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Match making is total c**p


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Ok I accept that there are no much player for GSF but match making is total s**t. Last 10 times in 2 weeks (btw I'm in queue very frequent) when I join GSF pvp in the republic the situation is like this: Full team with just fresh ships vs whole empire team with totally upgraded ships (5 ships) and guess what, you can't do anything. Please do something about that is really annoying. Btw Server - TOFN. Edited by podmatrix
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The problem is that GSF generally lacks pilots. Right now, every attempt to improve matchmaking would result in a much longer time in the queue. IMO the rewards and benefits of playing GSF should be improved first to attract more pilots. But I agree, a better matchmaking algorithm will be absolutely necessary, sooner or later. Edited by Teiichi
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That does sound very frustrating.


Truth is, no one's quite sure how the (alleged) matchmaking works for GSF.


The only thing I could suggest would be to move to one of the servers with a large pool of GSF pilots. Biggest ones seem to be The Ebon Hawk and The Bastion. That, or just stick it out and try to convince other pilots to do the same until matches are more even.

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You can see, that matchmaking algorithm is not optimal, when the match is composed only from players from one faction and you know, that you could do a better job manually (even, when you take group queue restriction into account)


Intra-faction match making seems pretty good to me, especially if all the top players queue individually. I have seen some clearly bad matches, but it is not common. I suspect bad same faction matches happen due to dropped queues. For example, one member of a group is not back at the key board or somehow was not in the queue, so they all drop the queue. Oops, an 8 vs 6 just became and 8 vs 2 with 4 beginners back filled.


It is doubtful that problem in the original post is going to be solved by changing the match making equation, even with increasing queue times, possibly to the point of killing the queues. The developers might be able to help the problem on the tutorial side of things.

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On my server (Jar'Kai Sword), there is never more than one GSF match open at a time, so I am glad that when enough pilot queue at all! I would love cross server matches, and then the who is matched against whom becomes interesting.


You know, I can say the same for Jung Ma. I'm just happy when there's a pop! I am nearly always queued for GSF when I'm logged in. I *still* haven't gotten Fleet Admiral on Jung Ma, where my main character lives. On The Ebon Hawk, my ships still aren't too strong but it only took four months for me to get Fleet Admiral. Go figure.


Cross-server queues would be wonderful!

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