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Favorite Playable Race so far?


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Yeah, that's always puzzled me. I guess I understand why the game went that route with the ears, because they were sticking to the canon I think, or did they just misinterpret the original designs... what I don't get is why George Lucas' effects production team went that way. Bib Fortuna has humanish ears, and yet Oola had nibs. When I look at pictures of Oola, I'd say the nibs are more to do with the headgear she's wearing. She might have humanish ears underneath? Weird...*shakes head*


Yeah it's hard to tell if the nub like things are a part of her head piece or her head.


Speaking of head pieces for Twi'leks I want this one in TOR.



Edited by Anaesha
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Sith Pureblood, Chiss, & Human.


Problems with other races.

I love Twilek in general but their head tails end up being so gear restricted such as no hood up, still they are pretty high up for me.

I wish they'd have done the Miraluka better, but their eye guards look terrible in general. A great improvement would have been to modify they eye guards, or at least have them color match with gear. It would have been fantastic if all or most head pieces had an alternate design for Miraluka, but that would have been a ton of work so I understand why that wasn't done.

Carthar look kinda stupid IMO. I was so disappointed they were the first additional race, looking forward to Togruta much more!

Cyborg should never have been a race, it doesn't even make sense in the games own lore..... They should have had cyborg customization options for each race and had that be an option for any race, or do what they are doing now with the cyborg gear sets (make more sense than just the face anyway....)


I'm not against most of the others but they're just kinda meh. Zabrak, is pretty cool, but other than that the others don't stand out that much to me.

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So far I have:


4 cyborgs

3 human

2 mirialan

1 twilek

1 zabrak (red and black version)

1 chiss

1 miraluka


I should probably make a sith pureblood at some point, but that means purchasing an extra character slot unless I want to roll on a different server. Also I don't much care for the cathar and ratataki looks.

Edited by soulseekerr
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Human. not going to waste my cc on playable race's unless there becomes an account wide unlock. not going to pay 300cc per sever per race to play them.


unless they changed it the price for species unlocks was 600cc not 300.

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That's one of the reasons I have advanced all the species to level 50, just in case I want to play a PB Jedi or something. I think I pretty much have every one of them unlocked. I bought an unlock for humans though, back when everything was cheap on the GTN, so my one sad human character is pointless. Edited by DomiSotto
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