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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Subscriber Rewards/events for Star Wars 7?


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After the Emperor is dealt with, his destruction will cause a massive rift in the time-space continuum of our era, and by some miracle, our heroes will travel in time, and see themselves in 30 ABY or so, ready to look down in the face of yet another evil, twice as mean and powerful as the other one.


Just wait and see. Wait and see.

Of course, this will be just some sorry and lame excuse for BW Austin to introduce the Darth Vader armor set.


I honestly wouldn`t be surprised is such a new enemy will be pullt out to have another storyline being the same for both factions.


The more I think about it the more I really see how much of a dumb the story took after Oricon.

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I'm just curious what people think the subscriber rewards or events are going to happen (if any) for the Star Wars 7 release in December? I know this game is like 1000 years before the movies (and 8 months away) but I still think it would be cool to have something going on. Maybe a mini Death Star pet, or get the devs thinking about some ideas. What would you like to see happen?


I dunno, but I do know I'll be a lot more interested in the new Battlefront than this malnourished game.

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call it wishful thinking but ive got to believe that leading up to and with the release of the new film we will see massive changes in the game.


would it shock anyone if it moved away from the old republic timeframe and into something to coincide with the new releases? more of a SW online?


i personally hope they do something like that.. keep it relevant.. not file everything into a "new" fps game that isnt new and dont leave us MMO people out in the cold.


they have an amazing opportunity here with this game.. the new moves, SW being as popular as ever... if they do it right, we will be set for years!!!

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I'm not sure what to expect. I think they will do something for the movie release. It may not have anything to do with the movie itself but the IP.


Best case prediction. A new planet/daily area with an op or 2. Think Oricon.


More realistic prediction: Double XP Week or maybe even 12X Class Mission XP Week.


Disappointing prediction: A pet and a stack of fireworks.

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^^THIS^^ They can close SWTOR down for good once Battlefront is released. I can't wait!!!


the original wasnt all that... trust me or go get it yourself.

as an fps its going up against the biggest games on the planet, the star wars name alone wont change that

that game has nothing whatever to do with this one but a similar lore basis.

i think some of you are in for a big disappointment.

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Nah....it's at least gotta last till we get the Star Wars SP-RPG :D


And I think the rewards will be a gungan target dummy lol


Well there is that mystery SW game Bioware is mentioned in creating, as well as another in Visceral studios. I wouldn't really suspect until maybe after their mass effect 4 game comes out though. Who knows.

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the original wasnt all that... trust me or go get it yourself.

as an fps its going up against the biggest games on the planet, the star wars name alone wont change that

that game has nothing whatever to do with this one but a similar lore basis.

i think some of you are in for a big disappointment.


ATATs? *check

Tanks? *check

Airspeeders? *check

Speeders? *check

Spacebattles? *check

Blasters? *check

Old planets like Hoth and Endor? *check


Slightly disappointed the 3rd person perspective isn't returning but hardly a deal breaker. It would be very hard for EA/ DICE to screw it up for me.

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