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Everything posted by Teiichi

  1. If you want to progress through Ravagers & ToS SM & HM prior to the 4.0 expansion, go for the merc or the sniper. While the disadvantages in the current content are partly tolerable, most HM groups won't take Melee DPS with them, even more so when it's a PUG. With a Range DPS, finding groups is much easier right now. However, since BioWare announced that all Operations will be boosted to the new level cap with 4.0, you're pretty much free to do what you want. If you don't want to clear the current HM content before October, play the Class and Discipline you like. You're better off that way, really. Expecting that most Operation tactics will stay the same, Melee DPS will become more common again.
  2. Deception is a decent DPS spec in both PvE and PvP right now, though it could still take a gentle push towards higher damage. Many players just see the selfheal from Hatred (which got a big nerf in the past) and automatically think it's the superior spec, which it's not (even more so when 3.3 hits). Hatred certainly has it's advantages, but so does Deception. Its burst is extremely useful to put the opposing heals under pressure and provide your team an opportunity to break through them. Both disciplines can handle themselves right now and, if properly played, aren't a burden for their team at all. Concerning the sin you encountered, I'd say he either had a bad day (we all have 'em once upon a time) or is just bad at PvP in general, seeing as he disadvantages his entire team for a silly 1v1 that is better handled outside of Warzones.
  3. I'd endure tons of yolos just to get a decent lightsaber pike for my sin. Great idea! They seem to have a bit of trouble to get new ideas for normal sabers anyway, so why not go for a change with a pike or some sort of vibrosword? I'm sure that I'm not the only one who would appreciate some variety.
  4. Pretty much this. I'd have loved to see someone actively continuing Traya's research, but Vitiate intends something entirely else. Traya just wanted to kill the Force as a whole, thus leaving behind a living galaxy without it's influence. AFAIK Vitiate is not immortal yet (though very close to it) and thinks that if he consumes the life of the whole galaxy, he can take the last step to true immortality. I don't know whether it actually works that way or not, but seeing as he's somewhat of a force entity by now, killing the force would be a pretty bad idea.
  5. Bei manchen Klassen ändern sich nicht viele Fähigkeiten, sodass man häufig nicht allzu viel umbelegen muss. Ein meiner Meinung nach gutes Beispiel ist der Sith-Juggernaut. Ich spiele hauptsächlich mit der Disziplin Wut (DD), wechsele aber für schnellere Gruppenfinder-Ergebnisse gern auf Unsterblichkeit (Tank). Abgesehen von einer Fähigkeit, die ich dann schnell zur Seite ziehe, kann ich alles genau so lassen, wie es ist, und es funktioniert gut. Die eigentliche Schwierigkeit liegt wohl eher darin, sich an die neue Anordnung zu gewöhnen, was einen auch schnell dazu motivieren kann, zur alten Gewohnheit zurückzukehren.
  6. Das kommt ganz darauf an, was dir liegt und was du gern in SWTOR unternehmen würdest. Wenn du nur die verschiedenen Geschichten erleben und nebenbei vielleicht ein paar Instanzen spielen willst, reicht F2P vollkommen. Willst du hingegen den Endcontent komplett und auch über eine längere Zeitspanne erleben, rate ich dir zu einem Abonnement.
  7. I agree. Reading through the posts of you guys, I don't think anymore that a seat in the Dark Council would be a good idea. At least not in the position the SW is in right now. That said, I really like the idea of the SW taking a path similar to the one Malgus took. Instead of ascending in the Dark Council, the SW would make ties with the Imperial Military to crush the Republic and the Jedi Order. Whether that results in the SW becoming the head of a new Imperial Guard or not would be another matter, then. Or they could give the player the choice to either lead the Imperial Military in the offensive or defend the Sith Empire from within through a renewed Imperial Guard. As to the matter of the SW being a Darth or not - there was no official granting, that much we know. But AFAIK the title of Darth was never an official title, anyway. I think it's more of a personal choice to wear the title, weighing out if one has amassed enough power to consider himself a Darth or not. In the SW's case, slaughtering your own master (who was about to become the most influential Sith in the Empire) before the Dark Council is an appropriate demonstration of power to convince oneself of being ready to wear the title. If the Wrath isn't considered a Darth by now, I don't think it will happen in the future. It would feel kind of awkward to be granted the title while I've been running around with it since the end of chapter 3.
  8. Once upon a time I was playing around with the Outfit Designer last night and stumbled over the Frenzied Zealot Body Armor. It has a very impressive color combination IMO (one that we still lack as a Dye Module) and I wanted to use it on my Juggernaut. Unfortunately, the natural dye of the armor seems to be somewhat touchy right now, let me show you: That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. (imgur.com) As you can see, the parts that are supposed to be red are black and vice versa. This not only happens to the leggings and gauntlets, but to all armor parts that are affected by the Unify Colors option. Now the common answer to such cosmetical things is well-known to all of us. BUT BEWARE! Here is how it looks with a dye module: Yeeeah. That's puberty for armor dyes right there! (imgur.com) This is not an individual case. I've seen this behaviour on other chest pieces and I even get the feeling that natural dyes in general are somewhat broken. It's very unfortunate that we can't use the natural dyeing and are somewhat forced to dye the hell outta these chest pieces. There are some ways how we might be able to solve this problem: Provide an inverted version of the Unify Colors option. This is the suggestion that I thought is both practical and not too heavy on programming. I don't see any possibility to exploit this kind of solution and it shouldn't be too hard to implement it. If deemed necessary, you could limit the inverted version to only work for non-dyed chest pieces. This is my personal favourite. Fix the broken natural dyeing on these chest pieces. This suggestion avoids the implementation of a new Outfit Designer feature but will be a bit heavier on programming IMO. Many of the broken chest pieces have a complex dyeing and I don't know how much time this would take. Ignore the matter entirely. Please don't do that one. I'm open for other approaches, so if you think there's another way to solve it, tell me and I'll add it to the list. I do hope one of the devs takes notice of this, even though it's only a small problem compared to others. Thanks for reading anyway!
  9. It figures that this was one of his primary objectives from the start. I always thought that it was way too generous from Baras to give Quinn such a reward, seeing as being appointed to a post of choice is something most Imperial officers dreamed of.
  10. So, I think we all agree on that the Emperor will be dealt with, despite his impressive demonstration of power on Ziost. We will take him down sooner or later, and the war between Empire and Republic will most likely continue (or another third party will rise against both once more). One of my two mains is a Neutral/DS Juggernaut and I was very excited that we can make a move against the Emperor and his Hand on Rishi. The whole story on Ziost felt like the SW, at this point called the 'Wrath of the Empire/Emperor', is the only one who can truly oppose Vitiate, mainly because it thrilled me almost the same as it did back in Chapter 3; the apprentice attempts to overshadow the master. As I said, we will eventually stop Vitiate. What I ask myself is: what will happen to the SW after that? Prior to the revelation of the Emperor's betrayal, his Wrath was known to have as much authority as any other member of the Dark Council, if not more. But what now? Though Marr seems to respect him and somewhat desires his allegiance, I'm starting to think that the SW will lose influence (and thus power) if we stick with the title of 'the Wrath' and do not return to the power levels of the Sith Empire. Instead of eventually being nothing more than a soldier with a lightsaber, IMO the SW should attempt to gain a seat in the Dark Council, which I think will now officially be the governing power. These are some ideas that I thought to be the most likely solutions: Let the SW take a seat in the Dark Council. Why not the seat of his former master Darth Baras, the Sphere of Military Offense? It would fit into the nature of the SW and AFAIK is unclaimed at this point of the story. Make the SW the head of a new Imperial/Dark Council Guard. Seeing as the former Imperial Guard is most likely to vanish due to its absolute loyalty to the Emperor, it needs to be replaced with a similar organization, aligned to the Empire and the Dark Council. So, what do you all think? Are there other ideas that you thought of? Or do you think that the Wrath should stay the way he/she is right now? It's my favourite class and I'm excited to read what other people think about these things. Tell me!
  11. Very nice vision indeed, it reminded me of Malgus' epic speech when Grand Moff Regus and the player listen to his first holonet transmission. Or Saresh's speech after the imperial questline on Makeb. I can certainly imagine a strengthened empire with the Dark Council on it's head, slowly, but steadily recovering from the multiple setbacks. And the Sith Warrior as head of the new Imperial Guard would be awesome!
  12. Just Keep an eye on the Dev Tracker and you should be fine, it's much easier that way than searching repetitively through the different sub forums. I can confirm improvements in the connection quality. Been playing four hours yesterday evening with 30-50ms and no red dots at all (T3-M4). No Pingzapper, WTFast or similar Software installed. Thanks for the heads-up, Tait.
  13. They would have to change the animations for the wrist rockets and flamethrowers as well, then. Even though I get where you're coming from, these animations are part of what makes the BH so special IMO. Another solution might be to edit and relocate the rocket animation to the shoulder rocket launcher.
  14. The problem is that GSF generally lacks pilots. Right now, every attempt to improve matchmaking would result in a much longer time in the queue. IMO the rewards and benefits of playing GSF should be improved first to attract more pilots. But I agree, a better matchmaking algorithm will be absolutely necessary, sooner or later.
  15. Meiner Meinung nach gäbe es noch ein paar Punkte, die verbessert/implementiert werden sollten, sortiert nach Wichtigkeit: GSF attraktiver machen, neue Spieler anlocken! Mehr und bessere Belohnungen, z. B. eigene Ruffraktion mit GSF-exklusiven Rüstungen, Waffen, Titeln und ähnlichem. Besseres Matchmaking für weniger Frustration bei Einsteigern, basierend auf der gesamten GSF-Spielzeit oder der insgesamt verdienten Requisition eines Charakters. Neue Maps! Diese könnte man auch gut an die Schauplätze neuer Spielerweiterungen anknüpfen, z. B. Schlacht über Ziost. Neue Modi! Capture the Flag wäre eine sehr bekannte Variante, Bombing Run eignet sich ebenfalls sehr. Simulationslevel zum Testen neuer Builds, z. B. mit Dummys. Viel mehr brauchen wir IMO noch nicht, denn die momentanen Klassen sind größtenteils balanced und jedes Schiff lässt sich vernünftig fliegen, sofern man ein wenig Hirnkapazität in die Builds steckt.
  16. You are right, not even the biggest gunship or bomber models get close to the player ships. I initially had the models from the old space missions in mind, which seem to be only about twice as big as a scout.
  17. It would be extremely cool to fly the personal starship in GSF, though ...
  18. Thats one of the big problems in the endcontent of the game. Most people are playing to level 55 with normal and class-specified questline and begin listing their characters in the group finder then; not even knowing anything about their class, DPS / HPS or treat management.
  19. Hey guys, I remembered about this when I equipped my second Marauder with two Vibroswords. When pulling the swords in (e.g. after a fight) the animation of two vibroswords works well but after that the Second/Offhandsword disappears or despawns so that just the Mainhand is visible on the back off the character. I made a bunch of screenshots to show clearly what I mean: In Fight Pulling Swords in Out of fight I do not think that fixing this little thing would create that much of work as the "pull in" animation works as well. This bug is well known and exists from the very beginning of SWTOR so I'm pretty sure there would be plenty of players which would be happy to get this graphical bug fixed soon. Hope I could convince you guys that this little but important detail has to get fixed. Vibroswords are (as well as lightsabers) a very important part of the visual appearance of the game especially for the (technically) sequel of KotOR. P.s.: Sorry if my grammar is not the best but I hope you guys can understand the core of my suggestion. ^^ Greetings, Teiichi
  20. Wer mit dem neuen Setbonus instant die Prädation zündet und auf die 4% Schadensbonus verzichtet darf sich dann aber auch nicht über DPS Verlust beschweren ... Sicher freuen sich die Heiler wenn ihnen die Arbeit leichter gemacht wird, dabei muss man aber bedenken dass der Bosskampf in die Länge gezogen wird je weniger Schaden man austeilt, folglich müssen die Heiler noch mehr machen. Und die 4% sind schon spürbar.
  21. UND man bei den meisten Questreihen ohnehin Kleine und Erhebliche Erfahrungsschübe als Questbelohnung erhält. Ein Kauf scheint also ziemliche Geldverschwendung zu sein, aber jedem das seine.
  22. I searched in the internet for the Hardened Ultrachrome Vest and the Ablative Ultrachrome Vest now for a bunch of days and still don't know where I could find them. Some sites say they are quest rewards but still don't tell from which quest you can get them. I asked for it at TORHEAD already, but I think it couldn't hurt if I ask here too. Does anyone here know about this vests (or just one of them) and could tell me where you found or earned them? Thanks in advance and have a nice weekend! LG
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