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New Stormtrooper armor from The Force Awakens.


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Stormies got a sidearm as well now?:eek:


They already had a sidearm. The E-11 doubled as both a sidearm and main weapon due to it's folding stock, could be wielded like a pistol or rifle. It's a very versatile and powerful blaster, one of the best produced.


I can already tell the writers didn't pay much attention to the old EU in regards to technology, they are making some changes that don't really need to be. But it's apart of the new EU, so...I guess they don't have to use old EU, but really the Stormtroopers don't need a sidearm because the E-11 was just that too.


Then again the other sidearm could be for when a trooper loses his main one and has a backup, so I guess it's not too bad. Although I can still see a sort of folding stock in the picture if you compare it to an E-11 picture, so it probably still doubles as a pistol/rifle.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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They already had a sidearm. The E-11 doubled as both a sidearm and main weapon due to it's folding stock, could be wielded like a pistol or rifle. It's a very versatile and powerful blaster, one of the best produced.


I can already tell the writers didn't pay much attention to the old EU in regards to technology, they are making some changes that don't really need to be. But it's apart of the new EU, so...I guess they don't have to use old EU, but really the Stormtroopers don't need a sidearm because the E-11 was just that too.


Then again the other sidearm could be for when a trooper loses his main one and has a backup, so I guess it's not too bad. Although I can still see a sort of folding stock in the picture if you compare it to an E-11 picture, so it probably still doubles as a pistol/rifle.


I would argue the E-11 was never really a side arm 90% of the time the stock was folded but due to it's bulk/balance it was wielded with both hands for accuracy. additionally in the source material some Troopers were nown to complain about it's excessive recoil. Look at it like a short barrel 12 gauge shot gun with a folding stock. You would NEVER fire that one handed just because the stock was folded.


As for troopers having side arms... it makes sense... IF the Storm Troopers are going to be what they were supposed to be. Elite Special forces. If they are just going to be "soldiers" you simply do not go to expense of giving everyone a Battle Rifle AND a sidearm.

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Except when they are shooting at Luke, han and Leia... then they can't hit the broad side of a barn lol


They hit Leia and R2 on Endor, one of em even hit a fast moving speeder bike with one hand. A single Scout Trooper gave Han hell in H2H and pretty much floored him with one punch.


In fact honestly, just by movies, Stormtroopers had better accuracy showings than the Clones did....yeah, so Stormtroopers didn't have crap aiming. They were noted as better than Sand People, who were tagging/destroying Podracers.


Although I can agree on the E-11 bit, but it did double as a pistol and rifle, just the rifle stock wasn't used much...strange enough that really, I guess I could try and see the books if they use it.


Anyway /Shrug yeah, Stormtroopers should still be elite troopers, I'm hoping the Imperial Army Troopers make a return in either the novels or comics, while they weren't shown as much, they were still very much awesome going by info and what little showings they do have.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Didn't help in ROTJ!


Yeah because a parody is accurate....k, but if ya look at info, the Ewoks had to get the exposed black areas/joints that were vulnerable with the spears/arrows. In other works, you have Stormtroopers withstanding hypersonic bullets, getting up like nothing happened and continuing to fight.

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Except when they are shooting at Luke, han and Leia... then they can't hit the broad side of a barn lol


You forget Heros in star wars wear Plot Armor underpanties, the most powerful armor known in any universe! With thier panties on they can take on a star destoryer one on one and win. Rebel troopers however do not get these and in every movie you seem them getting beat by stormtroopers. Ewoks, being the cute aliens, get a lesser form of Plot Armor.. thier fur is blaster resistant.

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I don't know why all the negative talk about this armor set...I had a Star Wars wedding ... I watch the original trilogy still to this day over and over and over again. Been that way since 85' for me. I think this set looks sleek and very deserving of the Star Wars Trooper title.
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You forget Heros in star wars wear Plot Armor underpanties, the most powerful armor known in any universe! With thier panties on they can take on a star destoryer one on one and win. Rebel troopers however do not get these and in every movie you seem them getting beat by stormtroopers. Ewoks, being the cute aliens, get a lesser form of Plot Armor.. thier fur is blaster resistant.


Actually no, the Stormtroopers were killing Ewoks according to the script, we just never seen it in the movie. Then of course also the AT-STs doing damage, the battle was in the Empire's favor up until Chewie came and hijacked one of the walkers.

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