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how is the smuggler story?


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Honestly? Having played all of the stories, I found that the Smuggler story by itself was quite possible THE single most uninteresting and uninspired one.


*However*, the Smuggler dialogue is by far the funniest of any of the classes, and they even have tailored Smuggler-specific snark dialogue options for a lot of the regular planet (non-story) quests.


So, even though the story itself wasn't interesting, I was still constantly interested in leveling my Smuggler because I just loved the way she interacted with people! And heck, I'll take a character who actually breathes new life and interest into all of the planet quests I've done six times before, even if the class story is lacking!


Your mileage may vary, of course.

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The Smuggler has great characters. The Smuggler him/herself, the companions, and even a few of the third party NPCs are all fun, and Chapter 1 has a wonderful villain. There's a lot of good one-liners.


The overall plot is much less interesting, especially Chapter 2 onward.

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The Smuggler has great characters. The Smuggler him/herself, the companions, and even a few of the third party NPCs are all fun, and Chapter 1 has a wonderful villain. There's a lot of good one-liners.


The overall plot is much less interesting, especially Chapter 2 onward.


this is totally true, personally i found the smuggler story feeling a bit less ''crucial'' compared to the others..i'm not saying that it's not well done, but it's like watching sideshow life..you are a pirate and a smuggler /end.


if you have not done imp agent do that, if you are doing something like imp agent/sniper and smuggler/scoundrel give it a go and see if you like it to keep you on planets and such...

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Honestly? Having played all of the stories, I found that the Smuggler story by itself was quite possible THE single most uninteresting and uninspired one.


*However*, the Smuggler dialogue is by far the funniest of any of the classes, and they even have tailored Smuggler-specific snark dialogue options for a lot of the regular planet (non-story) quests.


So, even though the story itself wasn't interesting, I was still constantly interested in leveling my Smuggler because I just loved the way she interacted with people! And heck, I'll take a character who actually breathes new life and interest into all of the planet quests I've done six times before, even if the class story is lacking!


Your mileage may vary, of course.


I agree... Story...meh (especially chapter 1) dialogue though was funny as heck.

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Exactly my thought Timorelle!

A suggestion also, if you don't mind playing a female character, then make your character female.


There is an epic opportunity you can do at your first chapter boss fight as a female smugler, which I don't want to miss.

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lol people are sleeping on the smuggler. Yea it doesn`t have the "OMG You are so amazing" type. Its lighthearted yet still good, very adventurous feel but it does have some nice and interesting dark/light choices. The story arcs are actually a lot of fun (especially chapter one) You do feel really good being lightside but there is also a great satisfaction for being dark side.


I would go so far as to say that it definitely has the best chapter 1 from all republic classes. And even chapter 2 and 3 are way better than a story like Trooper.

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I agree with the consensus - great characters throughout, great dialogue throughout, great 1st chapter...after that the story wanes.


True but it still offers nice flirts with NPCs, good companion interaction and fun cutscenes. And quite a few cool and funny dark/light choices.

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To me, it felt like a vehicle for pithy one-liners more than anything else, with the actual story tacked on as an afterthought. Your mileage may vary on how much you enjoy the Smuggler's sense of humour, personally, I prefer the Inquisitor's.


And yet most of the republic planetary story arcs were still better than the other classes. Maybe there was more thought put into counsular and trooper story but that doesn`t do anything if those story are simply not that fun to play out. (especially Trooper) The smuggler had some pretty nead ideas in many story arcs. It always felt fresh which you can`t say with many of the other story arcs from other classes.

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