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Should I delete my Mara and roll a Jugg?


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I've had my Marauder since I first made my account. I've poured more time and effort into him than all my other toons combined. But now, I'm just tired of everything. I'm tired of being outclassed DPS-wise in PvE content compared to the other classes. I'm tired of being repeatedly roflstomp'd in PvP simply because I can't stop and focus down a more mobile target, not to mention getting stunlocked is pretty much par for the course. I'm tired of my toon being all but worth less than the polygons he's made of. I've been legitimately considering deleting him since the nerf bat keeps smacking Maras while Juggs keep getting better, and after a while, you start thinking that, maybe, you chose the wrong class when you made the toon. I'm just tired of it all. :(
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Word of advice from someone that has been playing MMO's for 11 years: you never, ever, delete a character if you want to reroll to another class. NEVER.


Why? Because the nerf/buff cycle will eventually come full circle and your original class will get good again. And your new class will get hammered with the nerfbat. So if you're not having fun on your Marauder but think you would enjoy Juggernaut, by all means roll one. But hang on to that Marauder.

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Sentinel was my very first character when I started as f2p. Since then, it became true love: they just simply can't nerf it enough to stop me from playing it. Heck, I rather started leveling a mara :D So: DONT EVER DELETE IT

P.S.: This doesn't mean that I'm fine with the devs destroying my AC, but right now they don't listen to us

P.S.S.: I still have higher dps both PVE and PVP than majority of players I know

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With the most recent development, I want to triple my advice:




Hell, they're mostly reverting Watchman/Anni. I have a hunch that SeMa's are going to shine and rather soon. Back to our old glory!

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I tend to play classes i find fun, not if they are the best at doing what they do, you should play classes that you find fun, nothing more then that.


Its not the MMO that determines their viability, its the elitist players that do that, they just want easy and fast victories, if anything gives them a challenge, they deem it as non-viable and find something else that makes their runs easy to do.

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Ahem, as it stands now you can´t participate in Endgame with a Sentinel (FACT). Just look at the latest massive nerf to the last barely Hardmode viable Spec we had on the PTS.


As of 3.2.1. you simply can´t turn out enough DPS for Hardmode on a Sentinel no matter which way you turn it or how good you are. We "elitists" invested hours testing it, it will not be possible. (FACT)


You are required for every DPS to reach certain DPS levels to kill a boss before enrage, a Sentinel as of 3.2.1. can´t reach those limits anymore as the last "barely viable" Spec aka Watchman got its baseline DPS nerfed by 300-500 DPS meaning there now lacking behind by such a margin that you can´t use a Sentinel in your Raidgroup anymore. It would require all other 3 DPS to outperform their DPS margin by a bigger amount, which simply is not possible that easily.


So telling people to choose a Class that is fun....


Well if you find it fun....

....NOT to be taken into interesting Raids

....NOT to be taken into competitive PvP

....voted OUT of Groupfinder Groups

....beeing the last in every case you can think of


THEN you should play a Sent^^

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