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Back to the Basics: A Veteran's Perspective of a Fresh Play-Through


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Don't respond back to him. He's just a troll and counter argues everybody and deliberately tries to get you upset :) I like what you are doing. Keep us briefed! :)


Yeah I figured as much but thought I'd give at least one response. By the way, I saw one of your posts the other day and read the Mentor System in your signature. Love the idea, reminds me of early years Star Wars Galaxies when you got more xp and better pricing from taking your abilities from another player rather than a skill trainer. I know what you're suggesting is very different but they seem to correlate.

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It's unfortunate we are on different servers, otherwise I would definitely have joined you. Since coming back and creating new chars I have 1 that is 60 and a few lowbies and have found a fun guild to play with. I'm looking forward to your updates and maybe a funny story or 2 from your first FP's :)


Have fun!


Thanks for the encouragement. Glad you found a home. Excited to hit all the FPs in order again. I know I'll probably take some flak for wanting to watch the cut scenes but I guess I'll just explain that to groups up front.

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playing like this with all that presence completely defeats the purpose. literally, pointless. Start a new server or frankly, who cares...you're still way way waaaaay ahead on ability just baseline thanks to that presence than anyone EVER was when starting out.


Sorry, just a fact. You've literally defeated the purpose before you even began. oh well, nice try.


If you feel the effort is pointless, that's your prerogative. The point of this play-through is not to make the game as difficult as possible, it's to make the game seem as much like it was from a few years ago and to gain as much enjoyment from it as possible. The presence may very well make the gameplay easier. I may down the line find it more fun to incorporate more new features currently excluded by my rules. If so, the rules will be changed. For now, I'm getting this setup as closely aligned to Day 1 as it can be 3 years later. As stated in my OP, I like my home server and between work, classes, and other obligations don't have the time to commit to 2 servers. So no, there's not really anything I can do about the presence besides perhaps intentionally lowball a companion which I may consider. But seeing as presence only effects solo content with companions and not FPs, PvP, etc.; I don't see it to be too gamebreaking to the intentions of this thread.

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Unless he finds a work-around like not properly gearing his companion or something.


And it's not going to matter for quite a few levels, is it?


Not a bad idea on the companion gearing. As I don't even have the first comp yet, I'll put more thought into this when I get closer to it becoming an issue. I may set some kind of rule along the lines of companions can only use gear x number of levels below me.

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[*]No Cartel Market Help (Boosts, Armor, Weapons, Crystals, etc.)


To each their own, but your list sounds like abuse to me :)


That being said, the CM stuff is mostly vanity, the CM crystals do help, a +41 at lvl 10 is nice, but it isn't a major game changer. The rest is either speed or cosmetic.


[*]No Speeder Training until level 25 (Rank 2 and 3 to be acquired at level 40 and 50 respectively)


That system was stupid at launch and it is stupid today, the idea that you can't use a speeder in SW when you're a Jedi or a Sith is just insane, they should be level 1 skills.


[*]No cut scenes may be skipped


You'll enjoy some of them again, to be sure... but I imagine this will quickly get old...


[*]Sprint ability will be disabled until level 15.


Another example of why the launch devs were idiots and didn't deserve their jobs, a Jedi can't run? Really?


Who actually sat down and thought that was a good idea?

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If you feel the effort is pointless, that's your prerogative. The point of this play-through is not to make the game as difficult as possible, it's to make the game seem as much like it was from a few years ago and to gain as much enjoyment from it as possible. The presence may very well make the gameplay easier. I may down the line find it more fun to incorporate more new features currently excluded by my rules. If so, the rules will be changed. For now, I'm getting this setup as closely aligned to Day 1 as it can be 3 years later. As stated in my OP, I like my home server and between work, classes, and other obligations don't have the time to commit to 2 servers. So no, there's not really anything I can do about the presence besides perhaps intentionally lowball a companion which I may consider. But seeing as presence only effects solo content with companions and not FPs, PvP, etc.; I don't see it to be too gamebreaking to the intentions of this thread.

He's yet another troll that doesn't seem to grasp the concept of much and loves telling people's ideas off and thinking things are stupid and doesn't see other people like different things. With some people, if it doesn't relate to them, they get very defensive and lash out. Keep doing what you are doing. It does make the game more enjoyable to always start like that :)

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Sounds like an interesting experiment, but like others mentioned before, how are you working around class buffs, presence, and all the other passive buffs?


You make a good point, one that I often forget about...


You can't turn all that off, and it is more than just presence boosts... Rolling on a new server is really the only way to do it...

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Another good point. I'll keep thinking about it but at current can't find a real way around this since I want to stay on my home server and we can't disconnect a character from legacy. May be a nice argument to allow accounts multiple legacies. That being said, it's going to be a chore to get myself full modifiable gear let alone my companions so I don't think the presence and other legacy perks will off balance this too much. Your post did make me think about legacy abilities though which I had not addressed. I'll update the rules and observe the following:


The heroic moment ability may be used. Legacy abilities may not be.


Actually, there is a simple solution... Start a new account, F2P, on the same server... you won't have any of your account unlocks or other buffs...


Even if you start a toon on a new server, you'll still have the CM unlocks. A new account will have nothing.

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To each their own, but your list sounds like abuse to me :)


That being said, the CM stuff is mostly vanity, the CM crystals do help, a +41 at lvl 10 is nice, but it isn't a major game changer. The rest is either speed or cosmetic.



That system was stupid at launch and it is stupid today, the idea that you can't use a speeder in SW when you're a Jedi or a Sith is just insane, they should be level 1 skills.



Another example of why the launch devs were idiots and didn't deserve their jobs, a Jedi can't run? Really?


Who actually sat down and thought that was a good idea?


I know the CM is mostly vanity but my primary concern is the ease at which modifiable gear is acquired through the CM. I want to try to find an appearance I like and have to work for it. As for the movement abilities, who knows why they decided to do it in the beginning but I will say it forces you to take in more scenery. It would take a lot more time but depending on how it goes, I may consider walking more even after acquiring the speeder. I know I'm still really early in this but I can't complain about what's been done so far. Hoping to log some time tonight but right now I'm stuck at work monitoring this thread.

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Actually, there is a simple solution... Start a new account, F2P, on the same server... you won't have any of your account unlocks or other buffs...


Even if you start a toon on a new server, you'll still have the CM unlocks. A new account will have nothing.


Starting a fresh account goes hand in hand with my other comments. I want the character to be functional for me at end game. I'm not going to pay for 2 accounts and a free to play account isn't functional. Also without major CM unlocks, a F2P would actually be exponentially MORE limiting than Day 1 as all accounts were subs.

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I know the CM is mostly vanity but my primary concern is the ease at which modifiable gear is acquired through the CM. I want to try to find an appearance I like and have to work for it. As for the movement abilities, who knows why they decided to do it in the beginning but I will say it forces you to take in more scenery. It would take a lot more time but depending on how it goes, I may consider walking more even after acquiring the speeder. I know I'm still really early in this but I can't complain about what's been done so far. Hoping to log some time tonight but right now I'm stuck at work monitoring this thread.


Hey, it is a game, play it any way you like... That is why I said "to each their own... :)


I just wouldn't find it fun... but that's me...

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Starting a fresh account goes hand in hand with my other comments. I want the character to be functional for me at end game. I'm not going to pay for 2 accounts and a free to play account isn't functional. Also without major CM unlocks, a F2P would actually be exponentially MORE limiting than Day 1 as all accounts were subs.


I just realized I never really put my 2 cents in .... as I stated before I have rinsed and repeated the game starting fresh about 4 times since beta and I have enjoyed the stories and even walking around and doing all the quests over again. For me it was never rushed and played how I felt . I found starting over again to be very rewarding. I would even be excited to raid again :) It gave me a new perspective on the class I chose and improved my skills in some cases.


Anyways, hope you get to log in some hours soon... maybe you could even stream some video.

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Hey, it is a game, play it any way you like... That is why I said "to each their own... :)


I just wouldn't find it fun... but that's me...


Sorry if my response seemed at all confrontational. I do appreciate the input/suggestions. I love the CM, in fact I'll be buying a hypercrate of the most recent pack to share among my mains. I just think using the older armor sets will be rewarding.

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I just realized I never really put my 2 cents in .... as I stated before I have rinsed and repeated the game starting fresh about 4 times since beta and I have enjoyed the stories and even walking around and doing all the quests over again. For me it was never rushed and played how I felt . I found starting over again to be very rewarding. I would even be excited to raid again :) It gave me a new perspective on the class I chose and improved my skills in some cases.


Anyways, hope you get to log in some hours soon... maybe you could even stream some video.


I hadn't thought about streaming video. It's not something I've ever given much thought to so I'll look into it and if it looks beneficial, I'll consider it and update the OP if necessary.

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Not join a guild (i.e. no guild bonus, no guild chat) until mid level

Play all fps

No group finder (use chat only)

Play all heroics quests (can be solo or grouped)

Make new friends!


I'm already in my guild. This is the same as it was day one for me as I was an officer in a prelaunch guild where we all met in beta and early access.


I had planned to play all of the FPs but will add it to the rules and make it official.


I'll consider the group finder idea though it will be difficult. Day 1, there were hundreds of players working the FPs and it took 5 minutes to find a group. The group finder in its current state takes longer than that as it is so the 2 factors seem to be pretty similar.


I'll absolutely be playing all the side quests, heroics included but again will add it to the list to make it official.


As for making new friends, most definitely. I may even do some guild recruiting as I go to bolster our ranks with up and coming players.

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I applaud your undertaking, and can - on a much much smaller scale - relate.


I've recently got a new main after taking him through all the motions, following these (achievement driven) principles:


  • Accept all missions I come across
  • Complete all planetary heroics and GF missions at least once
  • Uncover all the maps fully (Galactic Explorer)
  • Uncover all codex (Beastmaster and Loremaster)
  • Get all datacrons regardless if relevant


However, seeing as it's soon 3 years since I dinged 50 with my first toon my ulterior motivation was that I wanted to go through each planet slowly for the purpose of being an explorer and just enjoy the game all over. Therefore there was no rushing through towards end game. As such:


  • No XP-boost
  • No Warzone boost, class story boost, etc


Funnily enough a side effect of doing this was that my toon became rather wealthy all on his own from selling whatever would drop, and from being a self-sufficient crafter (Implants for the most part). I digress, but mention this as I often wonder where the demand for gold sellers appear from.


Have fun and hope you keep us updated !

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I applaud your undertaking, and can - on a much much smaller scale - relate.


I've recently got a new main after taking him through all the motions, following these (achievement driven) principles:


  • Accept all missions I come across
  • Complete all planetary heroics and GF missions at least once
  • Uncover all the maps fully (Galactic Explorer)
  • Uncover all codex (Beastmaster and Loremaster)
  • Get all datacrons regardless if relevant


However, seeing as it's soon 3 years since I dinged 50 with my first toon my ulterior motivation was that I wanted to go through each planet slowly for the purpose of being an explorer and just enjoy the game all over. Therefore there was no rushing through towards end game. As such:


  • No XP-boost
  • No Warzone boost, class story boost, etc


Funnily enough a side effect of doing this was that my toon became rather wealthy all on his own from selling whatever would drop, and from being a self-sufficient crafter (Implants for the most part). I digress, but mention this as I often wonder where the demand for gold sellers appear from.


Have fun and hope you keep us updated !


Lazy people is where the demand appears from. And people who don't know how to resist buying frivolous things until they get that one frivolous thing.

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Hey guys just wanted to update you on why I haven't been posting. This weekend was double XP and I feel that defeats the purpose of this experiment. So Maynel will see activity again late tonight or tomorrow.


nice thing of you.

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I start characters to experience the game again but don't do it to this extent and haven't in a while actually, so it warms me to another doing this :). I usually just start one, get my legacy stuff, my buffs, holotrainer, armor etc and put it on but I started one today that I will play through with nothing from my legacy, no cartel armor, no cartel crystal, or any of that stuff, no sprint through the whole game at all. I am contemplating also playing with no speeder. To take the game in more for what it is and really appreciate every nook and cranny along with the details.


Keep us briefed on how you are doing :)

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Alright everyone, spent a good bit of my free time today playing with streaming which is something I have not done before. I'm now logged in and actually playing. I'm updating the OP and then getting to it. I apologize for the delay on this thread due to double XP but during the event, I did come up with a few more rules for this using a different toon. They are as follows:


1. No KDY ever


2. No Color Unification Option (Not looking forward to this one)


3. Complete ALL bonus series.


The stream can be found at: http://www.twitch.tv/jacobise

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