penny.

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That's a fantastic idea...I have at least one whole tab in both my cargo and legacy holds that is nothing but gear sets - if I could collapse those sets to a "box", rather than have each individual piece out, it would save a tremendous amount of room. Also, stacking higher than 99 would be nice. Also...rounding up to an even number as opposed to an odd would be spiffy. 99...really? That's how you get pennies.....no one likes a penny.


On this train of thought, its stating to become more common in the MMO industry to have specialty crafting storage, where crafting mats stack very deeply, and you have a large pool of slots. Both WoW and STO, of the top of my head, have added such specialty storage recently.

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On this train of thought, its stating to become more common in the MMO industry to have specialty crafting storage, where crafting mats stack very deeply, and you have a large pool of slots. Both WoW and STO, of the top of my head, have added such specialty storage recently.


Maybe I should finally check out STO. Not because of storage...just because I haven't yet, lol.

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no one likes a penny.


So true. In Canada, we got rid of pennies a couple years ago and nobody misses them. To answer the obvious follow-up question, cash transactions are rounded up or down to the nearest nickel, but non-cash transactions (credit, debit, etc.) are not rounded.

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So true. In Canada, we got rid of pennies a couple years ago and nobody misses them. To answer the obvious follow-up question, cash transactions are rounded up or down to the nearest nickel, but non-cash transactions (credit, debit, etc.) are not rounded.


More reasons (aside from poutine and the Trailer Park Boys crew) to love our friends from the Great White North!

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Maybe a Crafting Material Storage unit with 8 bays, and each with 100 slots?


I've noticed that the Guild Banks have 100 slots compared to the 80 max in the Inventory (when maxed out) and Cargo Hold Bays.


Does anyone else wish that the Inventory and Cargo Hold Bays had 100 slots instead of the 80 slot max? And also wish that the max number of Cargo Hold Bays was 8? [in the cases of those who are stocking up a lot of crafting supplies for getting crafty? Or holding items for charcaters they want to make, but are waiting to make them a specific species that hasn't been added yet - like Togruta, Nautolan, Pantoran, Zeltron, or something else?]

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Maybe a Crafting Material Storage unit with 8 bays, and each with 100 slots?


I've noticed that the Guild Banks have 100 slots compared to the 80 max in the Inventory (when maxed out) and Cargo Hold Bays.


Does anyone else wish that the Inventory and Cargo Hold Bays had 100 slots instead of the 80 slot max? And also wish that the max number of Cargo Hold Bays was 8? [in the cases of those who are stocking up a lot of crafting supplies for getting crafty? Or holding items for charcaters they want to make, but are waiting to make them a specific species that hasn't been added yet - like Togruta, Nautolan, Pantoran, Zeltron, or something else?]


I think the guild bank example you mentioned is a good reason for why there should be more spaces. They already have the system in place to do it.

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Instead of just adding more tabs to the Legacy Storage, which I can understand may hurt performance, maybe they could create one or more additional Legacy Storage containers so each one would only have to display a limited number of items when opened. Heck... make 5 or 6 different ones, each being a different color, and sell 'em on the cartel market. If they wanted to be really nice and help us organize maybe there could be an option to assign one of several different holograms to display over the container so we can designate which are used for crafting materials, armor, weapons, vehicles, dyes, etc...
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