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How I Feel After Solo Rank Matches (Healer Perspective)


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This video encapsulates how I feel when grouped in solo ranked matches (most of the time). The narrator in the video speaks with a PvE perspective but I feel it can just as easily translate to PvP (as I primarily PvP these days) and it made me laugh a good bit.


I was hoping I could hear a few good stories from fellow PvP healers that may relate to this video and, quite honestly, probably makes you laugh once reflected on. To begin, I'll share one of my own. To preface this, I will not claim I am an uber-skilled player who is tops on my server or some-such. Neither do I believe I am quite at the skill level to carry others to a victory (not in ranked anyways). I am, however, competent and capable, and do not need to be carried myself.


I loaded into a Corellia match on my Seer Sage with 3 DPS, all of whom were stealth (1 Scoundrel and 2 Shadows). We were faced with combating a team of 1 Vigi Guardian, 1 Serenity Shadow, 1 Dirty Fighting Gunslinger, and 1 Commando Healer. My group determined that they would pursue the Commando healer on the opposing team first. The match began, we jumped down and I expected the scoundrel to drop a stealth puddle. But, oh my, silly me! There's no need for that! I'm a healer! I am the sacrificial lamb being offered to the PvP gods in hopes that we will obtain a victory! :eek:


The three stealth classes ran ahead and I remained close by but stuck out like a sore thumb to the opposing team. Now, I presume the other team understood what was happening because the mando healer remained at the far end of the map (with the shadow), LoSing our group behind the furthest object. The guardian ran straight for me and began DPSing/CCing me on my own team's end of the map. Did my team of three stealthing extraordinaires peel for me and take the opportunity to DPS one of their members separated from the opposing healer? Of course not! Why? Refer to Lesson #2! :rolleyes:


The three stealthers continued their trek to the mando healer without nary a thought to my own predicament. The guardian's goal was clearly to keep me occupied and away from the fray. He also knew what he was doing and gave me quite a bit of trouble in escaping his spammable slow, roots, and stuns. I finally succeeded after a few precious seconds had passed and with many of my DCDs on CD in order to get back to the other three on my team. The team that, not only ran out of my healing range on the opposite end of the map, but were LoSing me as well. The slinger positioned him/herself in such a way that when I finally did get closer, Leg-Shot ---> giving time for the guardian to leap to me once again ----> force pushed me away.


My three "teammates" did not survive their own encounter without any healing, nor did they manage to kill anyone. When round 2 began, profanities were thrown my way of how much of a noob I was for not doing any healing and being a waste of space (the scoundrel in particular was quite vocal). Round 2 went almost exactly the same way as round 1 because we clearly met such resounding success the first time around that we HAD to repeat the same strategy. :rak_01: Even though I suggested a stealth puddle and my team remain in range of me so I can actually heal, they took heed to nary a word I said. Why? Refer to Lesson #3.


Once the match ended and I loaded back into fleet, the scoundrel began decrying my name in general chat and how to drop group if you see me on your team as it will, in so many words, give you the same result and save you time. Why? Refer to Lesson#1 and Lesson #5.


Anyways, this particular encounter was quite upsetting to me when it happened, but now, I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous the situation was and will chalk it up as just another day as a healer in an MMO.


Share your thoughts and experiences! I'd love to hear other stories.

Edited by EAbovee
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You should just have escaped your attackers and helped your team-mates. The loss is entirely your fault.






Your scenario is why I will not do solo ranked. I can not stand the entitlement of tunnel rats that only seek to externalize their own shortcomings.

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This is also true of some dps classes that melt easily as well as healers.. a a merc i am often targeted before the healer in some cases.


The thing is so many of the re-rolled fotm stealthers are such cowboys... as soon as the gate is open the stealth off to try to get behind the enemy to pew... no regard for tactics, or anything else. If you think you are getting any peels from them, you are in for a rude awakening.


I have many times in looking at the opposing team comp literally told the guys waiting to run away at warp speed to literally just sit on my rear and youll have free shots... but force speed is hit as soon as possible and away they go.


Bottom line expecting any cooperation in regs or solo ranked is pointless, it isn't going to happen save for a few very rare occasions.

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I have to ask, how can three stealth not kill a commando healer? He should have been two stuns and done.


But in all honest, it sounds like your team got out played. Your team went for a four man grand slam and because of a lack of stealth bubble for you, that plan went to crap. The two DPS on the opposing team did what DPS should do, peel for the healer. Or more importantly peel for whomever is taking the initial burst.


Playing a non-stealth class myself, I shudder at the thought of a full 4 man stealth team. They just have to wait you out. Wait for the team to start to spread out, and the first man is down before the other three can even react. And once it is 3 v 4, the odds are then in their favor to win the match.


The better strategy would have been to keep the whole team on defense. Use you as bait and then slam their healer hard once everyone was engaged. Odds are the healer would stay in the rear and his / her team mates wouldn't catch on that he was down before he was dead.

Edited by ForceWelder
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The two DPS on the opposing team did what DPS should do, peel for the healer. Or more importantly peel for whomever is taking the initial burst.
I don't think the community is ready for such crazy talk.



Edited by MidichIorian
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This is why I don't heal in solo ranked. Its beyond frustrating. I'm pretty sure 99% of the people in this game don't know what peeling means. They figure healers should just heal themselves to keep themselves alive while healing the derp dps....all the while dealing with cc of all kinds and being tunneled by 1-3 people without any peels or support whatsoever. Then of course they need to berate you for being a terrible healer because they lost. Its not the dps fault...its the healer's fault. DPS should just dps and forget about the healer because its not their job to help keep people alive, right? I'm pretty sure that's how people think. I can't stand those people. When I play with a healer I always make sure to peel for them.
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Peelers don't get any medals, they don't get into the top position of the scoreboard, they don't get any MVPs ... Peelers are just invisible, or called "bads" when people are looking at the numbers alone.


My fear is that far too many people are attracted by what's on the scoreboard, and how many Comms they get.


Peelers don't get much of that anyway, and no-one would like to play an completely unseen role. At least not extroverts. :D


I ... think ... that Peelers would get more recognition and be played much more,

if there was some sort of incentive to play a Peeler. Like good feedback through chat, for example - so, that others can read it as well. Like "thank you for holding that other team's DD off".


As long as they are invisible, they aren't recognized, I think.

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Peelers don't get any medals, they don't get into the top position of the scoreboard, they don't get any MVPs ... Peelers are just invisible, or called "bads" when people are looking at the numbers alone.


My fear is that far too many people are attracted by what's on the scoreboard, and how many Comms they get.


Peelers don't get much of that anyway, and no-one would like to play an completely unseen role. At least not extroverts. :D


I ... think ... that Peelers would get more recognition and be played much more,

if there was some sort of incentive to play a Peeler. Like good feedback through chat, for example - so, that others can read it as well. Like "thank you for holding that other team's DD off".


As long as they are invisible, they aren't recognized, I think.


This is true... many people think damage is all that matters, and in those cases i simply consider and dismiss the source as ignorant.

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I have to ask, how can three stealth not kill a commando healer? He should have been two stuns and done.


But in all honest, it sounds like your team got out played. Your team went for a four man grand slam and because of a lack of stealth bubble for you, that plan went to crap. The two DPS on the opposing team did what DPS should do, peel for the healer. Or more importantly peel for whomever is taking the initial burst.


Playing a non-stealth class myself, I shudder at the thought of a full 4 man stealth team. They just have to wait you out. Wait for the team to start to spread out, and the first man is down before the other three can even react. And once it is 3 v 4, the odds are then in their favor to win the match.


The better strategy would have been to keep the whole team on defense. Use you as bait and then slam their healer hard once everyone was engaged. Odds are the healer would stay in the rear and his / her team mates wouldn't catch on that he was down before he was dead.


I have no idea what the other three were doing. I couldn't see them from where I was situated. :rolleyes: You would think someone on their team would have gone down but that didn't happen.


Though, to your other points, I wouldn't have minded being bait for the others IF they would have simply stayed close to me for healing. My issue wasn't how MUCH I could heal, it was if I could even cast an ability on them at all. What perplexed me most was their expectations to be healed from more than 60 meters away. THEN go to everyone on fleet saying how I'm so terrible because I don't heal during matches. Just crazy talk.

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Peelers don't get any medals, they don't get into the top position of the scoreboard, they don't get any MVPs ... Peelers are just invisible, or called "bads" when people are looking at the numbers alone.


My fear is that far too many people are attracted by what's on the scoreboard, and how many Comms they get.


Peelers don't get much of that anyway, and no-one would like to play an completely unseen role. At least not extroverts. :D


I ... think ... that Peelers would get more recognition and be played much more,

if there was some sort of incentive to play a Peeler. Like good feedback through chat, for example - so, that others can read it as well. Like "thank you for holding that other team's DD off".


As long as they are invisible, they aren't recognized, I think.

I actually get better numbers when I make my primary objective to peel when I play a dps spec because I'm constantly hitting and taunting things that aren't hitting me. As for incentive? Oh, my team is still alive, and if you do a good job of this, you get noticed for it. Often in the form of getting tunneled, which is the ultimate peel for a teammate. Feel the enemy's force flow through you.

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I have no idea what the other three were doing. I couldn't see them from where I was situated. :rolleyes: You would think someone on their team would have gone down but that didn't happen.


Though, to your other points, I wouldn't have minded being bait for the others IF they would have simply stayed close to me for healing. My issue wasn't how MUCH I could heal, it was if I could even cast an ability on them at all. What perplexed me most was their expectations to be healed from more than 60 meters away. THEN go to everyone on fleet saying how I'm so terrible because I don't heal during matches. Just crazy talk.


My point was your team got tunnel vision. They were completely focused on targetting a single player and they ignored that one member of the team couldn't follow suit without a stealth bubble to cover them.


The problem with stealth bubbles are you have to be glued to the hip to the player who casts it. Otherwise as soon as the caster strays from a strait line to the target, you get out of the bubble and the surprise is blown. Attempting a 4 man grand slam isn't going to work unless the whole team can self stealth. Because at some point the non-stealth team member(s) are going to pop out of stealth before the team is in position to attack 9 - 10 times ... especially in solo.


Stealth have a huge advantage in arenas against non-stealth players. On my commando I'm simply a sitting duck for stealth players. Sure I have stealth detection probes, but everybody sees them and their radius is crap. They also have a longer CD than activation which makes for a break in usage and a window of opportunity for them to slam you. Sure I can also have a higher stealth detection in utilities, but this only works if the stealther is immediately in front of you. Does you no good if the stealther is to your side or behind you.


No, although you guys got out played the first match, the problem was the team attempted the same strategy the second round. Defense was the only choice you had with you as bait. Beat them in round 2 and you would have thrown them a curve ball. At that point it would be a game of chicken for round 3. See who would attack first. I have actually seen round three arena matches go a solid two minutes without anybody doing anything. Each side hoping the other would attack first.

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Peelers don't get any medals, they don't get into the top position of the scoreboard, they don't get any MVPs ... Peelers are just invisible, or called "bads" when people are looking at the numbers alone.


My fear is that far too many people are attracted by what's on the scoreboard, and how many Comms they get.


Peelers don't get much of that anyway, and no-one would like to play an completely unseen role. At least not extroverts. :D


I ... think ... that Peelers would get more recognition and be played much more,

if there was some sort of incentive to play a Peeler. Like good feedback through chat, for example - so, that others can read it as well. Like "thank you for holding that other team's DD off".


As long as they are invisible, they aren't recognized, I think.


I have a story about how invisible peelers are. I was in a solo ranked match on my sorc(king of peels imo) and we had a merc healer and another sorc dps, I don't remember the fourth.

So the match starts and they focus the merc healer, I keep bubbles on him on cd, push+root enemy dps, stun, sorc pull, hell I even had to use both stacks of recklessness to offheal him and whenever my peels were on cd I just dot spread and do some damage.

So yeah we get to win and the other sorc goes like "I'm top dps" (he outdpsed me by 4k while I was doing all those peels wasting gcds, I'm not even kidding) and gets all the MVPs lol. I was like not only did I carry here, this guy gets all the recognition? :rolleyes:

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I have a story about how invisible peelers are. I was in a solo ranked match on my sorc(king of peels imo) and we had a merc healer and another sorc dps, I don't remember the fourth.

So the match starts and they focus the merc healer, I keep bubbles on him on cd, push+root enemy dps, stun, sorc pull, hell I even had to use both stacks of recklessness to offheal him and whenever my peels were on cd I just dot spread and do some damage.

So yeah we get to win and the other sorc goes like "I'm top dps" (he outdpsed me by 4k while I was doing all those peels wasting gcds, I'm not even kidding) and gets all the MVPs lol. I was like not only did I carry here, this guy gets all the recognition? :rolleyes:



This is the way of things lately. I'm not sure about what it tells us about the average PvPers that most seem to only value damage even above winning in many cases.

Ive lost count of how many times ive lost a match only to have some tard yell out "top damage MFers"... or seen some guy literally not even think about doing what it takes to win and rack up mass damage and give the team grief for losing after he "did his part". I guess it is true that some cant see the forest for the tress.

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I actually get better numbers when I make my primary objective to peel when I play a dps spec because I'm constantly hitting and taunting things that aren't hitting me. As for incentive? Oh, my team is still alive, and if you do a good job of this, you get noticed for it. Often in the form of getting tunneled, which is the ultimate peel for a teammate. Feel the enemy's force flow through you.



I always taunt on cd and use my carbonize to either help finish off the enemy or to interrupt burst on 1 of my teammates or to interrupt a heal if my interrupt is on cd etc. Most ppl in solo q play SOLO lol and if that happens then you will most likely lose.

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I have a story about how invisible peelers are. I was in a solo ranked match on my sorc(king of peels imo) and we had a merc healer and another sorc dps, I don't remember the fourth.

So the match starts and they focus the merc healer, I keep bubbles on him on cd, push+root enemy dps, stun, sorc pull, hell I even had to use both stacks of recklessness to offheal him and whenever my peels were on cd I just dot spread and do some damage.

So yeah we get to win and the other sorc goes like "I'm top dps" (he outdpsed me by 4k while I was doing all those peels wasting gcds, I'm not even kidding) and gets all the MVPs lol. I was like not only did I carry here, this guy gets all the recognition? :rolleyes:


Uh. That's bad.

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I recently started getting healer gear (I am usually dps) for my commando, and I gotta say, that video sums it up nicely. Its all our fault, no matter how bad the tanks were.


funny part is that i have a full heal set on my merc... that i think ive used twice. no peels, no nothing but a lot of complaining.. not worth the effort. i applaud healers as you have to have a lot more patience than i have to put up with some of these tards that think your supposed to heal thru stupid

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I have a story about how invisible peelers are. I was in a solo ranked match on my sorc(king of peels imo) and we had a merc healer and another sorc dps, I don't remember the fourth.

So the match starts and they focus the merc healer, I keep bubbles on him on cd, push+root enemy dps, stun, sorc pull, hell I even had to use both stacks of recklessness to offheal him and whenever my peels were on cd I just dot spread and do some damage.

So yeah we get to win and the other sorc goes like "I'm top dps" (he outdpsed me by 4k while I was doing all those peels wasting gcds, I'm not even kidding) and gets all the MVPs lol. I was like not only did I carry here, this guy gets all the recognition? :rolleyes:


Oh man, that sucks. I've learned to just shake off who votes go to but I think that scenario would still peeve me a bit.


Well, to all of you peelers who think you go unnoticed, and play objectively so the rest of the boo-boos can get the W, I salute you! I'd like you to know that this healer definitely notices your hard work and will become your pocket healer if I see you playing intelligently. :rak_03:

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... this healer definitely notices your hard work and will become your pocket healer if I see you playing intelligently. :rak_03:


What if we are trying, but just not very good at it? :D


About the crap healers put up with... I have to admit that I didn't REALLY get it until I seriously started trying to play a healer. I usually play a tank, so I *thought* I got it. As a tank, I try to pay attention to the healer, and stick to them if they are focused, and peel and taunt and all that. But I didn't realize how aggravating it was to have your team LoSing you all the time until I got on a healer and tried it myself. Yeah... arenas especially. Seems I'm now constantly thinking to myself, "*** are you guys running off to!?". :(

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