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Mercs are crap in pvp.


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Sorry, but Merc/PT defensives are pretty much the same. On both my AP PT and my Arsenal Merc I have - 25% Shields DR, Kolto while under 40%, 30% DR while stunned and against AOE. My AP has 30% defense chance on sonic missile (I have to waste it if I want to use it as a taunt), and my merc has 5 charges to ignore force/tech attacks (Okay against focus, fantastic 1v1).


The only defensive my AP has over my arsenal is Energy Rebounder (which should be an innate defensive to Arsenal rather than have to use a utility...)


As for healing? It takes 10.5 seconds to fully unload SC for the maximum heal (if you use as such), for...14,700 health. Not bad 1v1, crap in group. To be fair, merc's current self-healing is crap too, but to say AP's SC heal is faster and stronger? Nah.


What needs to change is Merc's self-heals, and change the heroic utilities to better stuff. Most of merc's Heroic utilities are an utter joke. And, to be honest, it would be fantastic for Merc to have a root or at least a slow on 10-15s CD. Rocket punch root is crap because if they're in 4m of you, it's kind of too late to be trying to root them.


No, they are not the same.. yours are passive, i must take utility points to get them, that is not the same. your self heals are passive, mine require me to use GCDs... i could go on but its moot... i play both, and i live FAR longer on my PT under similar focus so even if i take the util points so no, they are not the same.


You are right on the self heals, all we need is a cooldown removed there but that still wont prevent the globals and focus.


As others have said i wish we could stop playing the stun meta game... give resolve back some bite and make them matter again rather than seeing lolslash spam over and over but i guess thats a dream.

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After playing around 100 solo ranked games the only thing I can see doing mercs any good is a type of focus break power as suggested by many others. My thought is a new utility, probably in the masterful tier. It can't be tied to diversion as that is already used in several specs, so how about reserve power cell?


Reserve Stealth Module: Activating Reserve Power Cell grants five seconds of Reserve Stealth Module. Same effect as force camo for sentinels.

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Except PTs are pretty much going to be focused constantly, hell in solos my VG gets focused fired first even when I'm on a team with a commando.


Simple : Because people KNOW what burst they can do -> First threat. It's not even "take down the Healer" nowadays anymore.


And that's the other side of the coin of playing a class considered overpowered by most people.


I am curious; are there still class reps for each class? Wasn't there at one point someone who interacted with the community and the devs about this sort of thing?


Not because they re-arranged the class forums.


And, honestly, what class representative would be there for PT ? :D

And even for Merc considered to be quite OP in PvE ...


As others have said i wish we could stop playing the stun meta game... give resolve back some bite and make them matter again rather than seeing lolslash spam over and over but i guess thats a dream.


My Gunslinger too often gets stunned AND destroyed at the same time ... By mostly PTs. Most of the time.

Or, even worse : By a duo consisting of PTs + Operatives. Lethal duo.


Apart from that, stun is the ONLY way other classes can survive high burst. Burst which is SO high that nothing is able to mitigate it. (Except Healers, maybe, but they are still focused a lot of times.)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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