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(Spoilers) I have received a vision of a speech


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Darth Marr appears on a HoloNet broadcast with Theron Shan bound and with a shock collar on his neck.


"People of the galaxy, Servants of the Empire, and citizens of the Republic. I am Darth Marr, a member of the Dark Council.


The defeat of the former Emperor Vitiate, as Supreme Chancellor Saresh has noted with the gleeful ignorance of a child, has indeed occured. She and the leaders of the Republic are, however, unaware of what that event truly means and how much she sacrificed was in vain.


Before you stands a man who only a few of you may know, but whose birth and life are of very interesting account to the Republic. This man's name - is Theron Shan. He is the son of the Supreme Commander of the Republic military, Jace Malcom, and the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Satele Shan.


He, quite fittingly, has been a spy for the SIS for most of his adult life, a position granted to him because of the explosive political implications of his very existence. This man's entire life has been covered up due to the influence of his mother and father, as well as sympathizers who thought it was necessary to keep this secret from you.


As you well know, the Jedi Order is, by its traditions and Code, forbidden from worldly attachments and from bearing children. The Shan family, however, is above those rules it seems. Revan, the failed Sith Lord who he and his mother are descended from, flailed and screamed his dying breaths on Yavin 4, possessed by Vitiate, weak and foolish. He had children with Bastila Shan, who was a failed Sith Lord herself, and from their family line eventually came your Grand Master. She, like the failures before her, was unable to resist the passions of life and has deceived your entire civilization out of a selfish desire to decide what rules she will and will not abide by.


Your Grand Master is a lying hypocrite. The Supreme Commander and she both are at conflict with the interests of the Republic, deploying their only son instead of many more qualified agents in the most sensitive matters of your Republic.


We have captured this man and thought it appropriate that the people of the Republic knew the truth.


Now, to the allegations that the Sith Empire lay in ruins and that the Emperor's death is the end of it. I am here to tell you that the "Emperor" has been in charge of nothing for more than 40 years and that the Dark Council has and will continue to act as the rulers of the Empire. You killed a traitor and a madman and dutifully sacrificed millions to do so, while we only lost that which we could not predict or control. The assault on Vitiate allowed us to eradicate what was left of his power base and to redirect the purpose of the most elite fighting force in the galaxy, the Imperial Guard, to serve and protect the Dark Council.


You were deceived and the price of being ignorant is steep indeed. The Empire has built an armada of upgraded ships, soldiers, and vehicles powered by Isotope-5, an energy source which far surpasses any your Republic possesses. We have reconsolidated all of our most powerful warriors and have rebuilt parts of our Empire which had been threatened to full strength. The Empire lost nothing when Vitiate died - it only gained and much did it gain indeed.


Vitiate was a source of division and strife in the Empire, a man whose selfish desire for galactic destruction kept the Empire from being united in purpose. He is dead. The Empire is whole and ready for its destiny to be fulfilled. The distractions of the mad and the scheming of the selfish have been dashed - the Empire begins a new day with no one Sith capable of rising to the top of the power structure, forced to work with other Sith to achieve victory. We have conquered our failings and will now set our sights on the butchers of Korriban who tried to exterminate us in defeat like cowards more than a thousand years ago.


Do not follow the idiocy of Supreme Chancellor Saresh, who sacrificed millions to kill an enemy she had no idea about other than a title. Do not follow the hypocrisy of Grand Master Satele Shan, who feels she is above her own order's rules and makes a mockery of the already incoherent Jedi. Do not follow Supreme Commander Malcom, a man whose inability to dissuade a bureaucrat's incompetence led to the slaughter of millions of his own soldiers.


The Empire stands ready to claim our victory. Deliver yourself from the yoke of the weak, stupid, and incompetent. Join the Sith Empire as our greatest heroes and our united military campaign march forward to defeat the disgusting vermin who will face justice for their attempted genocide and incompetent rule of the galaxy. You are not responsible for the Jedi. Abandon them. You are not responsible for criminally irresponsible politicians and barely literate fools who play soldier.


Join the embodiment of strength, courage, and glory. We will liberate this galaxy and nothing will stop us.


Prepare yourselves."


Marr draws his lightsaber and draws it close to Theron's neck, but does not finish the strike.


The HoloNet broadcast ends.

Edited by JMCA
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Some speech. It's even better if you read it in his voice.


except there's no evidance Marr KNOWS anything of Theron's herritage. it's not exactly common knowledge. it's possiable he knows whom his mother is, but as far as I know NO ONE knows whom his father is


He mentions his relationship to his mother to the player character (at least he did to my Darth Imperius). Not to mention that if someone knew his last name that would be one of the leading questions that would be asked. Now the bit about the father would be harder to acquire. Though I'm not going to underestimate the access abilities of Sith Intelligence.

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You know, once the Emperor has finally been eliminated for good, and the war with the Republic becomes the main focus again, I could TOTALLY see Marr pulling something like this.


I think something like this will, given the relationship Theron has with Lana and the scandalous nature of his life. He is the definition of a loose end, and news about him could literally shake the foundation of the Republic's leadership. Him being revealed could simultaneously discredit the two most powerful military leaders in the Republic. That's something the Empire would salivate over. I doubt Lana will be okay with something that betrays Theron, but that's the reality of war. She might not even be told until it happened.


I also hope that the class missions moving forward progress the new roles each of the classes have.


I am personally crossing my fingers for the Sith Warrior to be in charge of a newly repurposed Imperial Guard. Empire's Wrath leading the most powerful group of non-Force users and the ability to recruit the most lethal new Sith acolytes as part of his command.



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I think something like this will, given the relationship Theron has with Lana and the scandalous nature of his life. He is the definition of a loose end, and news about him could literally shake the foundation of the Republic's leadership. Him being revealed could simultaneously discredit the two most powerful military leaders in the Republic. That's something the Empire would salivate over. I doubt Lana will be okay with something that betrays Theron, but that's the reality of war. She might not even be told until it happened.


I also hope that the class missions moving forward progress the new roles each of the classes have.


I am personally crossing my fingers for the Sith Warrior to be in charge of a newly repurposed Imperial Guard. Empire's Wrath leading the most powerful group of non-Force users and the ability to recruit the most lethal new Sith acolytes as part of his command.




Actually, if it gets Theron to become an asset to the Empire, she'd be all for it. I'd even suggest that that's what she's trying to do as head of Sith Intelligence: Expose him and render him useless to the Republic, at which point his options are either suicide or the Sith Empire. At least that was the impression (with maybe a little wishful thinking) I got when reading that epilogue e-mail.

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I dunno, I just can't imagine Darth Marr wading into soap opera-esque sex scandal.


Also, announcing that the Emperor that the Empire has been serving for all this time is a madman sound like a good idea on his part.

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One issue with your speech OP. Shan is not the only Jedi in the game to have a kid. Especially with who the Dad is. I mean yeah...omg the two greatest heroes of the Rpublic had a kid together? People would probably cheer.


Also the Republic would just say "lying Sith Lord." I get the speech is basically fan fiction but I can see a lot more menacing, and logical, menacing messages Marr would send.

Edited by Ghisallo
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One issue with your speech OP. Shan is not the only Jedi in the game to have a kid. Especially with who the Dad is. I mean yeah...omg the two greatest heroes of the Rpublic had a kid together? People would probably cheer.


Also the Republic would just say "lying Sith Lord." I get the speech is basically fan fiction but I can see a lot more menacing, and logical, menacing messages Marr would send.


You're probably right. Marr wouldn't go on that long, and he'd have to provide evidence of his claim.

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Darth Marr appears on a HoloNet broadcast with Theron Shan bound and with a shock collar on his neck.


"People of the galaxy, Servants of the Empire, and citizens of the Republic. I am Darth Marr, a member of the Dark Council.


The defeat of the former Emperor Vitiate, as Supreme Chancellor Saresh has noted with the gleeful ignorance of a child, has indeed occured. She and the leaders of the Republic are, however, unaware of what that event truly means and how much she sacrificed was in vain.


Before you stands a man who only a few of you may know, but whose birth and life are of very interesting account to the Republic. This man's name - is Theron Shan. He is the son of the Supreme Commander of the Republic military, Jace Malcom, and the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Satele Shan.


He, quite fittingly, has been a spy for the SIS for most of his adult life, a position granted to him because of the explosive political implications of his very existence. This man's entire life has been covered up due to the influence of his mother and father, as well as sympathizers who thought it was necessary to keep this secret from you.


As you well know, the Jedi Order is, by its traditions and Code, forbidden from worldly attachments and from bearing children. The Shan family, however, is above those rules it seems. Revan, the failed Sith Lord who he and his mother are descended from, flailed and screamed his dying breaths on Yavin 4, possessed by Vitiate, weak and foolish. He had children with Bastila Shan, who was a failed Sith Lord herself, and from their family line eventually came your Grand Master. She, like the failures before her, was unable to resist the passions of life and has deceived your entire civilization out of a selfish desire to decide what rules she will and will not abide by.


Your Grand Master is a lying hypocrite. The Supreme Commander and she both are at conflict with the interests of the Republic, deploying their only son instead of many more qualified agents in the most sensitive matters of your Republic.


We have captured this man and thought it appropriate that the people of the Republic knew the truth.


Now, to the allegations that the Sith Empire lay in ruins and that the Emperor's death is the end of it. I am here to tell you that the "Emperor" has been in charge of nothing for more than 40 years and that the Dark Council has and will continue to act as the rulers of the Empire. You killed a traitor and a madman and dutifully sacrificed millions to do so, while we only lost that which we could not predict or control. The assault on Vitiate allowed us to eradicate what was left of his power base and to redirect the purpose of the most elite fighting force in the galaxy, the Imperial Guard, to serve and protect the Dark Council.


You were deceived and the price of being ignorant is steep indeed. The Empire has built an armada of upgraded ships, soldiers, and vehicles powered by Isotope-5, an energy source which far surpasses any your Republic possesses. We have reconsolidated all of our most powerful warriors and have rebuilt parts of our Empire which had been threatened to full strength. The Empire lost nothing when Vitiate died - it only gained and much did it gain indeed.


Vitiate was a source of division and strife in the Empire, a man whose selfish desire for galactic destruction kept the Empire from being united in purpose. He is dead. The Empire is whole and ready for its destiny to be fulfilled. The distractions of the mad and the scheming of the selfish have been dashed - the Empire begins a new day with no one Sith capable of rising to the top of the power structure, forced to work with other Sith to achieve victory. We have conquered our failings and will now set our sights on the butchers of Korriban who tried to exterminate us in defeat like cowards more than a thousand years ago.


Do not follow the idiocy of Supreme Chancellor Saresh, who sacrificed millions to kill an enemy she had no idea about other than a title. Do not follow the hypocrisy of Grand Master Satele Shan, who feels she is above her own order's rules and makes a mockery of the already incoherent Jedi. Do not follow Supreme Commander Malcom, a man whose inability to dissuade a bureaucrat's incompetence led to the slaughter of millions of his own soldiers.


The Empire stands ready to claim our victory. Deliver yourself from the yoke of the weak, stupid, and incompetent. Join the Sith Empire as our greatest heroes and our united military campaign march forward to defeat the disgusting vermin who will face justice for their attempted genocide and incompetent rule of the galaxy. You are not responsible for the Jedi. Abandon them. You are not responsible for criminally irresponsible politicians and barely literate fools who play soldier.


Join the embodiment of strength, courage, and glory. We will liberate this galaxy and nothing will stop us.


Prepare yourselves."


Marr draws his lightsaber and draws it close to Theron's neck, but does not finish the strike.


The HoloNet broadcast ends.


The holonet starts up, an Imperial logo and some untranslatable galactic basic characters appear underneath that reads "Sith Empire", the message lasts a few second before the camera switches to Darth Marr.


In a well lit room, consoles in the back of the shot, a table on the right Marr behind a freightened Theron Shan who is chained to the floor with cuffs around his hands and legs wearing his usual garb, brown pants, red jacket. Marr pulls out his lightsaber and activates it.


Marr then reaches out with his right arm holding the lightsaber to Theron's neck, and a whispy inhale of air through the mask is heard as Marr is about to speak.


"Citizens of the Republic, give me your ears." Marr states as Theron starts figeting around with his cuffs desperately trying to stop Marr from giving away an embarassing secret.


"The time has come to reveal to you all the truth of Grand Master Satele Shan and Supreme Commander Jace Malcom." As Marr notices Theron in the corner of his eye becoming more and more irritated by the secret he hoped no one would find out save for those few Jedi who already knew, Marr under his mask had an unexpected moment of joy at watching Theron squirming.


"These leaders that you trust your life with have lied to you, not only have they lied to everyone in the Republic but why no one in the Republic is competent enough to see the familial similarity to both leaders and this -- pathetic SIS agent. one can't help think that the Republic officers are trained to be inept." Marr quickly draws another lungful of breath then removes the lightsaber from Theron's neck as Theron continues to try break free from his retraints.


"This man is Theron... Shan! A republic SIS Agent sent to find out more about the empire and it's goals, his pathetic attempt at slipping past Imperial security i have personally assigned has shown that the Republic spies are clearly ill-trained, which proves my point about your ineptitude." As the amused Marr looks out in Theron's direction, as Theron stops struggling in knowing the truth has just come out as he hangs his head in shame and defeated. Marr deactivates his lightsaber and places on his belt then puts his hands behind his back in a pose Marr frequently assumes.


Marr Draws another whispy breath and then confidently projects, "This man IS the product of Grand Master Satele Shan and Supreme commander Jace Malcom." As Marr pulls out his right hand from behind his back in a subconcious flailing of his arm to project further on the Holonet, "Evidentally after defeating Darth Malgus on Alderaan before he assumed the position of a traitor to the empire, the two of them had a brief romantic adventure together i have learned recently. For a Jedi, Satele is a Hypocrit and more importantly not a true Jedi as she followed her passions down a dark path, She became one of us -- a Sith!"


Theron raises his head and turns his head towards Darth Marr, as Marr is oblivious to Theron regaining his composure at this point while focusing on the Holonet transmission. However Marr senses Theron's strength returning and promptly uses his free hand to slap Theron down to the floor with the back of his right hand before Theron could accomplish anything, then returns to the Holo transmission.


"This fool of the Republic, Theron Shan is the product of both these leaders, he is their son." Theron got back up and recollected himself as Marr drew another breath through the mask, "My medical droids have confirmed this worms genetic background to that of Satele and Jace Malcom as both left enough DNA behind in their previous fights that we got a 100% match from uncontaminated DNA." Then Marr reaches for his lightsaber and puts it in his right hand, he activates it and then reaches over to Theron's neck once more with the red light centimeters from his neck. Marr turns his head towards Theron.


"I will deliver this pathetic agent back to you on the condition the Republic announces the truth. I'm sure Satele is starting to boil over with concern and agony that her son is moments from death." Then Marr turns his head towards the holo transmitter, "Just remember the Sith Empire revealed the truth to everyone in the Republic, where the Republic has buried it. What else has the Republic hidden from it's people all these years? With what we have on some of their operations like Belsavis; Alien prisoners fighting each other to test their strengths and weaknesses in barbaric experiments. Prince Shange locked up by the Republic because his views are more in line with the empire then the Republic. Specforce conducting illegal orders by General Garza. Can you afford to keep your trust in the Republic?"


The Holoviewer instantly changes back to the Imperial logo and the same galactic basic characters.

Edited by Celise
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Daaaammmnnn son !!! That's a really nice vision :D If Byoware would actually done something like this after the emperor is dead , it would really put the spark back into the Empire and my Darth Nox would be even more interested in pooling resources with him to end the republic scum.
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I like this idea, Marr ripping the Republic and Saresh a new one to turn their moment of victory into galaxy-wide humiliation. Although I think he'd do it with a less flowery speech.


He could maybe even mention the DS actions of whatever Pub character you're playing as, to shake up the Republic further. Jedi Consular who chose to kill all those masters in Act I? Ooops, that's out. Smuggler who chose to build their own criminal empire instead of support the Republic? Whelp, that's not secret. Knight who ruthlessly executes enemies who've surrendered? Guess you aren't so squeaky-clean in the eyes of the Republic anymore.


Heck, he could even drag in cross-faction romancing Theron and Lana. Nothing says "hypocrisy" like a Republic hero sleeping with a Sith lord, or one of the SIS's top agents sneaking around with an Imperial hero. Romancing Theron with a Jedi would probably be met badly by the public, too, and get a "history repeats" remark from Marr.


Dang it, now I want to see this.

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One issue with your speech OP. Shan is not the only Jedi in the game to have a kid. Especially with who the Dad is. I mean yeah...omg the two greatest heroes of the Rpublic had a kid together? People would probably cheer.


Also the Republic would just say "lying Sith Lord." I get the speech is basically fan fiction but I can see a lot more menacing, and logical, menacing messages Marr would send.


Right? There's nothing remotely scandalous about Theron's existence. Jedi have kids all the time, how do you think they make new Jedi? The only thing even a little scandalous is that Satele had feelings for Jace at the time, and nobody cares about that except the Jedi themselves (who all already know via the rumor mill, cf: Kira's comments to a male Knight). If anything, it would make the Jedi more popular in the Republic, by making their leader seem more relatable and human to the general populace.

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I wasn't aware that BAstilla and Revan were considered any sort of scandal? I mean there has been an entire line of Shans, what did the Repubulic think they were cloning them or something? It's not much later that the complete ban on marriage and children comes into place within the Order.


As for making the Republic look bad, they have Marr murdering a prisoner in cold blood, just as the Sith have done before, The Chancellor like her or not, isn't executing POWs on the HOLONET.

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Very nice vision indeed, it reminded me of Malgus' epic speech when Grand Moff Regus and the player listen to his first holonet transmission. Or Saresh's speech after the imperial questline on Makeb. :)


I can certainly imagine a strengthened empire with the Dark Council on it's head, slowly, but steadily recovering from the multiple setbacks. And the Sith Warrior as head of the new Imperial Guard would be awesome!

Edited by Teiichi
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I dunno, seems kinda foolish and short-sighted to me, especially for Darth Marr.


Marr's well aware that the Emperor is still around in some capacity, and will likely try to use the war to his advantage. If the Emperor does return at full power, it might mean the death of everyone everywhere and, even more importantly, might kill Marr himself.


On Yavin? He was only stopped because the Republic and Imperial forces managed to stop killing each other, just long enough to sort out Revan.


With the continued war going on, its going to get harder and harder for any sort of temporary cease fire in order to deal with the Emperor's actions. Especially if a short-sighted idiot uses rumors of Revanite activity to draw enemy forces into an ambush.


Going after Theron Shan would be a mistake. While it might not sour any potential ceasefire with Satele in the future, because she is a Jedi, it would either make her much more mistrustful of Marr, and possibly would result in her recusing herself and sending a less capable, and maybe less trusting, subordinate in her place.


It would also get rid of one of the few people Marr knows for a fact to be able to put the common good above the war, an agent able to think outside the box, who has access to vast amounts of information that the Empire lacks. Especially since its probable that neither side wants to admit that the Emperor is alive and wanting to kill everyone everywhere.


Risking the utter failure of his own plans for a short-term PR gain? No, that's not Marr's game. He'd wait until the Emperor were finally dealt with for good, or for the Republic's forces to be on the verge of collapse first.

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