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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can someone please explain this Underlurker HM "Unknown" Mechanic?


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I'm the offtank and every other time the cross happens I go to the front but this keeps happening:

(Tried Guarding me, tried me having second highest threat at all times, tried me having highest threat, even tried popping all my CDs for it but doesn't seem to matter..)






BTW, we've killed this many times before, just seem like luck if I get 1-shot every pull or not this week for some reason...

Also looking at the log doesn't help whatsoever: http://gyazo.com/9765e5f5a324005a9f9fd2bfe0cbaa4c


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Can't see your pictures because I am not creating an account... but if you are not swapping front and back with your co-tank every cross, you're doing it wrong (just a guess) and it hurts more. So 1st cross you are in front, 2nd you are in back, 3rd front, etc.
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The Unknown mechanic is the damage from the cross when it does not turn green.


No it just hits that hard...


If your full on tank spec/geared i'm not sure why it's hurting you so much.. if your in DPS spec thats why ... but if your tank tanky then it shouldn't be doing so much...


This is where the whole stack a bit more HP for your tanks comes in... but idk your class but shadows can resiliance the damage...

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That mechanic is such an illogical mess (assuming it even works correctly), that we've just taken to having dps/healers use cooldowns for the front of the cross. Scoundrels/operatives are especially good at that, since with the heroic utility Scramble/Evasive Imperative (note that as it triggers off being attacked, the Lurkerlings will effectively reset the CD for you with their raid-wide aoe), they can use Dodge/Evasion for every single cross so a single scoundrel/operative is enough to stand in front of the boss.


Other classes that can avoid the damage are fine too, though you'll need to rotate them: sages, sentinels, slingers... dunno if reflect and resilience works, but if so then guardians and shadows are fine too.


Also, while you're at it, this is a fine moment to switch to a single tank (have the tank in the back, since the front is the one that hurts like a ton of bricks), since there is absolutely nothing to be gained from having two tanks on that fight, given what a mess the cross mechanic is.

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That mechanic is such an illogical mess (assuming it even works correctly), that we've just taken to having dps/healers use cooldowns for the front of the cross.
(Tried Guarding me, tried me having second highest threat at all times, tried me having highest threat, even tried popping all my CDs for it but doesn't seem to matter..)



Also, while you're at it, this is a fine moment to switch to a single tank (have the tank in the back, since the front is the one that hurts like a ton of bricks), since there is absolutely nothing to be gained from having two tanks on that fight, given what a mess the cross mechanic is.

Based on his parse of 4k+ dps, he's clearly in dps form. Plus, he said he switches arms, so he's doing HM which requires a swap.


I'm the offtank and every other time the cross happens I go to the front but this keeps happening:

BTW, we've killed this many times before, just seem like luck if I get 1-shot every pull or not this week for some reason...

Also looking at the log doesn't help whatsoever: http://gyazo.com/9765e5f5a324005a9f9fd2bfe0cbaa4c


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Based on his parse of 4k+ dps, he's clearly in dps form. Plus, he said he switches arms, so he's doing HM which requires a swap.


You must've missed the part about my post where I explained why you don't need two tanks for it. :p The bit about him being in dps form is a good point though.

Edited by Ailaria
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You must've missed the part about my post where I explained why you don't need two tanks for it. :p The bit about him being in dps form is a good point though.


I read that, hence my reply :). I just meant that he's in dps form, as the offtank. Which leads me to believe he normally tanks for other bosses, but switches to dps just for this fight and alternates tanking arms with the actual single tank.


Anyway, the "unknown" mechanic shows up in my logs as well, even in SM. For damage taken, it's Collapse, Rage Storm, Leap, and Unknown. And of those 4 I've absorbed damage from Unknown only, which is when I pop Shield Probe as an operative. So Unknown is Devastation I guess, but as to why its damage is ridiculously high when your cross is green, I don't know.

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My point was that HM doesn't require any swapping, assuming you've got any of about five suitable classes among your dps and healers. Ideally just have a scoundrel/operative in the front on every cross.
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