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Turning Macrobinocular and Seeker droid missions to SoloMode


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personally i disagree, because already are 2manned

and as the game armor rating goes up very fast soon will be solo.


The mechanics of the missions don't allow them to be solo'd. That's the problem, else people could struggle through.

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personally i disagree, because already are 2manned

and as the game armor rating goes up very fast soon will be solo.


On the other hand heroic on Section X need to be soloed since the only need that has so far is the achievement.

rep points can do with out it, just the cap will come slower, also the weekly rewards are 100 % useless in lvl 60 ( 1 FPHM50 per DAY gives same basics)


The Heroics at the end suffer from the same problem Section X Heroic has where mechanics prevent completion.

Side note: Section X is still a good money maker.

Edited by FerkWork
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  • 2 weeks later...

The solution to this "problem" just like almost all the other "problems" is - have friends. This isn't a solo game, it's an MMO, and in an MMO you work with others.


It took me a few days to catch my guildmates in a good mood (or rather, had to wait for them to get off their frenetic 2xp leveling) and after that I had no problem doing the final heroics. Just have to be up-front and make sure they realize it takes a while as it involves actual puzzle solving. Most 60's in game will relish the idea of puzzles rather than yet another run through an op shooting/hitting stuff mindlessly.

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Yes, please! Its really annoying, because if didn't complete this content when it released you can't really do it at all.


I only leveled a 60 in the past month or so and got the quests and did them. 99% of it is a solo operatrion where you go places, and the final heroics do require some people to do - but all you need for that is to be in a guild that isn't full of idiots, but people who'll help you do things.

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  • 3 months later...



I don't have any issue with group content. I enjoy group content. But...


MMOs cater to a lot of different play styles. Solo/Flashpoints/Ops/PvP/Crafting/etc. Some people like to try a bit of everything while others only engage with one or two of the types of content the game offers. The game should respect that, and not try to force its players into a kind of content that they do not enjoy.


These are two fairly long quest chains that start out as solo missions and remain solo missions until the final heroics. I feel that this is a mistake. In a game focused on story, players who start a story-based quest chain that leads them through a long series of solo missions should not be forced to group to finish that chain.


Even for players, like me, who actually do enjoy grouping, this particular design of solo quest chain capped by a heroic is problematic. These quests are not repeatable content in the way that flashpoints and ops are. Once a player is finished with them, there is no real incentive to do them again. Some players may be nice and will help others finish, but for quests that have been around as long as the macrobinocular and seeker droid heroics have, the number of players looking to do them is fairly small. This makes it difficult for many players to finish unless they can strong-arm their friends into helping.


Simply put, I want to play through and enjoy these stories without pulling my hair out trying to find/put together a group to complete the final quests that let me see how these stories end.


Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to have to watch someone else finish the stories for me on youtube. :(

Edited by Jaryk
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I only leveled a 60 in the past month or so and got the quests and did them. 99% of it is a solo operatrion where you go places, and the final heroics do require some people to do - but all you need for that is to be in a guild that isn't full of idiots, but people who'll help you do things.


I agree with this 100% if you can't find 3 friends to help you do something maybe a MMO is not right for you even if it is Star Wars.

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I wish it was a Converted into an FP in GF as I did enjoy the boss fights at level and would love to group for it again.


Making the heroics into tactical flashpoints would be good. Adding the rewards that tactical flashpoints grant would be a good way to incentivize old players to repeat them while making it easier for new players to finish them.

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It may require quite some work from the Developers I suppose, but a solo mode on ALL heroics and FPs etc had been seriously cool.


I could see them as almost extremely hard, but DOABLE in the solo mode, and even some old heroics done in some "hard" mode like some are today, only all or most. I would have loved to repeat a few of the mid Level FPs With a lvl 55-60 Group and have the same Level Challenge.

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I'd go a step further - Change it so you can pick the original missions up immediately on entering fleet, and have the fights rescaled to fit the high end of each planet. That way people can complete them (If they choose to) as they are meandering the galaxy first time around.
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Funny thing about these FPs is that they are actually a good bit different than most FPs, and I mean that in a positive way. The vehicle jumping part was really cool/different, but not so bad in that you only really need one player to succeed in the jumping to get there. The missions should be repeatable at least or maybe just doable for everyone (but questline is required to get the binocs and seeker droid abilities to be permanent).


And the fact that most people haven't done this is a plus. It will be like "new content" for the majority.


I vote tactical style and put into the GF rotation.

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"i know that you guys have a lot to work on right now, but maybe after the release of 3.2, can you good fellows make the heroics of macrobinoculars/seeker droid soloable.. cause it is veeeery hard to find players for it. its not about gear, its about mechanics. everyone knows its intended, but there isnt enough peeps for it.

those quests are very questy and congrats for making something very very cool, but the struggle is real :>"


A good idea, I'd like that too.

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I'd go a step further - Change it so you can pick the original missions up immediately on entering fleet, and have the fights rescaled to fit the high end of each planet. That way people can complete them (If they choose to) as they are meandering the galaxy first time around.


My assumption when I've had this same thought would be that they'd make use of the mechanics that scale enemies to your level (like in bounty week and in the Rakghoul event). I'd also imagine that they could implement bolster and/or the upcoming level-down mechanic (to be first seen in solo mode flashpoints in 4.0) inside any instanced area (like the final heroics in particular, especially if they reclassify them as tactical flashpoints and add them to group finder) if they wanted to.


But yeah, I agree. It would be iffy with the seeker droid quest line since that involves a dread master and therefore it technically kind of has to happen after Belsavis. But still... Allow the missions to be picked up and started as early as when you first reach fleet and allow that to be a side activity that can go on the entire time you're leveling up.


The macrobinocular quest line seems clear to happen whenever, unless I'm forgetting something about the Shroud's background. But for any timeline clashes in either story I don't think it's going to be treated as being that important in 4.0 anyway since the article about flashpoint / operation changes made it sound like ALL players from 10-65 will be in the same queue together for all 14 flashpoints* listed in that article as tactical flashpoints. (Meaning that we'll see very low level players in the Forged Alliances stuff, the Rishi stuff, and the CZ-198 stuff. Not just KDY and the 5 under-50 story modes that are getting tactical versions added.)


* I kind of wish the tactical category covered ALL 26 or however many of the options though. Possibly split it out into two separate tactical queues to separate out the quick runs (lighter on story) from the longer runs (heavier on story). But have that option open for ALL flashpoints. (Which side would any modified-to-be-tacticals heroics fall into? I could see the Section X heroic (if only that could be included too) as being an obvious one for the "quick" category. The macrobinocular and seeker droid heroics are more on the long side though, aren't they?)

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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