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Possible Hero Engine update to help with FPS


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Hello all,


Subscriber and daily forum browser here. I don't post at all but I found something that seems to be pretty interesting and could potentially help this game's FPS a lot.


The simulation and rendering processes of the engine are currently run on a single-thread. However, it is planned for there to be a multi-threaded release, but the publish date has not yet been determined.[4]


Link to page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HeroEngine


Basically instead of using one core in the processor, it would be using more, if not all of them. Other games have this issue such as Stronghold Crusader 2.


Anyways, thought this was interesting. Would be great if we could get a developer post on if this may be happening and if when.

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It's not. This game doesn't actually run on the Hero engine. It runs on a custom engine that was derived from the Hero engine about a decade ago, and is so different now that it is incompatible with any current version of Hero.


At least, that's how I understand it. Either way, devs have said that there will never be an engine update (specifically, in the pre-3.0 press event).

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It's not. This game doesn't actually run on the Hero engine. It runs on a custom engine that was derived from the Hero engine about a decade ago, and is so different now that it is incompatible with any current version of Hero.


At least, that's how I understand it. Either way, devs have said that there will never be an engine update (specifically, in the pre-3.0 press event).


No it runs on the Hero engine. Is it modified? Sure, virtually every game that runs on a base engine modifies it somehow.


Now in terms of computer code yeah, sometimes a change in the engine for this game means that it won't work immediately with another game, but it doesn't mean it is not running the hero engine, it just means you added custom bits. A better analogy may be a house. Same house, walls, roof and HVAC but Bob wanted a breakfast nook in his house so Sally has more room for a bigger kitchen table. Sally though wanted a bar between the kitchen and the dinning room, so Bob has more wall space for a bigger China cabinet.


The big thing about HeroEngine though is not how it performs of the player end but how it works for developers. http://www.heroengine.com/heroengine/why-heroengine/

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This game very much does run on the heroengine but it is modified by BioWare. So it's a hybrid heroengine/customengine sort of thing. But as they figure out things how to put in their hybrid things will start happening.
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Worse, the SWTOR Hero engine is derived from the Hero beta, which, like most betas, was rather... crappy.


Simply put, you could make an entire new game on the cost of updating the engine, which would certainly be more cost effective to boot.


It wasn't based on the Beta...it was based on HeroEngine 1. What made it feel like a beta is the mods they did to it. People said the "engine was unfinished" but really all that was unfinished were the changes Bioware had to make to get what they wanted. So I suppose you could say they launched the specifically modified SWTOR version of the engine while still in a Beta state but the core engine they bought the license for was finished. Now since HeroEngine2 (aka Sapphire) was in Beta around the time of launch some people thing that is the Engine SWTOR was built on... Its not.


BTW I still think it was a questionable choice of an Engine. A 200 million dollar project built with an Engine that had been around for years and still had yet to be used in any game that made it past the planning phase let alone been launched? I think the devs were so enamored with the cool stuff it let's you do on the Dev end they didn't stop to think about the results on the final product end.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Good grief, how many times does this dead horse need to be beaten?


Bottom line, Bioware licensed and unfinished version of the Hero engine with the plan to finish it themselves. They modified/changed it to the point that Hero couldn't give them any support. Ties were cut.


No updates, upgrades, or any other things that Hero does to anything they have now will ever have any affect on the engine SWTOR runs on. The SWTOR engine used to be, at one time, a version of Hero, but not anymore.


Just one of the many links available out there on this topic

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Good grief, how many times does this dead horse need to be beaten?


Bottom line, Bioware licensed and unfinished version of the Hero engine with the plan to finish it themselves. They modified/changed it to the point that Hero couldn't give them any support. Ties were cut.


No updates, upgrades, or any other things that Hero does to anything they have now will ever have any affect on the engine SWTOR runs on. The SWTOR engine used to be, at one time, a version of Hero, but not anymore.


Just one of the many links available out there on this topic


I have no reason why people need to keep bringing up the engine. Like they have a chip on their shoulder or something!

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Good grief, how many times does this dead horse need to be beaten?


Bottom line, Bioware licensed and unfinished version of the Hero engine with the plan to finish it themselves. They modified/changed it to the point that Hero couldn't give them any support. Ties were cut.


No updates, upgrades, or any other things that Hero does to anything they have now will ever have any affect on the engine SWTOR runs on. The SWTOR engine used to be, at one time, a version of Hero, but not anymore.


Just one of the many links available out there on this topic


Exactly. And I can't find it now but the HE devs said the engine this game uses now is completely unrecognizable. There's blame all around. Maybe HE really is only good for prototyping (aka, what ESO used it for while running on a different engine in production). Maybe BW took something that was actually good and butchered the hell out of it. Choosing an unproven and unfinished engine was 100% a mistake.


Any way you want to slice it, the HE devs can't support or patch this game even if they wanted to. No engine-specific bug fixes or performance fixes from HE. It's all on EAWare now.

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certain rumors on the web suggest that they will be switching to a new engine in little over a year or so .the bad news is it will be for swtor 2


Lol, if they make an entirely new game, the whole "not enough money to update the engine" argument goes out the window.

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Lol, if they make an entirely new game, the whole "not enough money to update the engine" argument goes out the window.


No, not really. New games make a ton more money than games that have been out for over 3 years. Frankly SWTOR 2 would be the best thing that could happen to this game franchise at this point, for everyone.

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The quote you picked has a very bad source + the quote seems to be at least 3 years old:



I wouldn't get my hopes up from that particular quote, especially not considering the issues put up by previous posts in this thread.

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certain rumors on the web suggest that they will be switching to a new engine in little over a year or so .the bad news is it will be for swtor 2


SWTOR 2 will never happen. This info comes from some random guy on reddit who we know nothing about. However, SWTOR will get updated to a new engine with 4.0 (probably a proprietary engine made by Bioware). With this new engine, there will be new mechanics such as underwater combat, day/night cycles, and multiple health bars on certain bosses.

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SWTOR 2 will never happen. This info comes from some random guy on reddit who we know nothing about. However, SWTOR will get updated to a new engine with 4.0 (probably a proprietary engine made by Bioware). With this new engine, there will be new mechanics such as underwater combat, day/night cycles, and multiple health bars on certain bosses.


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No, not really. New games make a ton more money than games that have been out for over 3 years. Frankly SWTOR 2 would be the best thing that could happen to this game franchise at this point, for everyone.


You neglected to mention that new games also cost more to make. After 3 years, where the game is now, do you think investors are going to say "Hey, surely we'll get it right a second time, here's 350 million more dollars. " Working in corporate finance, I can tell you that won't happen. TOR2 is a pipe dream, not just a rumor. Love it, or hate it, this is what you've got.

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You neglected to mention that new games also cost more to make. After 3 years, where the game is now, do you think investors are going to say "Hey, surely we'll get it right a second time, here's 350 million more dollars. " Working in corporate finance, I can tell you that won't happen. TOR2 is a pipe dream, not just a rumor. Love it, or hate it, this is what you've got.


If you're referring to the fact that this game still makes tons of money, then yeah, that is a major reason why they wouldn't abandon it to make a new one. But given the fact that Star Wars is one of the most famous IPs ever, it's pretty likely that any new game they make would make back all of the money invested in it almost immediately on release, just like this one did. So yeah, it's not going to happen, but it would still be win-win for everyone if it did.

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No, not really. New games make a ton more money than games that have been out for over 3 years. Frankly SWTOR 2 would be the best thing that could happen to this game franchise at this point, for everyone.


Honestly, I really, REALLY doubt it, with the miserable state this game is in atm ( don't get me wrong im still stupid addicted to it ) people who already left would likely not buy swtor 2, and I know I wouldn't buy it if the same incompetent team was involved.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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I have no reason why people need to keep bringing up the engine. Like they have a chip on their shoulder or something!


It seems most of us do have something against the Hero engine that SWTOR used for good reason. I've been here since the beginning and before beta, as soon as ppl learned that SWTOR was using the Hero engine, most of us that know a thing or 2 about Game Engines knew that Bioware was using a Bad engine. Even SWG seemed to have 1 better, along with other MMOs out at the time.


Their is a way to modify the way the Engine is now, though it would take time to make the Engine better with the New Hero Engine Updates, though most ppl and Devs don't like the Hero Engine at all.


The Hero Engine was a bad mistake.

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This will all be fixed when the Andromeda galaxy collides with the milkyway so in few billion years, will all moved on long before the mistake that was this engine is fix.


to better mmo's sad same swtor is great game its just the engine is trash

Edited by Kyuuu
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