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SW:Rebels - season II


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Yes, but Bane could have lived 2000 years before, and been a thousand years between the creation of the Rule of Two and the "extinction" of the Sith. We just don't know.


It's probably still sitting at around 1,000 years, I just imagine that Bane's holocrons or memoirs were dug up by Jedi at some point. The Rule of Two was likely mentioned, and scholars concluded that it was an idea of Bane's before his death. Then when Maul surfaced, Yoda connected the dots. There had to be a master.

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Yes, but Bane could have lived 2000 years before, and been a thousand years between the creation of the Rule of Two and the "extinction" of the Sith. We just don't know.


With the clean slate of the new Canon, this was one thing I've been hoping they would make a point to change from the Legends continuity.


If the Sith has already existed for any length of time before the Rule of Two began, and the Rule of Two was implemented at roughly the same time that the Jedi believed the Sith went "extinct", then it's a bit of a stretch that the Jedi would immediately believe the Sith would be operating under the Rule of Two the first time they hear about them again, 1,000 years later.


Having that knowledge about how the Sith operate - and firmly believing it's how they'd still be operating a millenium later - just would make so much more sense if the Jedi had been fighting the them in their "one master, one apprentice" form for a significant length of time before the Jedi believed they went extinct.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Yeah it looks like they're heavily following the events from KOTOR with his Malachor stuff, good on Dave Filoni :)


I dunno. I haven't played KOTOR games, but the story I read about Malachor in KOTOR time, didn't left me with the idea of world like that.


Honestly, when I saw the planet the first time during the old mid-season trailer, with the dark sky, grey ground and carbonized statue people, I thought it was Ziost.

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I dunno. I haven't played KOTOR games, but the story I read about Malachor in KOTOR time, didn't left me with the idea of world like that.


Honestly, when I saw the planet the first time during the old mid-season trailer, with the dark sky, grey ground and carbonized statue people, I thought it was Ziost.


Considering the name Malachor is used in the Star Wars universe for hell ("There is no way in Malachor I'm doing...") I'd say desolate landscape is about right.

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Yeah it looks like they're heavily following the events from KOTOR with his Malachor stuff, good on Dave Filoni :)


I'm personally open minded about this one, but I would temper those expectations.


Pablo Hildalgo stated on Rebels Recon that Malachor is canon, but specifically stated KOTOR still is not.


Filoni also stated that they wrote a history for Malachor so they would know what happened there.


If anything this leads me to believe that this is going to be a situation like Korriban/Morriband which pointlessly irritates EU fans by name dropping something we know and love, but changes it so the current crew can put their own stamp on it.




On a side note, that clip actually made me wince with the ham-fisted writing.


When Ezra asks who won the battle and Ahsoka replies "From what I can tell, nobody won".


I sincerely hope that's not indicative of the writing quality and the theme for the finale.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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As for the previous event on our canonized Malachor we got this from Wookieepedia; "Thousands of years before the brewing war between the First Order and the Resistance, the Great Scourge of Malachor occurred on the planet, causing a great amount of devastation". I you the follow the link to Great Scourge of Malachor you get this! A search on Malachor on the official Starwars.com gives you this.


My guess; The significance of Malachor in the New Canon is really important AND a story yet to be told. We, slaves and nerds to KoToR(name of the new expansion?:eek:) are fairly familiar to the connection to Traya and Revan. However, the crossguard lightsaber only hinted in the old canon and not in the shape presented in TFA. Makes me wonder . . .


Now, it is very tantalizing to draw some hasty conclusions on what they will make Canon from Legends, but on the other hand they could chose to make a hard 180 away from Legends and come up with brand new stuff. Either way I would call the upcoming episode pretty much the good stuff:)

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Malachor was once a sith training academy before the time of revan, my guess is they'll focus on the sith/jedi war connection. and not touch on the events of revan beyond "we can assume it came later"


TLDR we're more likely to get info on the great hyperspace war then the mandalorian war

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Malachor was once a sith training academy before the time of revan, my guess is they'll focus on the sith/jedi war connection. and not touch on the events of revan beyond "we can assume it came later"


TLDR we're more likely to get info on the great hyperspace war then the mandalorian war


At this time, the Great Hyperspace War, Mandalorian War, Jedi Civil War etc. all do not exist anymore.


While I do hope they canonize Revan, don't get your hopes up.

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I think Ahsoka is dead, I don't think she could have survived that or escaped. However at least she died a noble death sacrificing herself for the Rebels and so Vader couldn't get the Holocron.


Maul was my highlight though, he was awesome. I hate how TCW took away his double bladed saber, he absolutely crushed the inquisitors, I guess the third one can still be alive though actually I am counting on it. But everything about Maul was very well done, very deceptive I think he actually had them convinced for a bit they had the same goal.


I didn't think anything was going to happen to Kanan, guess I was wrong about that though :p



Oh and the moment with Anakins voice and part of his face was very powerful.

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That was total f'ing epic.


I don't think Ahsoka is dead though - didn't we see her walking into the temple at the end, right after we saw Vader walking out? Unless that was her force ghost?


Hmm it's possible she learned that ability from Kenobi or Yoda

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Hmm if Vader got the kill on Ahsoka, I wonder could we see Obi-Wan possibly come out of hiding to kill Maul?


I think they really showed that Vader is better than the old movies give him credit for, he's quite fast and strong.


Old Kenobi could use some justice :p

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Interview with Dave Filoni on the events of the finale... I think Ahsoka is a ghost maybe


That interview essentially confirms what I thought at the beginning of the season, Filoni wouldn't kill his pet Ahsoka.


Disappointing, but I was happy with the fight - Vader owned her.


Other than Vader, Maul was obviously the best part of the show, hands down. Sam Witwer is by far the best voice actor on the show.

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The rule of two was canon long before, in The Phantom Menace when Yoda talks to Windu "Always two there are, a master and an apprentice"


It just made it canon that Bane was responsible for the creation of the Rule of Two.


The novel for The Phantom Menace was the where Darth Bane was first mentioned, and where he was named as the creator of the Rule of Two. He's a creation of Lucas, as is Darth Ruin, Lucas' founder of the Sith who was the leader of a group of fallen Jedi.


Fortunately, because it was never explicitly stated either by Lucas, or in any published works, that any pre existing Sith were no longer canon, then the EU adapted to Darth Ruin as being the leader of another schism of the Jedi Order, as opposed to the first Sith.



Ah the torture, normally I can get the episodes early on Wednesday, but it's not out yet...


And of course Disney XD is restricted to the US, the bastards.


<cough> internet <cough> less than legal means <cough>... :rod_wink_p:

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*** is Darth Maul made of he is worse then a roach this guy never dies.


You could say the same for Vader. Survives getting his arms and legs cut off, then set on fire. Survives the destruction of the first Death Star, survives the two AT-STs falling on him, and now he's survived a sith temple exploding at point blank range.


Maul is fine, and the Clone Wars and Rebels have been far better because of his participation quite frankly.

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*** is Darth Maul made of he is worse then a roach this guy never dies. Well now I wonder if the master is not Darth Maul. I am speaking of supreme leader Snoke of course.


The first time was kind of ridiculous... I mean sure the legs I could understand in a Vader situation but falling that far and somehow attaching himself to some Spider thing is just weird and shouldn't have happened.



But if they go with that than you can't really expect a drop off some temple to kill him.

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