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Stock night on Progenitor feedback....


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Just wanted to say that I had a great time - it really brought home how rusty I was and how much I enjoy GSF! - And how much my scout ships are tissue-thin without upgrades!


I expect to be out in the black a whole lot more in the near future. - I think I might keep my two rookies' ships un-upgraded in case we have another stock night - but level up a bit to unlock more crew options.



Rjani and Corralejo

say THX to everyone who made it such a fun and enjoyable experience. May the force be with you all!

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- but the crew options are more flexible for a level 50+ with Treek and HK than a level 15 with only their 1st companion and the generic crew options.


Not saying that any 1 crewman is better than another, but a higher level rookie pilot has more options at their disposal. - If we repeat a stock night this may be a better choice. I want with low-level characters to benefit from the XP gain TBH!


Hope that clears it up.


-Keep flyin'!

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but that is way the rule is you can only change your co-pilot. every1 stays with the base 4 comps.


i would also like to 2nd the original point. stock night was a blast. i had a lot of fun. i will try and bring more of Clawbird Squad for the next one.

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Storm-Cutter. Levelling your character to unlock additional crew members is against the Stock Night rules. Participants can only use the four STOCK crew members; the only change permitted is which of these four is the co-pilot. Companions unlocked by levelling are not stock. Here's the rule, with the pertinent phrase bolded and italicized:




All ships allowed provided they have stock components and crew. You may swap the copilot. Stock stays stock through the night! No upgrades of any kind!


So unless the rules change, I wouldn't bother levelling a character just for the purposes of Stock Night.


Hopefully I can join you all for one of these sometime. I'm tired of the cookie-cutter ship builds.

Edited by Ymris
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