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I wish there would be a different direction in the story of SWTOR


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Don't get me wrong I love the action and new group content as much as everyone else, but I think it would really be amazing if we had a little bit of a respite from the war and the constant crises. A few questlines that delve deep into the mysteries of the force or an ancient power or something to strive for as sith. Maybe for smugglers/hunters a new opportunity to make it big with a casino heist or something. One size fits all storylines just hamper the quality of the game in my opinion. The best parts of this game are the class missions and people WILL pay for more class missions.


I know that personally I would gladly pay 60 USD for a new set of class missions that amount to the same amount of class content we have from 1-50. Hell I would probably be willing to pay that once a year in addition to my subscription.

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Don't get me wrong I love the action and new group content as much as everyone else, but I think it would really be amazing if we had a little bit of a respite from the war and the constant crises. A few questlines that delve deep into the mysteries of the force or an ancient power or something to strive for as sith. Maybe for smugglers/hunters a new opportunity to make it big with a casino heist or something. One size fits all storylines just hamper the quality of the game in my opinion. The best parts of this game are the class missions and people WILL pay for more class missions.


I know that personally I would gladly pay 60 USD for a new set of class missions that amount to the same amount of class content we have from 1-50. Hell I would probably be willing to pay that once a year in addition to my subscription.


As much as I would love new story content, I can't see it happening. BW/EA is in maintenance mode, there is enough money coming in to warrent some new content, but considering they ask $20 for a little expansion, giving on the order of 50-60 times the content for 3 times the cost seems unlikely to me.

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I would actually like the opposite: More focus on the war itself. Feels like most of the content since launch has been around 3rd parties - Hutts, Revanites, etc. There's plenty of ancient history and mysteries of the force in the class stories, and I'm a little over the Rakata, tbh.


Having said that, I'll take whatever story content I can get :)

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I wish...

We were bound to get Ziost, Bothawui and Sleheyron featuring the original class stories, seeing the story for them was ready and primed in more ways than I originally thought.


Same with Yavin 4, seeing it originally featured a non-Revan and -Revanites scenario there.

Shame it won't come to pass, and all we're getting is a Ziost that has been gutted to an insane degree, featuring the EXACT same story for each and every single class, let alone anything that is considerably different for each faction.


HURRAH! :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I find I prefer chapter 1 on both my most used characters- chapter one as a knight is destroying really powerful super wepons and killing a sith along the way. As an imperial agent you track down a terrorist cell then kill a Sith Lord.


Chapter 2 and 3 normally focus more on the war and the conflict between the 2 factions


Chapters 4 and 5 appear to be telling us about the rest of the galaxy.

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I really think Bioware was their own worst enemy. By their own admission pre-launch they vapor locked and went to where they were most comfortable the story. The problem is those individual stories for each class with such depth, voice acting, cut scenes etc cost A LOT of money... Just before the game launched the BBC world service was interviewing an investment analyst that specializes in the gaming industry. He stated it looked like they spent between 30-50 million on this stuff alone. That is the total budget to launch most AAA MMOs and they spent it just on the story aspect.


Now ask yourself, to justify that kind of diversity with each expac, even with just a 5 level cap rise, how much would it cost? (Note I am counting Ziost as part of the expac here). If the stories was any good and they tried to keep the same amount of content that could easily be a 30- 50 million dollar expac. No game that I know of would spend that kind of money on an expac.


So I think maybe...they just set such an unrealistically high bar for the story at launch that it is, while not technically, almost financially impossible even if the game had performed to EAs initial "500k subscribers would be considered good" measure.


That all said Dan is correct on Rishi there is a class specific side quest. I have done it on Consular (twice) and Imp Agent...hope to be doing it on my JK shortly time permitting. I really thought the Imp agent one was well done...the Consular was "okay". Hope to see a well done JK.

Edited by Ghisallo
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I would actually like the opposite: More focus on the war itself. Feels like most of the content since launch has been around 3rd parties - Hutts, Revanites, etc. There's plenty of ancient history and mysteries of the force in the class stories, and I'm a little over the Rakata, tbh.


Having said that, I'll take whatever story content I can get :)


Agreed, What I would like to see are operations focusing on fighting the other faction, unique stories per faction.


It doesnt need to be a unique fight though, make it like Assault on Tython/Korriban. They are the same quest with simply different looks.

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Agreed, What I would like to see are operations focusing on fighting the other faction, unique stories per faction.


It doesnt need to be a unique fight though, make it like Assault on Tython/Korriban. They are the same quest with simply different looks.


Yeah, those two FPs are among my favourites. I'd be happy with going back to a planet we've already visited. Which locations do we have where, at the end of all class/faction stories, they're still contested? I was going to suggest Balmorra, but IIRC the Empire retreats from there after the Republic story.

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Yeah, those two FPs are among my favourites. I'd be happy with going back to a planet we've already visited. Which locations do we have where, at the end of all class/faction stories, they're still contested? I was going to suggest Balmorra, but IIRC the Empire retreats from there after the Republic story.


At the time Imperial Makeb was taking place, fleets of ships burned over Balmorra to give the Imperial Strike Force enough time to secure the Isotope-5. Also, in a mail to the Jedi Consular, it is inferred by Tai Cordan, President of Balmorra, that the Empire still maintains a presence on the planet, one way or another.

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At the time Imperial Makeb was taking place, fleets of ships burned over Balmorra to give the Imperial Strike Force enough time to secure the Isotope-5. Also, in a mail to the Jedi Consular, it is inferred by Tai Cordan, President of Balmorra, that the Empire still maintains a presence on the planet, one way or another.


I think the actual pitched war for Balmorra is over, though? The writing tends to leave these things fairly open-ended so it doesn't feel too jarring to revisit a planet you've supposedly liberated/conquered, but the whole republic bonus series is about one final dirty kick to drive the imps off the planet.

That gives me another idea, though - content involving strike teams and/or defense of capital ships during space battles. Eselles mixed with Mando Raiders.

No more super-weapons, though - I've done the Knight, Agent and Trooper stories, and all involve super weapons that could apparently change everything but never get mentioned ever again.

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No more super-weapons, though - I've done the Knight, Agent and Trooper stories, and all involve super weapons that could apparently change everything but never get mentioned ever again.


Or the super-weapon Pubbies can recover on Hoth, or the engineered plague Imps can help test on Dromund Kaas.

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Or the super-weapon Pubbies can recover on Hoth, or the engineered plague Imps can help test on Dromund Kaas.


Or the Balmorran super-weapon at the end of the pub faction story, or the Gormak cannon (can't even remember what that does) on Voss. Its been done enough, is my point :)

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I'd like to see the war pick up. I mean, the Republic and the Empire are more at peace now (at a time of declared war) than they were during the Treaty of Coruscant (at a time of declared peace).


More class-specific content would be nice (I pretty much did Makeb as a Trooper and an Inquisitor and called that that), but at this point I doubt there would really be much in terms of that anymore. I'm one of those who plays stuff for the story and not necessarily the grind.

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Don't get me wrong I love the action and new group content as much as everyone else, but I think it would really be amazing if we had a little bit of a respite from the war and the constant crises. A few questlines that delve deep into the mysteries of the force or an ancient power or something to strive for as sith. Maybe for smugglers/hunters a new opportunity to make it big with a casino heist or something. One size fits all storylines just hamper the quality of the game in my opinion. The best parts of this game are the class missions and people WILL pay for more class missions.


I know that personally I would gladly pay 60 USD for a new set of class missions that amount to the same amount of class content we have from 1-50. Hell I would probably be willing to pay that once a year in addition to my subscription.


You had 3 whole chapters devoted to mysteries of the force and that of life.


Each storyline the JK, JC, SW, SI, each encounters are the will of the force testing their resolve to complete the missions, some of which contains ancient power and secrets. so they were meant to complete these storylines :p.


for the T, S, BH, IA, its just another day fighting in some bombed to pieces mud hole wondering from one thing to the next. thats life.


I don' t think Bioware has the resources to pull off another 3 chapter full fleshed out storyline like when they first started up. it costed an awful lot of money when they went ahead with the storyline by itself, besides there are rumors of another Mass Effect game coming and if its true then i would rather they put the majority of their effort into Mass effect then into TOR at this point then return to TOR.

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I'd like to see the war pick up. I mean, the Republic and the Empire are more at peace now (at a time of declared war) than they were during the Treaty of Coruscant (at a time of declared peace).


More class-specific content would be nice (I pretty much did Makeb as a Trooper and an Inquisitor and called that that), but at this point I doubt there would really be much in terms of that anymore. I'm one of those who plays stuff for the story and not necessarily the grind.


They aren't at peace at all... Saresh wouldn't stand for it.

In SoR, Pub side at least is basically with a fleet led by a Renegade Jedi... Satele basically retasked her fleet, without approval from the civilian government, and unilaterally agreed to a temporary truce with Marr, then got her baby's daddy on board to back her play because she knew Saresh wouldn't stand up to both of ummm.... Marr is basically the defacto head of the Empire and also agreed to the Temporary truce because he did not want to be Vitiate's lunch.


As for briefly before and then after SoR the reason there isn't a lot of "war" going on is because now Marr is in charge and he does not want to eat the galaxy. The prior insanely stupid and overly offensive methods of the Empire was because the Emperor only wanted a body count, Imp or Pub it didn't matter, so he could fuel his ascension. He over extended and the Republic got spun up to a war footing and started smacking the Imps HARD! Now Marr has ordered a defensive strategy so he can pull things back together on the battle field and also to avoid distractions while he essentially tries to reorganize the entire Sith gov't to operate without the Emperor and to do so without the detrimental back stabbing that has hobbled them in the past.



Both sides are still at war, its just that the Empire is no longer in the position to go on the offensive. Tbh I could easily see Marr being very happy with a return of the Cold war. Worry about conquest every EXCEPT the Republic...they still gain more power, more wealth, more prestige and you don't risk a war that could well result in both societies leaving the war mere shells of what they once were. Saresh however is RAPID in her insistence that the Empire be destroyed and the Jedi would like not be far off if they said "Marr may well be pragmatic enough to accomplish this because he is in many ways unique among the Sith. However he can not live forever and his successor would bring the war back to us. Do not wait for that day when they are more powerful."

Edited by Ghisallo
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