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Carbonite Hutt?


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I wasn't sure if this was the right place for this, so if it isn't would a mod please move it to the appropriate location.


That said, when I was leveling my Bounty Hunter on Hutta today, I noticed something for the very first time in Fa'athra's Palace that struck me as rather odd:




that looks to me very much like a Hutt that has been frozen in Carbonite, does it look like that to anyone else as well? If so, what are the lore implications for Fa'athra doing that to someone of his own species? Especially seeing as how that particular slab of Carbonite is in the entrance to Fa'athra's Palace where all of his visitors would see it...

Edited by XantosCledwin
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My BH has one as a decoration in his stronghold, I like to pretend it's Nem'ro. ;)


Jedi Knight spoilers:


It very well might be. Late in his conversation arc, Doc cures Nem'ro of some horrific rare Hutt disease, intending to get famous off his success. He's dismayed when "a bounty hunter" kills Nem'ro before he can get any accolades.


I'm quite sure that was originally meant to be the Bounty Hunter, but they just never got around to adding the corresponding sidequest on the Imp side. So feel absolutely free to assume you picked him off offscreen between chapters.


Edited by Quething
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Jedi Knight spoilers:


It very well might be. Late in his conversation arc, Doc cures Nem'ro of some horrific rare Hutt disease, intending to get famous off his success. He's dismayed when "a bounty hunter" kills Nem'ro before he can get any accolades.


I'm quite sure that was originally meant to be the Bounty Hunter, but they just never got around to adding the corresponding sidequest on the Imp side. So feel absolutely free to assume you picked him off offscreen between chapters.

You're incorrect. It's actually confirmed through companion quests that


Skadge kills Nem'ro.


Edited by Darkelefantos
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My BH has one as a decoration in his stronghold, I like to pretend it's Nem'ro. ;)


I've always felt like the scale of that deco was a mistake. Most notably the depth proportions...not that I'm against slicing off some slug to get them to fit in the chamber.

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You're incorrect. It's actually confirmed through companion quests that


Skadge kills Nem'ro.


... Got a YouTube link? Because I remember him

going out of his way to not actually give the name of the Hutt he killed, meaning it could have been anyone. Also Skadge is not remotely a bounty hunter. A thug, a gangster, a torturer, sure, but the Hutt he killed, he killed to settle a score, and nobody who survived the attack would have mistaken him for anything else in order to pass an erroneous "bounty hunter" tidbit along to Doc.


I would certainly believe that when they originally planned to make all the companion quests actual quests that you can tag along on, that quest was meant to be the counterpoint to the Doc quest, allowing the Hunter to be there and be the "bounty hunter" in question. It would make perfect sense and fit all those pieces neatly together, especially because it seems so unlikely that the Hunter wasn't ever planned to get revenge. But as-is, Skadge is just killing a random Hutt.


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