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Proposed changes to SM Underlurker (SM!)


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A perfect fix for that fight imo...good move on their part.


It's actually the best move. While my original suggestions were made out of sheer frustration this decrease on HP on Adds allows for:

• More DPS on boss

• More time to get behind rock for rage storm

• Less outgoing AoE damage

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Draxus was initially bugged at the start as he was doing more damage than he should have.


Sorry for the late response but you are correct.


Draxus on 8m (both SM and HM) mode was doing 16man HM Damage in both SM and HM. So corrosive grenade was literally one shotting tanks and a failed interrupt would wipe the raid unless cleanse went out on 2 or less ticks.

Edited by FerkWork
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You're right. I have no friends, live in my mom's basement, and play with action figures all day. I actually assign them names and that's the girl I was talking about.


aka I own my own home, she is not my girlfriend, but a good friend of mine who lives down the street who comes over for dinner on fridays because i can cook, and she can't make anything more complicated than easy mac and Friday is my go crazy in the kitchen night. She either brings her lap top, and we'll run an op together or we'll go to happy hour at the dive bar at the end of the street. We're currently trying to figure out how to beat NiM DP with our guildies. Been rough. Really rough. How people cleared NiM content "at level" is beyond me. Real fun challenge though.


Ah Nightmare DP is quite the challenge.


Bestia= AoE is your friend. DPS check.

Tyrans= all about Simplifcation and Inferno being dropped in the right spots.

Calyphaus= Eh not to bad

Raptus= Since they fixed the challenge for healing a while back it's pretty doable

Council= Bring you A game and more. This is a complex fight with a lot of RNG as Tyrans can ruin your day if you lose track of him. That and Styrak And Brontes phase are the hardest. While no guide exists someone might have made one somewhere.


Speaking of which, I still need my Wings and a Rancor.

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