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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware needs to put Brutalizer gear back for set bonuses!


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Anyone else want the option to get decent set bonuses on their pvp gear? Lets face it, most classes got screwed on the set bonuses come 3.0; why the devs would do such a terrible job picking set bonuses, and then further screw us over by making them the same for pvp as for pve (what sense does that make), I have no idea!


For those of us who pvp'd seriously before 3.0 on multiple toons, we can just use our brutalizer armorings with the new mods and enhancements; but for everyone else, we're stuck with the worthless bonuses that come with the new gear.


PVE'ers get to redeem arakanian tokens still, PVPers should get to spend their comms on brutalizer gear too if they want to. Its the least bioware could do after spending a whole 5 minutes picking the new bonuses for both sides of the game.

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While it would be nice to have the old 4pc Stalker bonus grant a free 3rd Recklessness charge, there's no way I'd give up the autocrit proc on Maul just for that, especially considering I can get the exact same effect as the old 4pc bonus with Audacity. Though I admit that running midbies on my Assassin when 3.0 first dropped and having 4 Recklessness stacks was pretty hilarious.
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I just find it highly insulting that whoever the dev was who made these changes doesn't even seem to know that PVP and PVE are different enough so as to require different set bonuses; nor does he know enough about the game (or care) to go back and look at the old bonuses to see what the new ones should look like.


First off, the 1% damage increase is the worst bonus ever conceived by man. Nuff said. Extreme laziness there. Extreme. As a jugg, who in their right mind would take a 1% damage increase over an 8% of full hp heal.


Second, has anyone, in the history of the world, ever played a concealment operative in PVP, and said, "damn, I am so energy starved, I wish I had a talent that gives me back 2 energy on backstab"?!? Maybe this is coming from the same dev who thinks that agent tanks exist, and need patron gear, but I seem to remember something about concealment operatives being the quick sneaky killers who stealth in, make the kill, and then ****. If they are engaged in a fight for so long they badly need an extra 2 energy every 10-15 seconds, they are doing something wrong!


Obviously whoever was in charge of set bonuses was so overworked that by the time they got to the set bonuses they had only a few hours left before the patch; there's no other logical reason why they would do something so sloppy as to give a worthless 2-piece across the board and a 4 piece that fails to come close to any previous ones. Honestly I don't think they could have possibly come up with worse bonuses if they tried.

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