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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HK-51 Legacy/Account Unlock


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It's been a while now after the quest first release, I was wondering if there's an option now to pay for account wide unlock (like treek) without having to pay again and again for each character?



1. i already have HK on 1 character

2. i search around forum and i haerd about this 900cc unlock, is that an unlock to initialize / start the questline or an unlock to unlock hk-51 account wide

Edited by Gamemaniax
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It's been a while now after the quest first release, I was wondering if there's an option now to pay for account wide unlock (like treek) without having to pay again and again for each character?



1. i already have HK on 1 character

2. i search around forum and i haerd about this 900cc unlock, is that an unlock to initialize / start the questline or an unlock to unlock hk-51 account wide


I do not anything about a 900CC unlock. The section X unlock is only 375 CC's, although that appears to be character specific. It might be that an account wide section X unlock is 900CC.


There is no option to obtain HK-51 on subsequent characters without either:

A) paying either 1,000,000 credits, or 350 CC's per character or

B) doing the quest chain again on those subsequent characters

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I wouldn't object to being able to pay a one-time fee like I did with Treek to be able to instantly get HK on any character account-wide (or even just legacy-wide). But so long as the only unlock is the one that's per character, I would 1000% much rather just run the quest again on every single character instead.


Anyway... It's kind of weird and annoying how they display both of those companion unlocks in the legacy menu. It shows them in among the unlocks that apply legacy-wide, but those unlocks are only for the ability to unlock the copies of their unlocks located in "character perks" (which is NOT legacy-wide). Technically this option for Treek is a completely different unlock from the one that actually is account-wide. The Treek character perk functions exactly the same as the HK character perk. It only affects that one character (but as I understand it (I have never used that option myself) you get the companion instantly without needing to go anywhere or talk to anybody). Treek's account-wide unlock is found by looking in collections for the Mercenary Contract and paying to unlock that for your account. Then you can pick up the "mission" (one short conversation) to pick up Treek from the Cartel Bazaar on any character on your account.


HK doesn't really have anything comparable to that. There's the Section X authorization, which is only relevant for non-subscribers because subscribers have it automatically, but that isn't exclusively about HK (it's about access to one of the game's dailies zones) and it's not like it shortcuts you past the HK part hunt (like the character perks do) anyway. It just means that you can enter the area where the mission pickup for his questline happens to be located.

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Cost of unlocking HK on alts after first aquisition - 1 million

Cost of unlocking Treek on alts after first aquisition - 300k


Cost of HK gifts - hundreds of thousands or mass Cartel pack dump; HK requires most expensive gifts (weapons) that only give half of affection other companions get from their favourite gifts, he doesn't have any gifts that he "loves". His affection gains from conversations are minimal and we can't grind it using old Belsavis dailies

Cost of Treek affection - minimal. Treek has max ("love") affection gain from favourite gifts as other companions, they're not as expensive as weapons for HK and on top of that around 4000 points are FREE just from basic conversations. Feed her cheap green gifts till 6000, do her basic conversations and affection is practically capped.


Something is quite not right here.


HK is the most time-consuming/expensive companion to aquire and hardest and most expensive to raise affection of, even compared to vanilla-game companions, let alone compared to Treek. These things are EASY to fix, I don't buy "hard to program" here at all. I would really like Bioware to change these few numbers around and make it easy to aquire and maintain HK, it's a bain in the butt at the moment. Bioware said they want to make other companions more utilized by the playerbase and avoid having Treek be the default go-to companion. Fixing HK should obviously be one of the main prorities here.

Edited by Pietrastor
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