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First Introduction, Happy then Unhappy


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Hey all I am Nexus, pleased to meet you.


First the happy; Its Star Wars dude, its awesome. And for the most part its been fun to play with lots of options and cool voice acting.


Now the Bad; PvP.... I've been in 3 matches so far, and in two i've had hassle telling me to never 'q' again and how bad a player i am. I've just moved over from many years console gaming and still have to get used to using keyboard and mouse.


Anyway it seems like pointless negativity, and elitist bull... Who is that good at PvP when they first start out.


I'm utterly pants at PvP at the moment and i'll happily announce that before we start. I just don't understand this need to hammer on new players... Because they're new.


Somewhat poisons an otherwise enjoyable experience.


Sorry for the rant but I'd like to work on some positivity within online communities, so next time I bring Happy :D

Edited by NexusPsi
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PVP is a occasionally fun event for me as well. Sometimes I seem to hit a group of relatively equal skill, but most often this has not been the case. It might be a difference of character level, higher grade equipment, or just an insane degree of personal skill on the player's part...but, yeah, I don't win too often.


My personal advice is to stick to one character until you hit your level cap. Do all of the Planetary Missions, including the Bonus Series, and you'll find yourself advancing at a fairly swift pace. You can also do other Missions if they aren't repeatable. So skip the Daily, Weekly, and Heroic missions until the second or third playthrough.


Once you do hit level 60, you'll have plenty of Credits and Planetary Commendations, a fully trained Crafting Skill to benefit yourself and your other characters, and all of your abilities will be at their maximum rankings. At which point your time with PVP will be a great deal easier. You'll also get to play some of the best stories in the MMO genre in my humble opinion.


I hope this helped, even a bit. And welcome to the community.

Edited by WizardKing
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Welcome to the world of MMO PvP.


PvP in any MMO is very competitive and people hate to lose and you will get people flaming you when you first start out. We were all bad when we started and the only way to get better is to play more. Ignore the idiots. Play it more, improve and tweak your hotkeys so that they become instinctive, watch videos of others who play your class etc. I usually play the last few levels of any class solely in wz as, even though it takes a bit longer to get to 60, it allows me to refine my hotkeys and save up enough comms to get a full set of exhumed once I hit 60.


Almost every match I play, there is still always something I could and should have done differently, even when I win and I am always learning. There are always better players than you out there so there are always ways to improve for all of us.

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I don't PvP at all, so can't help you there. But I do sympathize.


However, I would not recommend you skipping all the Heroics or Flashpoints. I never met anyone rude on a Heroic. A few in FP’s. But there, that is the rare exception, not the rule. You don’t want to pass on all the loot and Basic Comm rewards. I usually stop doing all Heroics after Taris (first planet in Chapter 1), I do all the FP’s through at least L40 (Collicoid Games is where sometimes I stop).


The biggest issue is that teams rush through them, so you may often be bewildered first/second time through. For the FP’s, read some of the internet guides beforehand. Dulfy.net is the best for almost everything SWTOR. And do let them know you are new to it.

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To para-phrase an old saying - A noob is someone who doesn't know what I just learned. ;)


It's unfortunate that you have to run into group-nazis and other ******es, but it's a common negative in any MMO (and lots of FPSes as well).

Edited by JediQuaker
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Well thank you all for your input :D


I was expecting the flamers to follow me here! Spoke to two RL friends who play and i encountered more hate in 3 games than they had in years of playing (must be the ginger thing :p).


I'll do all the flash points and heroics as said friends are happy to walk me through them and slow a little so i can keep my bearings.


Again thank you all for being a fresh antidote to the poison :D

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Welcome to SWTOR :)


In my opinion anyone who is playing any MMO game is as good as his/her behaviours to other players. I don't see any reason for hammering new players in PvP either. Because even if someone don't wanna lose any time or Warzones he/she should work on focusing teamwork in PvP instead of blaming others. Everyone for himself is not gonna work in PvP. So if the players you had problem with couldn't understand this simple fact, I think they couldn't understand PvP at all. From learning point of view I think you can easily learn any of your characters in any classes and doing PvP with them in time. So don't worry. Not everyone is like them :) Again welcome to our community :) Have fun.

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My advice would be to minimize the chat window, then you don't have to listen to them. Whenever I pvp, it's usually filled with a few that seem like that they complain about the "bads" more than actually fighting. Granted, I don't have any max level characters, so I can't speak to that, but from leveling, just play and have fun. :)
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Welcome to the game. I am sorry you had a bad run in with a more zealous PVPer while you were trying to learn. I do hope you can shrug off his bad behavior and will try PVP again.


I don't get the point of discouraging lowbie PVP. We have PVPers that are begging for people to queue and then some schmuck has to run off a new player that wants to learn. I think half of the PVP issues in this game can be tracked back to a few overly aggressive players who don't get that if you don't teach new players you don't get more veteran players.

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Welcome in SWTOR! There is a saying, that internet can bring out the worst in people. I skipped group content myself for a long time, due to flaming in lowbie content. I consider it a mistake, these days. In PvE it is more or less easy to jump in at later levels. I find that is less true in PvP.


I strongly suggest that you do NOT skip PvP until you are top level. In lower levels expecting a player to know shtuff is simply stupid and elitist. At 60, most people, even super nice ones, DO expect one to have experience. For example with PvP. Most who play at level 60 did start somewhere in lowbie levels, and continued. They ALL have the top level gear, but they also have many hundreds if not thousands of WZ under their belt. Also, I am afraid, not giving chat window attention is a sure fire way to get flamed. Necessary information is written in chat, which you simply have to get. You will soon see with one glance whether someone says something worthwhile.


Get better with your class, google the different maps, and also maybe read some guides. And then play PvP as often as you can, or possibly feel like. Maybe announce at the beginning that you are new, and open to constructive suggestions. That can make a huge difference for the more experienced ones. Also, if you can, play with friends. Either friends you already have, or new ones. I.e. when you meet a nice player, be it in PvP or group content in PvE, put them on your friend's list, and tell them that (recomended to add a comment to the name, after a year one needs a super brain to still remember who is who). Whenever you want to play with someone, do ask the friends first. Maybe even chat with them a bit, to keep in touch. Best would probably be to find a guild that is doing the content on different levels, that you like to do. They usually have a mixture of experienced, and less-experienced people, and the former are often very willing to show the ropes.

Edited by Nazdika
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In lower levels expecting a player to know shtuff is simply stupid and elitist. At 60, most people, even super nice ones, DO expect one to have experience.


I agree to that.


However, the PvP brackets especially in the middle tier seem to be quite broken, according to reports from others.

Therefore I'd rather advise to play low-level PvP - simply because this i where the teaching of the basics takes place.


Low-level PvP requires so much more "situational awareness" unlike much of the later levels and especially at Ranked PvP - simply because everything is possible. Good players, bad players, intermeduiate players, running around, not defending, not helping team mates, premades doing coordinated work - literally everything is possible in Low Level PvP.


When people have learned how to be effective at PvP, this "everything is possible" theme fades away more and more. Ranked PvP is more or less about "everyone knows or at least has to know what to do".


I'm biased, I guess, because I have most fun at low level PvP - if any at all.

( I don't do PvP currently. )

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Thanks again for all the great support guys :D


The plan is to run at least 1 character through the stories and max level and come back in with a second that i'd like to pvp with. I need to develop the muscle memory for keyboard and mouse play, not done it for 10+ years!


My first statement is normally 'New to this, I'll probably not do well' but maybe that just paints a huge target on my head. Also i don't want to close the chat box because 1) need to get used to referencing it and 2) sometimes tactics or suggestions are pointed out as to where the enemy is.


So onward and up to victory :D

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Thanks again for all the great support guys :D


The plan is to run at least 1 character through the stories and max level and come back in with a second that i'd like to pvp with. I need to develop the muscle memory for keyboard and mouse play, not done it for 10+ years!


My first statement is normally 'New to this, I'll probably not do well' but maybe that just paints a huge target on my head. Also i don't want to close the chat box because 1) need to get used to referencing it and 2) sometimes tactics or suggestions are pointed out as to where the enemy is.


So onward and up to victory :D


Sounds like a sensible plan: get comfortable with mouse + keyboard first. USE KEYBINDS -- don't just click your skills. That's part of the learning curve--setting up keybinds you like. Once you are comfortable with that setup, THEN start a PvP character and do as much as you like starting at level 10.

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