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A matter of opinions


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Hello all,


I wanted to post this since we all have our takes on what is good and what isn't. I spent many years playing Final Fantasy 11 mainly for the great story lines Square Enix seems to always put together. After they decided that building a relic weapon was no longer worth doing, and given the fact that I was on my 7th year of building my relic shield (I finally finished it that year), I decided to try SWTOR.


I had tried KOTOR and other SW games and loved them all, so playing SWTOR was an easy decision for me. I initially started, like most people do, with a force-wielding type class. In my case, Sith Warrior. We all had the lightsaber duels in our heads, and some of us with cousins etc while growing up. How many times did we do the "pshunnnn" sound of a light saber turning on?!! Although my years as a Paladin in FFXI came to an end, one always has that "I will go back at one point or another" mentality when it comes to "leaving" an MMO. That was the main reason I wanted to give SWTOR a real shot. I wanted to experience the lore of the SW universe as told by the developers. Today, after 2 years playing this game, I find myself still interested in the game's story lines for classes, side quests and expansions. A testament of good writing and programming.


Everyone has an opinion, we all differ or agree, but as far as I am concerned, from the original content to this last expansion, SWTOR is a solid choice for anyone trying out a new MMO or looking for a new home to play. Job well done EA, BioWare and Lucasart!



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Kill a Jedi, no one cares.. kill a Sith and the galaxy has peace! Who then has the real power?



That really is good!


I really like the stories told in this game. It is a lot of fun playing because part of the fun is seeing what happens next.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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I actually came up with that when trying to explain how power is balanced in the SW universe to a friend. He wanted to know why I have such a fascination with Darth Vader and the Empire. I told him the Republic is always struggling with something and "weak" in many aspects. I liked it so much, I've made it my sig and currently used in the guild lol!


Thanks for posting!

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