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Shield Squadron One HM

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These two new HM 60 Flashpoints are by far one of the most difficult things I have ever had to deal with in this game. Maybe it's just really bad luck and I get stuck with absolutely retarded players who are under geared and have a poor performing computer.


The biggest frustrations I think are the adds that spawn and gank the healer in only 1-3 seconds. Even with the guard. Yeah, you can anticipate where they will spawn, but honestly, even I have a hard time. I am a veteran player since launch, I have a good connection and good computer, but the ships only appear 1-2 seconds before adds do, then within a second of spawn, the angry over powered hordes are massacring the lot of you.


The next biggest frustration is the inconsistent damage done by the boss itself. Sometimes damage done isn't so bad and can be healed through quite easily. And seconds later, without any buffs and using the same attacks, the boss is doing 2x 3x more damage than before.


In short, I honestly think Bioware hasn't a clue, or they just don't care, that this fight, and Blood Hunt are FAR more difficult than other HM 60s. I looked and couldn't find any official statement addressing the difficulty of the flashpoints.

I requeue after rage quitting like I did before I wrote this rant, get stuck with the original HM 60s and I think to myself "WOW!!! This HM 60 is a walk in the park."

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Idk, on a healer you just pop a defensive and use your speed buff to get away from the adds when they spawn on the map while tank goes to intercept them. We 2-manned this boss with a guildie on release as 2 sentinels we got from GF died instantly to orbital strike cross thingy. So we had time to experience a lot of it with our low DPS as tank and healer. It's a bit rough to heal I admit, but nothing undoable.
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I joined a group at this boss once, and I noticed that on the first attempt, the healer basically got 1 shot. So on the 2nd try with them, we downed the adds quick and I threw some off heals on the healer with my merc. I did this each time we had adds. It seemed to help as we downed the boss.
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Just need tank and dps to pay attention. If you're waiting for the adds to spawn it's not terribly hard. Tanked it on my sin last night, a quick pull from on add to the other, aoe taunt and no problems from there.
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It boils down to if the dps/tank can at least grab one of the groups asap, otherwise, select your healer and type /mourn

Obviously, if they tunnel on boss, they lose their healer.


One thing that can help to be prepared, is that a few seconds before the adds spawning, you'll hear like an airplane passing through. If you hear that, be on the lookout for the red dots on minimap and run to them

Edited by wainot-keel
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