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How powerful is Darth Nihilus?


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The Miraluka girl still resisted his attacks so its possible to resist his force drain with a strong enough I guess passive force shield maybe there are jedi or sith who are that powerful in the force that they could resist the force drain of Nihilus the old jedi order during Nihilus did not had any or well of they did none that we know of besides of course Revan and The Exile but the Exile could resist not because she was strong in the force but because she was immune to it because of being a wound in the force.

My opinion is that there few who can resist his force drain like the Miraluka girl.

They are:

Darth Sidious I really do not wanna explain why but his will was so strong that he defied death.

Darth Krayth the same thing.

Darth Revan the same thing.

Vitiate/Valkorion well the same thing.

Darth Sion well the same thing.

Yoda well the same as the above

The master of the Hero of Tython but a slight chance.

Obi Won

Qui Gon Jin

Well basically any jedi that was strong enough to retain their mind after death or death are strong enough to resist Sidious why do I think that well because that is the ultimate proof of strength in the force and I think that is whats needed to resist force drain a will so strong that you can resist death itself.

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"Compareing" Nihilus to other Sith or Forceuser is...well pointless. Seeing the whole picture of the sith triumvirate and it's story...

All three of them, Nihilus, Sion and Traya are of the charts because...


...they basically refuse to die and get away with it.

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The reason Nihilus and Sion and Meetra (the real triumvirate) are so powerful is because all three of them are "wounds" in the force caused by Malachor V. Meetra can form force bonds and feed off the energy of others to make her more powerful, Nihilus downright eats planets but every time he "eats" his hunger increases. Sion is held together by sheer will alone via the force, and he is a wound in it too. Both would have been destroyed by the destruction of Malachor V by Meetra Surik, had she not already defeated them.


Furthermore it's stated that Nihilus could only be defeated by Meetra because she was the other part of the wound.


Kreia/Darth Traya was not part of the force wound, but she saw it was there and intended to use Meetra Surik to "cure it" by ridding the galaxy of the force altogether with it.


There was a comic about Nihilus' origin somewhere.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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The reason Nihilus and Sion and Meetra (the real triumvirate) are so powerful is because all three of them are "wounds" in the force caused by Malachor V. Meetra can form force bonds and feed off the energy of others to make her more powerful, Nihilus downright eats planets but every time he "eats" his hunger increases. Sion is held together by sheer will alone via the force, and he is a wound in it too. Both would have been destroyed by the destruction of Malachor V by Meetra Surik, had she not already defeated them.


Furthermore it's stated that Nihilus could only be defeated by Meetra because she was the other part of the wound.


Kreia/Darth Traya was not part of the force wound, but she saw it was there and intended to use Meetra Surik to "cure it" by ridding the galaxy of the force altogether with it.


There was a comic about Nihilus' origin somewhere.


~ Eudoxia

That is load of bull, nowhere was it actually stated that only a wound in the force could beat Nihilus. Practically anyone that has the ability to mask and remove their connection to the force can beat Nihilus considering that its been stated several times that Nihilus severs ones connection to the force and then feeds on the death it causes.


Anakin as a knight already resisted a world wide planet drain by the dark reaper which was built by exar kun. Luke has shown the ability to loop out of the force and any relatively powerful force user that has the ability to remove or mask their connection to the force will be able to defeat Nihilus considering that his combat feats are really lackluster.


Seriously, he is the most overrated and overhyped individual in the mythos and a pathetic character with no backstory whatsoever, the only reason people think he's cool is simply for the fact that he has a sick mask.

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As someone who has not (yet) played any of the KotoR games, I know very little about Nihilus, except for that he has a cool looking mask and interesting dietary choices. Ive nerver really seen him brought up in debates on this forum and thus assumed that he was not particularly impressive.

However, I have recently seen many posts on another forum that ranged from "He is one of the strongest Sith and can compete with the likes of Bane and Vader." to "He is the most powerful being in all of Star Wars and can stomp Sidious." So is he actually so strong or are the people claiming this badly mistaken?

good subject
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The answer to the question is that Nihilus is a Galactic-level threat. Not in that he commands armies, but that he, himself, as a singular life form, is a galactic level threat. In terms of raw power, he is arguably one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful character in all of Star Wars. Other force users of the dark side who have achieved similar feats have only done so with long, drawn out rituals using multiple other force users as batteries and the like. It's arguable that Vitiate achieves a similar level of power when you are playing through Ziost, since he seems to wipe the planet out on a whim, rather than through a drawn-out ritual as before.


As for the Exile being the only one to defeat Nihilus because of being a similar wound: It's not bull. It is explicitly stated in-game that the reason Nihilus is weakened and defeatable is because he tries to feed on you, which he cannot do, and it weakens him. And as much as some folks would like to dismiss Nihilus, he was much more than even his hunger. In the cutscenes it is made very clear that he is also powerful in the force in a conventional manner. He literally strips Kreia of her power and nearly kills her on a whim. When Sion gets uppity (you know, the guy who is basically immortal until he CHOOSES to die) he literally mops the floor with him effortlessly.


Powerful force users in the conventional sense do not stand a chance against Nihilus because he can sense them, hungers for them, and feeds on them. For the record, Visas never RESISTED Nihilus' hunger technqiue. He spared her of his own choice.


There are many reasons why Kreia/Traya specifically sought out the Exile and not the least of which was because he/she was a wound in the force. There were other, philosophical reasons as well of course, but ultimately she needed someone who COULD destroy Nihilus, Sion and ultimately herself.


Now is that to say that Nihilus is truly undefeatable by conventional means? It's unclear. Kreia certainly couldn't go toe to toe with him on Malachor V, and she was ridiculously powerful in her own right. However, she was able to out-maneuver him and ultimately manipulate events that led to his defeat. A guy like Palpatine, also a master manipulator, with the appropriate knowledge, could likely arrange a similar defeat. But in a stand up fight, well, there aren't many that can stand before Nihilus without being crushed.

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The answer to the question is that Nihilus is a Galactic-level threat. Not in that he commands armies, but that he, himself, as a singular life form, is a galactic level threat. In terms of raw power, he is arguably one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful character in all of Star Wars. Other force users of the dark side who have achieved similar feats have only done so with long, drawn out rituals using multiple other force users as batteries and the like. It's arguable that Vitiate achieves a similar level of power when you are playing through Ziost, since he seems to wipe the planet out on a whim, rather than through a drawn-out ritual as before.


As for the Exile being the only one to defeat Nihilus because of being a similar wound: It's not bull. It is explicitly stated in-game that the reason Nihilus is weakened and defeatable is because he tries to feed on you, which he cannot do, and it weakens him. And as much as some folks would like to dismiss Nihilus, he was much more than even his hunger. In the cutscenes it is made very clear that he is also powerful in the force in a conventional manner. He literally strips Kreia of her power and nearly kills her on a whim. When Sion gets uppity (you know, the guy who is basically immortal until he CHOOSES to die) he literally mops the floor with him effortlessly.


Powerful force users in the conventional sense do not stand a chance against Nihilus because he can sense them, hungers for them, and feeds on them. For the record, Visas never RESISTED Nihilus' hunger technqiue. He spared her of his own choice.


There are many reasons why Kreia/Traya specifically sought out the Exile and not the least of which was because he/she was a wound in the force. There were other, philosophical reasons as well of course, but ultimately she needed someone who COULD destroy Nihilus, Sion and ultimately herself.


Now is that to say that Nihilus is truly undefeatable by conventional means? It's unclear. Kreia certainly couldn't go toe to toe with him on Malachor V, and she was ridiculously powerful in her own right. However, she was able to out-maneuver him and ultimately manipulate events that led to his defeat. A guy like Palpatine, also a master manipulator, with the appropriate knowledge, could likely arrange a similar defeat. But in a stand up fight, well, there aren't many that can stand before Nihilus without being crushed.


I will say a few things. Sidious could destroy entire planets without long drawn out rituals. He can create wormholes that could ravage the entire surface off worlds in terms of raw power. A force storm wormhole in nihilus direction would be game ending. Not to mention Sidious was described, post return, to be a living blackhole. It's possible, and very likely, due to his situation that he too was a wound in the force. Still, yes not many can stand before Nihilus.

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Comparing Nihilus to Vader, is just like in my opinion comparing Gengis Khan to Erwin Rommel. Gengis was incredibly powerful, with his mounted archers, but at the time of Rommel, 500 years later, mounted archers are not a relevant thing anymore.


I wouldn't be surprised if 3300 years after Nihilus, even a seven years old Jedi knows the trick to heal and resist a Force wound.

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If Sidious could destroy planets at will, there would be no point in building an expensive planet killing superweapon.


The Death Star wasn't about destroying planets, that was just a feature, not the reason it was built for.


At any rate, Sidious can't destroy planets at least not instantly. Over time in a possibility with Force Storms sure, but it's not something he could just do on a whim.

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Comparing Nihilus to Vader, is just like in my opinion comparing Gengis Khan to Erwin Rommel. Gengis was incredibly powerful, with his mounted archers, but at the time of Rommel, 500 years later, mounted archers are not a relevant thing anymore.


I wouldn't be surprised if 3300 years after Nihilus, even a seven years old Jedi knows the trick to heal and resist a Force wound.

Ok I will bite what is the skill that protects you from force drain?

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The answer to the question is that Nihilus is a Galactic-level threat. Not in that he commands armies, but that he, himself, as a singular life form, is a galactic level threat. In terms of raw power, he is arguably one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful character in all of Star Wars.

That's where you're wrong. There are literally a dozen sources and accolades that put Palpatine and Vitiate as vastly superior beings to Nihilus.


His "raw power" was never demonstrated anywhere and frankly speaking, is a load of crap. He couldn't feed of the exile and yet for all his supposed power he couldn't even kill mandalore, a non force sensitive.


The arguments that fanboys make of him "holding his ship together" is another load of crap considering that when he dies the ship still stays in one piece, nothing but hyperbole.

Other force users of the dark side who have achieved similar feats have only done so with long, drawn out rituals using multiple other force users as batteries and the like.

Palpatine had the same ability to drain entire worlds and unlike Nihilus, whose power controls him, Palpatine has demonstrated the ability and control over planet wide force draining.

It's arguable that Vitiate achieves a similar level of power when you are playing through Ziost, since he seems to wipe the planet out on a whim, rather than through a drawn-out ritual as before.

The old republic encyclopedia actually confirms that Vitiate is more powerful than Nihilus.


In fact, its never actually clear if Nihilus used a ritual in preperation for the devastation of Katarr considering that the origin comic of Nihilus was seen in the perspective of Visas Marr


Palpatine could summon gigantic wormholes on a whim that could do anything from ravaging an entire fleet of warships, to destroying the space time continuum and ravage entire worlds.


As for the Exile being the only one to defeat Nihilus because of being a similar wound: It's not bull.

No one said it is, but people like yourself that constantly claim that only a wound in the force that can defeat Nihilus is complete and utter crap.


Luke skywalker, Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine and several other characters have demonstrated the ability to remove themselves from the force and resist a planet wide drain(the dark reaper). The fallanasi people also have the same ability which is one concealed themselves from the Galactic Empire.



It is explicitly stated in-game that the reason Nihilus is weakened and defeatable is because he tries to feed on you, which he cannot do, and it weakens him. And as much as some folks would like to dismiss Nihilus, he was much more than even his hunger.

And that is exactly what is going to happen to him when he tries to feed on the characters that can remove their force connection/mask it from him.


In the cutscenes it is made very clear that he is also powerful in the force in a conventional manner. He literally strips Kreia of her power and nearly kills her on a whim. When Sion gets uppity (you know, the guy who is basically immortal until he CHOOSES to die) he literally mops the floor with him effortlessly.


You mean how he had to team up with Sion on a dark side nexus because he couldn't face Traya, a relatively powerful force user on his own? The fact that the KOTOR sourcebook guide specifically states that it was both Sion and Nihilus combined efforts that stripped Traya of the force?


Yep, he sure is powerful alright.

Powerful force users in the conventional sense do not stand a chance against Nihilus because he can sense them, hungers for them, and feeds on them. For the record, Visas never RESISTED Nihilus' hunger technqiue. He spared her of his own choice.

And there are plenty of powerhouses who can do more than just "resist" Nihilus.



Now is that to say that Nihilus is truly undefeatable by conventional means? It's unclear. Kreia certainly couldn't go toe to toe with him on Malachor V, and she was ridiculously powerful in her own right. However, she was able to out-maneuver him and ultimately manipulate events that led to his defeat. A guy like Palpatine, also a master manipulator, with the appropriate knowledge, could likely arrange a similar defeat. But in a stand up fight, well, there aren't many that can stand before Nihilus without being crushed.

Nihilus is very much beatable in conventional means. Anybody that knows the Fallanasi technique or have the ability to remove their force connection and Nihilus has no chance of severing their force connection or feeding on their force energies which would in turn get him weakened and allow a relatively skilled combatant to steamroll over him.
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Ok I will bite what is the skill that protects you from force drain?


How should I know ? I don't know how to treat the bubonic plague, But I do know that it would not be a very efficient weapon in the 21st century. We can cure it.


My point is, it's not very meaningful to compare two Force users separated by 3900 years. And it's completely fallacious, to make affirmation about a -3900 BBY guy being more powerful than a +1 BBY guy. I would think that in all that time, after the Order is recreated, one of its new creators being the former apprentice of Nihilus, the Jedi probably studied the subject, to fight it effectively, in case it would happen again one day.

Edited by Audoucet
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How should I know ? I don't know how to treat the bubonic plague, But I do know that it would not be a very efficient weapon in the 21st century. We can cure it.


My point is, it's not very meaningful to compare two Force users separated by 3900 years. And it's completely fallacious, to make affirmation about a -3900 BBY guy being more powerful than a +1 BBY guy. I would think that in all that time, after the Order is recreated, one of its new creators being the former apprentice of Nihilus, the Jedi probably studied the subject, to fight it effectively, in case it would happen again one day.


I am sorry to tell you but they did not. The only ones who knew how to combat it was Ulic Qel-Droma and he taught Anakin as a force ghost so basically nobody knew how to fight it during the prequels order. So I broke your argument here.

Nice try with the bubonic plague argument but you are wrong. Oh and the Miraluka managed to do resist force drain but it was not because of any skill she had she has such a powerful will or because it was not explained because she cut herself from the force when Nihilus started using force drain as a means of defense. Now Vader can resist and beat Nihilus but because he learned from Ulic Qel-Droma how to resist force drain of such scale. You know because he was also Anakin and did not suffer memory loss.

Oh and another thing a jedi from over -8000 BBY defeated 2 former jedi of the prequel order like a boss.

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I am sorry to tell you but they did not. The only ones who knew how to combat it was Ulic Qel-Droma and he taught Anakin as a force ghost so basically nobody knew how to fight it during the prequels order. So I broke your argument here.


So Vader beats Nihilus.


"Nice try with the bubonic plague argument but you are wrong."


Er, okay. Killer argument.


"Oh and another thing a jedi from over -8000 BBY defeated 2 former jedi of the prequel order like a boss."


Whom ?

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The Death Star wasn't about destroying planets, that was just a feature, not the reason it was built for.


At any rate, Sidious can't destroy planets at least not instantly. Over time in a possibility with Force Storms sure, but it's not something he could just do on a whim.


His force storm was capable of annihilating entire starfleets and was capable of destroying the "surface" of a world. This means, unlike the death star, he can't blow up or shatter a planet. He can eliminate it of all life with his storms.

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His force storm was capable of annihilating entire starfleets and was capable of destroying the "surface" of a world. This means, unlike the death star, he can't blow up or shatter a planet. He can eliminate it of all life with his storms.


Right I know, hence why I said over time with Force Storms he could possibly destroy a planet.

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I am sorry to tell you but they did not. The only ones who knew how to combat it was Ulic Qel-Droma and he taught Anakin as a force ghost so basically nobody knew how to fight it during the prequels order. So I broke your argument here.

Nice try with the bubonic plague argument but you are wrong. Oh and the Miraluka managed to do resist force drain but it was not because of any skill she had she has such a powerful will or because it was not explained because she cut herself from the force when Nihilus started using force drain as a means of defense. Now Vader can resist and beat Nihilus but because he learned from Ulic Qel-Droma how to resist force drain of such scale. You know because he was also Anakin and did not suffer memory loss.

Oh and another thing a jedi from over -8000 BBY defeated 2 former jedi of the prequel order like a boss.



You are aware that Tholme was part of the jedi order and he learned pretty much the same technique from the fallanasi people? Obi wan did the same thing when he snuck up on Dooku during the clone wars.

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You are aware that Tholme was part of the jedi order and he learned pretty much the same technique from the fallanasi people? Obi wan did the same thing when he snuck up on Dooku during the clone wars.


Well good for Tholme. How do you know Obi Wan was using the same technique and did not just managed to take Dooku by surprise or was taught by Anakin to use the technique?

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Well good for Tholme. How do you know Obi Wan was using the same technique and did not just managed to take Dooku by surprise or was taught by Anakin to use the technique?


Because it was clear that obi wan actually removed his force connection to stay undetected. Yoda also was very close with the fallanasi people.

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Because it was clear that obi wan actually removed his force connection to stay undetected. Yoda also was very close with the fallanasi people.


To be fair I do not know for sure but its dangerous. I mean in the end you might resist Nihilus force drain but then will happen to you if you are cut from the force what will stop him form crushing you windpipe or better break your neck or crush your heart he is sith after all he might have realized the force makes you a god compared non force users.

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To be fair I do not know for sure but its dangerous. I mean in the end you might resist Nihilus force drain but then will happen to you if you are cut from the force what will stop him form crushing you windpipe or better break your neck or crush your heart he is sith after all he might have realized the force makes you a god compared non force users.

Considering he couldn't even kill Mandalore after trying to feed on the exile i doubt he would even be able to fend off relatively powerful force users who can resist his drain via using the fallanasi technique.


Honestly, Nihilus is probably the most overrated force user in SW lore. While he is a force you do not want to mess with, he has been overhyped beyond oblivion.

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