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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healing is op in warzones


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Then again... what is the point of a healer?


If I can barely keep myself alive 1v1, I might as well roll DPS, so I can bring the enemy's health down as much as possible before I die.



Healers should never die 1v1. A healer should be able to keep up as much as 1 guy is dishing out.


Healing is weakish because healing-specced classes tend to retain most of their damage output. Take for example a BH, they lose some damage, control and snaring abilities from the PvP tree, but gain healing efficacy and some area-healing/damage reduction abilities.


You make them heal like healers in that other MMO, not only do you have the demi-gods that they were in that game, but they'd have 97% of a non-healer bounter hunter's damage output to go with it.


Having a healer killable by a single dps doesn't make the healer useless, that's why tanks are able to shield other classes and take a large portion of their damage upon themselves. Healers are a support class, that are most effective when protected, not immortal PvP gods that can hold a point on their own, and take 4-5 dps classes to lock down and kill.


And to the OP: You're saying you completely locked down a healer alone, forced him to burn cooldowns/consumables to survive, you almost killed him - and he just happened to be saved by teammates arriving to help him. And you're complaining that healing is overpowered?

Edited by IllicitSolicit
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Healing is weakish because healing-specced classes tend to retain most of their damage output. Take for example a BH, they lose some damage, control and snaring abilities from the PvP tree, but gain healing efficacy and some area-healing/damage reduction abilities.


You make them heal like healers in that other MMO, not only do you have the demi-gods that they were in that game, but they'd have 97% of a non-healer bounter hunter's damage output to go with it.


Having a healer killable by a single dps doesn't make the healer useless, that's why tanks are able to shield other classes and take a large portion of their damage upon themselves. Healers are a support class, that are most effective when protected, not immortal PvP gods that can hold a point on their own, and take 4-5 dps classes to lock down and kill.


And to the OP: You're saying you completely locked down a healer alone, forced him to burn cooldowns/consumables to survive, you almost killed him - and he just happened to be saved by teammates arriving to help him. And you're complaining that healing is overpowered?


I agree.

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Healing is weakish because healing-specced classes tend to retain most of their damage output. Take for example a BH, they lose some damage, control and snaring abilities from the PvP tree, but gain healing efficacy and some area-healing/damage reduction abilities.


You make them heal like healers in that other MMO, not only do you have the demi-gods that they were in that game, but they'd have 97% of a non-healer bounter hunter's damage output to go with it.


Having a healer killable by a single dps doesn't make the healer useless, that's why tanks are able to shield other classes and take a large portion of their damage upon themselves. Healers are a support class, that are most effective when protected, not immortal PvP gods that can hold a point on their own, and take 4-5 dps classes to lock down and kill.


And to the OP: You're saying you completely locked down a healer alone, forced him to burn cooldowns/consumables to survive, you almost killed him - and he just happened to be saved by teammates arriving to help him. And you're complaining that healing is overpowered?



yeah lets not forget that healers don't heal as much in pvp combat as they would out of combat.. if I get a really good dps on me I "might" be able to keep myself alive and the more geared they are the more trouble i'm going to have.


As a mercenary healer @ 46 I have been "facerolled" by good assassins.. just 1 Sometimes though if I'm getting healed, "carrying the ball for example" plus healing myself I'm damn near unstoppable, but I would assume that is the same for all classes if they were getting similar heals.

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Healing is weakish because healing-specced classes tend to retain most of their damage output. Take for example a BH, they lose some damage, control and snaring abilities from the PvP tree, but gain healing efficacy and some area-healing/damage reduction abilities.


You make them heal like healers in that other MMO, not only do you have the demi-gods that they were in that game, but they'd have 97% of a non-healer bounter hunter's damage output to go with it.


Having a healer killable by a single dps doesn't make the healer useless, that's why tanks are able to shield other classes and take a large portion of their damage upon themselves. Healers are a support class, that are most effective when protected, not immortal PvP gods that can hold a point on their own, and take 4-5 dps classes to lock down and kill.


And to the OP: You're saying you completely locked down a healer alone, forced him to burn cooldowns/consumables to survive, you almost killed him - and he just happened to be saved by teammates arriving to help him. And you're complaining that healing is overpowered?


There are no popular MMO's that let a healer have as much DPS as a DPSer and have heals that make them gods.


And if you say WoW, you'll show that you don't know jack squat about anything.



Healing is very strong because you aren't just a healer. Healers don't lose the ability to cast their instant cast CC. Or their knockbacks which knock you off areas to do anything. Because those are static numbers not affected by talents/Stats. The same isn't true for a DPSer because they'll heal for a pathetic amount and CC for the same amount of time.


And the healing way out does the Damage part, because you often have range on the DPS and the ability to help more than just yourself. Which is amazing if you're not being focused.

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There are no popular MMO's that let a healer have as much DPS as a DPSer and have heals that make them gods.


And if you say WoW, you'll show that you don't know jack squat about anything.



Healing is very strong because you aren't just a healer. Healers don't lose the ability to cast their instant cast CC. Or their knockbacks which knock you off areas to do anything. Because those are static numbers not affected by talents/Stats. The same isn't true for a DPSer because they'll heal for a pathetic amount and CC for the same amount of time.


And the healing way out does the Damage part, because you often have range on the DPS and the ability to help more than just yourself. Which is amazing if you're not being focused.



I can't do 178k dmg as a full heal spec'd merc, like I can spec'd dmg.. abilities cost too much heat to use constantly and I think I may get 7 kills as a healer, I think the only ones that fall into the category are sorcs, they can heal a ton while still doing alot of dmg.. just as a mercenary all your abilities dmg wise cost too much for you to really use anything other then your auto attack and a missile here and there.. otherwise you aren't going to be doing much healing. And even if all you did was dmg I don't think You'd come close to fully dps spec'd classes.



If you don't believe me, play this class pve as a healer.. use blizz to tank (assuming he has aggro) you still won't do that much dmg..

Edited by Shammus
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I can't do 178k dmg as a full heal spec'd merc, like I can spec'd dmg.. abilities cost too much heat to use constantly and I think I may get 7 kills as a healer, I think the only ones that fall into the category are sorcs, they can heal a ton while still doing alot of dmg.. just as a mercenary all your abilities dmg wise cost too much for you to really use anything other then your auto attack and a missile here and there.. otherwise you aren't going to be doing much healing. And even if all you did was dmg I don't think You'd come close to fully dps spec'd classes.



If you don't believe me, play this class pve as a healer.. use blizz to tank (assuming he has aggro) you still won't do that much dmg..


I never said you could. I said you don't lose your ability to CC, knockback, ect. DPS losses the option to heal because their heals won't do anything. But you don't knock people back any farther by going DPS spec.

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I never said you could. I said you don't lose your ability to CC, knockback, ect. DPS losses the option to heal because their heals won't do anything. But you don't knock people back any farther by going DPS spec.


As a bounty hunter, my knockback is the weakest knockback.. UNLESS I SPEC IT then it is the strongest..


And guess what its' in the DPS tree. Its called Afterburners.


So you're statement isn't true... Because as a BH I do knock people back further as a dps spec then a heal spec.


And I'd have to give up alot of healing to take it.



As I stated earlier, you're more then likely referring to sorcerers.. but even if you were ALL CLASSES get the same STUN that every other class gets, and at least the ones I've played get a knockback as well..

Edited by Shammus
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Allow me to share some insight on this as a Medicine specced Operative who has PvPed primarily from lvl 20 to my now current level of 33.


I am trying to stay unbiased but I will definitely say healing is quite underpowered at my current stages. I am not crying for a buff or anything as its entirely possible it'll be well balanced out at 50 with all my talent points filled in/full pvp gear. Its already become better and better with talents and I am rather comfortable at my current state at level 33 so I presume it will be balanced at 50.


Anyhow, in regards to this thread... a level 20 operative healer is missing a lot of his tools that make him into a resilient healer. At level 30 I received Surgical Probe which has made it very much easier to go 1v1 against someone, but prior to that it was a nightmare.


It sounds like the operative the OP is referring to, got off a fully cast heal and immediately after popped the PvP healing consumable as that is the ONLY way I can imagine even with criticals (especially considering at level 20 he lacks the ESSENTIAL surgical probe) that he could've achieved the amount of healing the OP referred to, even the unexaggerated ~50% he corrected himself to.


Sounds like a DPS with 26 levels on a healer is just frustrated that he got "out-played" by a player with decent enough reflexes to pop a consumable after a heal to barely survive until his team could stomp the DPS 5v1.



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There are no popular MMO's that let a healer have as much DPS as a DPSer and have heals that make them gods.


And if you say WoW, you'll show that you don't know jack squat about anything.



Healing is very strong because you aren't just a healer. Healers don't lose the ability to cast their instant cast CC. Or their knockbacks which knock you off areas to do anything. Because those are static numbers not affected by talents/Stats. The same isn't true for a DPSer because they'll heal for a pathetic amount and CC for the same amount of time.


And the healing way out does the Damage part, because you often have range on the DPS and the ability to help more than just yourself. Which is amazing if you're not being focused.


Wow, that was bi*chy.


Read what I wrote again, and if you don't realise your first few sentences have no bearing on what I said, you'll show that you don't know jack squat about reading comprehension.


I said that healing is weaker in SW:ToR than it is in other MMOs because healing specced classes retain the majority of their damage output (they do, check a few talent trees), as well as, as you point out, their knockbacks, CCs, etc.


As for the rest of your post, it's mostly incoherent gibbering, but I get the impression that you think I'm saying that healers are weak in this game. Actually, I'm saying I think healers are fine in ToR, but I suspect you still disagree, which is fine.

Edited by IllicitSolicit
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If a single DPS can roll through a single healer, then what the **** is the point of a healer? You might as go DPS yourself to at least rush to see who can kill each other first.

Exactly, if healers are only worth 1 DPS, it's a much smarter idea to be DPS also and use focus fire. For example, 2 DPS would always beat a team of 1 DPS and 1 healer if a healer can only heal as much as a DPS could put out.


In addition, healing is reactive, which is always weaker than a proactive ability. It's much easier being in control of the fight, than always defending.

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