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New Player looking for RP advice, Is a Tusken too odd to integrate?


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Hello all. D'Gall from Ebon Hawk here. Im just getting back into gaming after a LONG time. Im an old school gamer, having cut my teeth on the West End Games D6 SWRPG.


I have a character concept of a captured Human, part of the first settlement of Tatooine. The settlement failed, and he was captured/taken as a small child. His force sensitivity manifested itself, and he started down the path of becoming a Storyteller. He emergence was detected by the Jedi who,lager came and took him to the temple for training. He was too old to begin training, but having already shown abilities, the council felt it would be best to keep him under strict watch rather than risk him going to the dark side.


Fun idea, fun character.


But im worried its TOO COMPLICATED to have anyone engage in RP. Few people will come up an say Hello to a 6.6 mummy wrapped beast. I think id have to find a guild that would let me in and be ok with my character concept first.


So any thoughts, feelings, advice?





Edited by diggity_dug
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We'll then... I'm gonna try it... Read up on the surprising little about tusken tribes and culture. Have my backstory all laid out, now I justhave to see if anyone will play nice....



So.. This one will continue with it's journey. This one is now without a tribe, in the strange lands of the off worlders. This one is thankful to She Who Sings, that this one was saved by the Sunblade Wielders. But to my people, Life without a tribe is death. This one is surprised of how many people know of this ones tribe, since this ounces tribe comes from a star far far away. This one is also surprised that so many offworlders treat this one with anger. I have learned this is the way of offworlders, who think only of themselves. Offworlders think themselves civilized, yet many do not put their tribe first. This one will continue with this ones trials, and perhaps be allowed to wield a Sunblade of this ones own.

Edited by diggity_dug
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Tattooing was colonized (the first time in 4200 BBY, and Revan was kicking around 3960 BBY, So I think its theoretically possible to be the child of settlers, captured (or saved) by the tusken. The tusken would just be at the start of their animosity with the offworlders non nomadic lifestyle messing with their water supply. If the dates work. What date is the game set at?
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If like to hear about why some people might not accept a tusken. I was on last night and walked by some people and they all yelled "aaaahhhh a tusken raider!"' When tuskens would not become "raiders" for another 3000 years, and how would these people even know what a Tusken is? It's a tiny planet in the backwater of the univers that has only had a colony for about 100 years. If it's just because there is an alien in odd robes, from a universe full of aliens in odd robes, that's hardly a reason to panic. I think people are role playing with player knowledge and not character knowledge. Edited by diggity_dug
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I wouldn't call your idea too complicated, I would just say be careful with the "special snowflake" characters and you'd better have really thought out your background for a character like this because interacting with other characters might be challenging.


Be prepared for other characters in the galaxy to look at you like you're crazy and be prepared for other characters not to believe what your character's story is, because that's probably how it would actually look in the Star Wars universe. Don't get upset with the owners/players of these characters if they're playing their characters accordingly and treating your character like they're crazy. I would just maybe shoot them a whisper in OOC form and kind of explain to them so they don't think you're a blooming idiot.


Like I said, I wouldn't call your idea too complicated, just a little farfetched and some might chalk your character up to a Mary Sue. If you're committed to the character and the idea though, you can make it work. You just have to make sure you know what you want for the character and ask others to help you bring that to life.


Hope this helps and good luck with the concept! Also, glad to have you! More roleplayers! RAWR!

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Thank you for your well thought out response. I understand the concept about Mary sues. I had thought that would be different in Star Wars. Is a tusken really that dmuch more strange than a Trandoshian? Or an illthorian? But the again, that's onky my opinion, and hence the reason I asked the question.


It may be that if the concept is too out there, then I have to bring it back.

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Thank you for your well thought out response. I understand the concept about Mary sues. I had thought that would be different in Star Wars. Is a tusken really that dmuch more strange than a Trandoshian? Or an illthorian? But the again, that's onky my opinion, and hence the reason I asked the question.


It may be that if the concept is too out there, then I have to bring it back.


The biggest thing that stands out is the story tbh. Obviously him being a Tusken Raider does stand out a lot more than a Trandoshian, simply because Sand People are geographically locked to Tatooine and you don't see them anywhere else in the galaxy. That said, if he was force sensitive then the Jedi would've most likely picked him up much sooner most likely before he reached the age of five. That's not to say that your story lacks merit or it can't work, I'm not trying to discourage you from doing this because it could be really cool. I would just make sure you're respecting the lore and the given setting that is Star Wars: The Old Republic. A few things you might want to do is read up on Tusken Raiders on the Star Wars Wiki, because just a brief skim of it might help you out with understanding how this may or may not work. I know they are a nomadic culture and believe in SW:TOR they're known only as Sand People, I think they get the name Tusken Raiders much later due to some raids they do or something. I also don't think there has ever been a single account of Sand People exhibiting traits of Force sensitivity. I'm not aware of any Sand People that were Force sensitive anyway.


Hope that answers your question. Like I said, I'm not discouraging you from trying to make this work because the galaxy needs more unique faces, we just don't need anymore special snowflakes. :D And I want to make sure you're prepared for any RP challenges you might face in your attempt to bring this idea to light.

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I looked long and hard at doing something along these lines, and while I'm far from being a lore master, iirc there is a sand person jedi in what would be the far future of TORs timeline?


with all the SP gear and mounts, I think there would a lot of Sand People running around if BW would just give us a damn gaffi stick weapon for force users

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Well the character concept is not that I was born a Sand Person, but the my parents were part of the first waves of settlers on Tatooine. Tatooine was first colonized around 4000 years BBY, and if SWTOR takes place during the time of Revan, that's around 3960 BBY.


As an older RPer (I cut my teeth on West End Games D6 RPG, back in 1987 and I still miss that system) I do love to do my research. The Dark Horse Comics talk about A'shrad Hett living among the Tisken. It portrays the Tusken as a nomadic, but intelligent people, and paints their conflict with the offworlders primarily due to the colonists settling on top of traditional water supplies and holy spaces.


The character concept is sound, and I think it would be fun to play, if there are a set of like minded people. So I'm on a quest to search out really good, descriptive, creative role players, and not join one of the first guilds I seen in chat. I don't want to put all this time and storytelling into a group that will dissolve, or frankly is really young. I don't mind gaming with 25+ people, but i feel a little odd being in. My 40s gaming with kids. So if Geezerguild is out there, please contact me.

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Well the character concept is not that I was born a Sand Person, but the my parents were part of the first waves of settlers on Tatooine. Tatooine was first colonized around 4000 years BBY, and if SWTOR takes place during the time of Revan, that's around 3960 BBY.


As an older RPer (I cut my teeth on West End Games D6 RPG, back in 1987 and I still miss that system) I do love to do my research. The Dark Horse Comics talk about A'shrad Hett living among the Tisken. It portrays the Tusken as a nomadic, but intelligent people, and paints their conflict with the offworlders primarily due to the colonists settling on top of traditional water supplies and holy spaces.


The character concept is sound, and I think it would be fun to play, if there are a set of like minded people. So I'm on a quest to search out really good, descriptive, creative role players, and not join one of the first guilds I seen in chat. I don't want to put all this time and storytelling into a group that will dissolve, or frankly is really young. I don't mind gaming with 25+ people, but i feel a little odd being in. My 40s gaming with kids. So if Geezerguild is out there, please contact me.


SW:TOR actually "begins" around 3,643 BBY. You have to keep in mind that this is 300+ years after Revan's adventures. A handy tool: http://ebhawk.enjin.com/forum/m/17460172/viewthread/9069035-galactic-timeline/post/51593483#p51593483

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Fair enough, thanks to everyone for the feedback. The character is not a sand person, the character is a human settler child that was captured in a raid and taken as a slave. He was raised among the sand people, until his awakening in the force. He was then rescued by Jedi, and taken to the temple
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I made a mistake in my earlier terminology, calling sand people tusken, as they were not called that until the attack in fort tusken around 98 BBY. I will refer to them as sand people from now on. Being 300 years after the first attempted settlement of Tatooine, there should be enough human settlers to support my plan. Sand people have president of taking slaves (shimi skywalker), and raising them among them, (k'shek, and A'shrad Hett).
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