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SW:Rebels - season II


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I do not know how Luke did it and that is the biggest mystery in Star Wars.


Luke was his son and he was actually able to get past Vader and reach out to Anakin, his father.


Vader/ Anakin cared for a lot of people but all of them he held something against. With Obi-Wan he was always angry at him,he felt like he was holding him back, lying to him, etc and than there's the events in ROTS...With Ahsoka he feels she left him, pushing him closer to the dark side it shows his failure as a teacher. Even with Padme it was more out of rage but he thought she was deceiving him when she showed up with Obi-Wan on Mustafar with the intention of killing him.


Luke never did anything to him, at that point in ROTJ when he was redeemed he was likely able to see a lot of his wrongs and forgive them for it. Plus Luke being alive shows that Sidious decived him into believing he killed Padme.



Than there's also the fact that Luke and even Vader looks kind of weak due to poor 70s/80s fight choreography.

Edited by Newyankalt
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I dunno about you guys, but there was one thing that kept bothering me, spoilng the fun of the episode : Inquisitors heli'ing.


I know helicopters have "blades", but it's just not this kind of blades.

Edited by Altheran
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I dunno about you guys, but there was one thing that kept bothering me, spoilng the fun of the episode : Inquisitors heli'ing.


I know helicopters have "blades", but it's just not this kind of blades.


I hated that too, but it's okay. Maul made them pay for that stupidity. :D

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I dunno about you guys, but there was one thing that kept bothering me, spoilng the fun of the episode : Inquisitors heli'ing.


I know helicopters have "blades", but it's just not this kind of blades.


Well, if you want a way to justify it working here it goes:

The lightsaber blade is a fixed plasma beam (no, not a laser, this has been confirmed in canon)

If the blade could be formed into an aerodynamic shape like a helicopter's it could theoretically generate lift when rotated at high speeds.

The force could be used to counter the counter-spin.



Ya, bit of a stretch I know, but if it makes you feel better :)


(Personally it annoyed me too)

Edited by MadDutchman
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Of course they leave Ahsoka fate ambiguous so they might bring her back but feel like she died and the end where she is walking is more of symbolic gesture of her moving to the unknown and joining the force, she was in way too of a good shape compared to the Vader.
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Of course they leave Ahsoka fate ambiguous so they might bring her back but feel like she died and the end where she is walking is more of symbolic gesture of her moving to the unknown and joining the force, she was in way too of a good shape compared to the Vader.


That's what I think too. Putting the owl or whatever animal of the previous episode (which has no place on Malachor by the way), to me, was like a big warning sign saying "beware, allegory".

Edited by Altheran
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I honestly don't know if Filoni himself has decided yet on whether Ahsoka lives or dies, he has just left himself (or other folks for that matter) an opportunity to bring her back into the fold if they choose. She may even outlast the OT, considering Filoni specifically states he doesn't consider Ahsoka's presence contridicting Yoda's statement.



We know Ahsoka's time in Rebels is done unless much later down the road Filoni changes his mind (he has said he's got the whole series planned out, just not totally fleshed out, so not that likely. Of course, Disney has been seeing the $$$ I think so Rebels might take longer to reach a conclusion than originally planned)

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I dunno about you guys, but there was one thing that kept bothering me, spoilng the fun of the episode : Inquisitors heli'ing.


I know helicopters have "blades", but it's just not this kind of blades.


That was my only complain about this episode. I fully enjoyed the new episode.

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I honestly don't know if Filoni himself has decided yet on whether Ahsoka lives or dies, he has just left himself (or other folks for that matter) an opportunity to bring her back into the fold if they choose. She may even outlast the OT, considering Filoni specifically states he doesn't consider Ahsoka's presence contridicting Yoda's statement.



We know Ahsoka's time in Rebels is done unless much later down the road Filoni changes his mind (he has said he's got the whole series planned out, just not totally fleshed out, so not that likely. Of course, Disney has been seeing the $$$ I think so Rebels might take longer to reach a conclusion than originally planned)



Just curious, but where was it said Ahsoka's time is done in Rebels? He actually confirm that? I've never heard that. Nobody else is saying that either. I know a lot of the heavy discussion youtube channels are definitely not confirming that either. If that was confirmed people would be definitely talking heavily about that. Right now its all theories about whether she's dead or not. I don't see her time being done in Rebels. I think one way or another we'll know if not next season then by the end of the series. I'm not saying she's dead or alive, or heck even coming back as a force ghost.

Thoughts on a few other things. I think the holocron is either of Darth Traya or Darth Zannah. Since the datacron had a female voice, I'm throwing out there its more than likely one of them. Though I'm leaning toward Traya because I believe they're going to be making a lot of old republic stuff cannon again. So I can see Revan, Malak, Shan, and a few others coming back to cannon. Maybe Vitiate. Would be funny it the holocron eventually lead to Vitiate. I'm surprised nobody is talking about Agent Kallus and what his role is next season. I think he's going to play a big role in one way or another before series end. He's going to bolt from the Empire. Question is when. What if he's the one that would find Ahsoka alive and bring her back to the rebels? Talk about a way for him to join them. Probably Maul vs Vader will happen at the end of season three. I'm guessing that's going to be the next big duel they hype up.

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Just curious, but where was it said Ahsoka's time is done in Rebels? He actually confirm that? I've never heard that. Nobody else is saying that either. I know a lot of the heavy discussion youtube channels are definitely not confirming that either. If that was confirmed people would be definitely talking heavily about that. Right now its all theories about whether she's dead or not. I don't see her time being done in Rebels. I think one way or another we'll know if not next season then by the end of the series.


The IGN interview, or one of the others he gave. He more or less said she's done in Rebels.

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Luke was his son and he was actually able to get past Vader and reach out to Anakin, his father.


Vader/ Anakin cared for a lot of people but all of them he held something against. With Obi-Wan he was always angry at him,he felt like he was holding him back, lying to him, etc and than there's the events in ROTS...With Ahsoka he feels she left him, pushing him closer to the dark side it shows his failure as a teacher. Even with Padme it was more out of rage but he thought she was deceiving him when she showed up with Obi-Wan on Mustafar with the intention of killing him.


Luke never did anything to him, at that point in ROTJ when he was redeemed he was likely able to see a lot of his wrongs and forgive them for it. Plus Luke being alive shows that Sidious decived him into believing he killed Padme.



Than there's also the fact that Luke and even Vader looks kind of weak due to poor 70s/80s fight choreography.

Pretty much this. People often think Luke beat Vader in some kind of combat. Well, there was not even a competition. Luke won, because he was his son. There is nothing to diminish in any way. Futhermore I will not comment on this to prevent wiseguy interpretations.


I dunno about you guys, but there was one thing that kept bothering me, spoilng the fun of the episode : Inquisitors heli'ing.


I know helicopters have "blades", but it's just not this kind of blades.

Same here. Why the helicopterblades anyway? Looks kind of meh, I simply can't thnk of any practical argument, not even "because the Force"


Of course they leave Ahsoka fate ambiguous so they might bring her back but feel like she died and the end where she is walking is more of symbolic gesture of her moving to the unknown and joining the force, she was in way too of a good shape compared to the Vader.


Maybe, but personal I think from this point on Ahsoka should be put aside. She had a gread story and a even greater end. As Filoni said, maybe there is a lot to be told from her past. -But I for one think bringing her back in any point past this duel wouldn't fit her role and neither the role Vader has to play. If the two are shown true to themselfs, none of them would've backed off from this encouter. The consequence of this is, someone has to die there.


Overall I really don't want to talk about "who is stronger". Those are such dumb disputations, because especially in Star Wars everything is about fate and the story is spinned tight. Any protagonist and antagonist is set to play its role.

Just a side note to SWTOR. Look at our toons here. Always outmached, still they win. Same pattern as in the movies. Star Wars is only a fairy tale to be told.

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Just curious, but where was it said Ahsoka's time is done in Rebels? He actually confirm that? I've never heard that. Nobody else is saying that either. I know a lot of the heavy discussion youtube channels are definitely not confirming that either. If that was confirmed people would be definitely talking heavily about that. Right now its all theories about whether she's dead or not. I don't see her time being done in Rebels. I think one way or another we'll know if not next season then by the end of the series. I'm not saying she's dead or alive, or heck even coming back as a force ghost.


Even posted her by another user, the link gets you to a interview with Dave Filony.



Interview with Dave Filoni on the events of the finale... I think Ahsoka is a ghost maybe


Thoughts on a few other things. I think the holocron is either of Darth Traya or Darth Zannah. Since the datacron had a female voice, I'm throwing out there its more than likely one of them. Though I'm leaning toward Traya because I believe they're going to be making a lot of old republic stuff cannon again. So I can see Revan, Malak, Shan, and a few others coming back to cannon. Maybe Vitiate. Would be funny it the holocron eventually lead to Vitiate. I'm surprised nobody is talking about Agent Kallus and what his role is next season. I think he's going to play a big role in one way or another before series end. He's going to bolt from the Empire. Question is when. What if he's the one that would find Ahsoka alive and bring her back to the rebels? Talk about a way for him to join them. Probably Maul vs Vader will happen at the end of season three. I'm guessing that's going to be the next big duel they hype up.

As far as we learned GL to know, he tend to take bits from the Star Wars Legends Universe and rename places and characters to fit his idea. ..."Moraband" anyone? This planet is actually Korriban. :mad:


And about Maul vs Vader. I think after you read the interview and the dynamic between Vader and Ahsoka, two major prominent actors of Star Wars, Filoni won't do this encouter between Maul vs Vader at all. It is to risky changing the focus of the audience from the Rebels to those prominent characters (again). Just look around, by now everyone speaks mostly about Vader vs ... and some sidenotes about the Rebels. But this is the Rebels show! ...and nobody cares. :D

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Thanks for the link. I don't see where he said anything concrete Ahsoka would not return. He kind of danced around saying one way or another.

"You wondered what happened to her before, but you knew she walked away. Now she kind of leaves in a state of conflict. I would just say that there are probably – and I’ll give you this as we go back a ways – there are probably more stories to tell with Ahsoka Tano, but I would not believe that that would happen necessarily on Star Wars Rebels. I’ve been wrong in the past, but I think that she has served the part of the story that she needed to for our characters here. Then we’ll have to see."

The above is from the interview, as you can see he danced around saying one thing or another. Nothing concrete. Its more like he's saying they want to keep Ahsoka in a support role. It reminds me of how a politician would dance around a question. Also there was this he said at the end of that question:

"And some kids at the [finale] screening were shooting pretty close to the mark, or at least were decoding the [clues] that I have left for them. It’s one of those mysteries then where maybe, beyond hope, maybe there is a future, but we’ll have to wait and see."

And I'm not saying she's dead, alive, or what, but I think she's not done in Rebels yet.




Even posted her by another user, the link gets you to a interview with Dave Filony.




As far as we learned GL to know, he tend to take bits from the Star Wars Legends Universe and rename places and characters to fit his idea. ..."Moraband" anyone? This planet is actually Korriban. :mad:


And about Maul vs Vader. I think after you read the interview and the dynamic between Vader and Ahsoka, two major prominent actors of Star Wars, Filoni won't do this encouter between Maul vs Vader at all. It is to risky changing the focus of the audience from the Rebels to those prominent characters (again). Just look around, by now everyone speaks mostly about Vader vs ... and some sidenotes about the Rebels. But this is the Rebels show! ...and nobody cares. :D

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Thanks for the link. I don't see where he said anything concrete Ahsoka would not return. He kind of danced around saying one way or another.

"You wondered what happened to her before, but you knew she walked away. Now she kind of leaves in a state of conflict. I would just say that there are probably – and I’ll give you this as we go back a ways – there are probably more stories to tell with Ahsoka Tano, but I would not believe that that would happen necessarily on Star Wars Rebels. I’ve been wrong in the past, but I think that she has served the part of the story that she needed to for our characters here. Then we’ll have to see."

The above is from the interview, as you can see he danced around saying one thing or another. Nothing concrete. Its more like he's saying they want to keep Ahsoka in a support role. It reminds me of how a politician would dance around a question. Also there was this he said at the end of that question:

"And some kids at the [finale] screening were shooting pretty close to the mark, or at least were decoding the [clues] that I have left for them. It’s one of those mysteries then where maybe, beyond hope, maybe there is a future, but we’ll have to wait and see."

And I'm not saying she's dead, alive, or what, but I think she's not done in Rebels yet.

Absolutely! But he also said he left open ends for others to tie in. That means, if other people want to make Ahsoka staying alive, than there is this open interpretation of "she walked away". And for the option of she died, there is this "walking into the sunset". All he is actually saying is, she is gone for good from the Rebels show. - Personal note, we'll see about this, since she is indeed his dear pet. You don't let your most beloved toy just lay around.


From my point of view it is the same George RR Martin did with his prominent GoT characters. Take them out as long as they still have a great story and make room for another to grow. There is no doubt, as long as Ahsoka was in the show it was the Ahsoka and the Rebel Band show, even if she apeared once in a while. The best scenes in Season 2 were mostly spinned around Ahsoka. If Dave Filoni is the great storyteller some of us assume to be, he'll let her rest.

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Viewed the episode 2 times now, on the note of Ahsoka's fate; well I don't think she is dead. Vader looked pretty banged up, taken. Up to this episode Ahsoka is the only one, as far as we know, who managed to inflict Marks of Contact on Vader, mind you that I separate Anakin from Vader in this description. Ahsoka managed a Shiim or maybe several and, yes, it's inferior to all other Marks of contact, but a significant accomplishment against a powerful opponent!! We see a glimpse of Ahsoka as Vader leaves the temple and, as Filoni states, Vader is stronger than Ahsoka; so the question is - What kind of Marks of Contact did he manage to inflict on Ahsoka? but dead, nah, to much story that remains to be told here, they won't make the same mistake twice, the first being killing of Boba Fett in RotJ!!


And as for the debate on Vader's saber skill, I would say that they kept it true to the style and form that was presented in the OTs, only with higher intensity! And a discussion thereof really boils down to a subjective interpretation of what we all see, as is the fate of Ahsoka really! And how much I love to see how they merge the OTs with TCW in this episode.


The one moment that sticks to memory the most tho is another kind, it is the one with a blinded Kanaan wearing a temple guard helmet and in a moment becoming one with the Force, trusting his instincts, letting the Force guide him in the parrying and countering of Mauls attacks. In that way dismissing Maul pretty much in the same way Vader dismisses Kanaan in this seasons first episode - that my friends was an epic moment in this seasons finale!!!

Edited by t-darko
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The two last episodes of Rebels were indeed the strongest ones we ever saw from many standpoints. A lot of developments were made for Kanan, Ezra, Maul, Vader and Ahsoka. Some ties from TCW were bound, others werd cut lose.


After reading of what will come to Season 3 I am thrilled to know more about Sabine and her geting more important in the story.

Edited by Isnogut
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The two last episodes of Rebels were indeed the strongest ones we ever saw from many standpoints. A lot of developments were made for Kanan, Ezra, Maul, Vader and Ahsoka. Some ties from TCW were bound, others werd cut lose.


After reading of what will come to Season 3 I am thrilled to know more about Sabine and her geting more important in the story.


My question is, are we going to start seeing more of the Rebel alliance now from what we've seen in the movies, even if it's only Cameos like Red Squadron, Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis, maybe see Ackbar, and who knows maybe it's the Ghost team that rescues him?


Might even see Galen Marrek slide into the show?! Ram Kota? Some big possibilities out there. See Boba Fett some?


Really hoping season 3 really opens up the story more much like season 2 did.

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My question is, are we going to start seeing more of the Rebel alliance now from what we've seen in the movies, even if it's only Cameos like Red Squadron, Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis, maybe see Ackbar, and who knows maybe it's the Ghost team that rescues him?


Might even see Galen Marrek slide into the show?! Ram Kota? Some big possibilities out there. See Boba Fett some?


Really hoping season 3 really opens up the story more much like season 2 did.


Don't expect anything from TFU to make it into Rebels, ESPECIALLY Galen.


Boba Fett has a decent shot though.

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I've stated before that it was too early to kill off Ahsoka. If Rebels hypothetically ran for like 8 seasons than something like Season death would be more appropriate.


Rumors are already swirling Rebels might be done after 3 seasons with a new series in development.


Those are just rumors, but Freddie Prinze Jr. said he thought ideally they could go for 5 seasons.


We'll see.

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Rumors are already swirling Rebels might be done after 3 seasons with a new series in development.


Those are just rumors, but Freddie Prinze Jr. said he thought ideally they could go for 5 seasons.


We'll see.


I don't think they could really bridge the gap between rebels and OT (or rogue one for that matter) in just one more season. 5 does seem more realistic.


Like you said though, we'll see.

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